Teaching the Partisan Song to a New Generation

Recite and understand the meaning of the poem.

Zoe Nit Keynmol was written as a poem in Yiddish by 20 year old Hirsh Glik in the Vilna ghetto in 1943.

The words are powerful and inspirational.

It is the anthem of the Survivors.  Our goal is to teach it to the next generation of school students so that the legacy can continue!

I have found translations in 14 other languages with some variations within these languages – see Lyrics below.

You can recite it as a poem as it was originally written!

Here is Freidi Mrocki, a teacher at Shalom Aleichem College in Melbourne, reciting Aaron Kremer’s English translation.

Zog Nit Keynmol – The Poem

Here is an idea for your school students or youth group: Recite the poem, Zog Nit Keynmol, written by Hirsh Glik 20, in the Vilna ghetto in 1943. Do it in your own language! And then SHARE it with …

Source: elirab.me/zog-nit-keynmol-the-poem/

Here is a combination of Yiddish, Hebrew and English.

Here it is being sung by the Herzlia School Vocal Ensemble in Cape Town during an online class with five schools in the Former Soviet Union in Kiev, Chisinau, Vilnius, Kedainiai and Kalvarija.

The ORT Videos

ORT Videos

King David High School Victory Park, Johannesburg

For more languages and versions, click on the link:


 Lyrics in Different Languages English Aaron Cremer’s version Lithuanian Žydų Partizanų Daina arba Partizanų Himnas Mes Esame Čia Niekad nesakykite kad jūs išeinate į paskutinį kelią… Tik nie…

Source: elirab.me/lyrics/

Schools & Students Sing & Recite – We Share

We invite you, your school choir or group to sing or recite Zog Nit Keynmol, the Partisan Song. Please record it then share on YouTube, Facebook or Vimeo or send to me by Dropbox and I’ll pos…

Source: elirab.me/schools/

For more info, visit:

Zog Nit Keynmol

Menu Zog Nit Keynmol  –  Main Page – scroll down The Legacy of the Partisan Song Hirsh Glik by Phillip Maisel Schools & students  sing or recite the anthem, record it and post it on…

Source: elirab.me/zog-nit-keynmol/

The Cape Jewish Chronicle

Finally, here is a full page article in the  April edition of the Cape Jewish Chronicle, Cape Town, written by Tali Feinberg.

Source: cjc.org.za

Also on Facebook:

Updated Zog Nit Keynmol

Hi All

I have added new items to my Jewish Partisan Song portal.

Click on the link –  Zog Nit Keynmol below

Zog Nit Keynmol

I have additional resources thanks to the numerous people who wrote to me after I posted messages on JewishGen. Thanks so much.

Have a look at Other Resources as well as Our Vision for this project.

Please share this site with your contacts. You are welcome to subscribe to elirab.me.



Workshop at the Holocaust & Genocide Centre

On 15 February I gave a couple of workshops at the Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide Centre.

One session was for survivors and the other for staff and members.

(L-R). Eli Rabinowitz & Don Krausz

This was the first time I had presented specifically to a group of survivors, although I had filmed several survivors’ testimonies in the past.

I showed photos from my trips to the Baltics & Eastern Europe as well as some videos from my Zog Nit Keynmol project for King David & Herzlia Schools.

The most noticeable outcome was the positive reaction to my initiative to get our youth learning and singing Zog Nit Keynmol, the Partisan Song.

(L-R). Eli, Veronica Phillips, Barbara Berman

For more details on Zog Nit Keynmol, please visit:


The two key videos to watch are:

the Phillip Maisel Interview

Herzlia’s Vocal Ensemble Sings:

Below is a video of Freidi Mrocki reciting the poem in English. Freidi is the teacher at Sholem Aleichem College in Melbourne, who recorded the interview with Phillip Maisel in 2015.


(L-R). Shirley Sapire, Betty Slowatek, Eli, Margaret Hoffman


IMG_5458 IMG_5450 IMG_5462 IMG_5463 IMG_5467 IMG_5468 IMG_5480 IMG_5481 IMG_5447 Holocaust Centre

The Legacy of the Partisan Song

Zog Nit Keynmol – the partisan song

A simple request from King David High School in Johannesburg has now snowballed into an international project involving schools in South Africa, Australia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Moldova.

This is an amazing opportunity for this beautiful and inspiring song to be heard. Sung by young students, it rekindles hope for their and future generations.

Please contact me at eli@elirab.com to find out how your school or organisation can become involved.

Click on the link below and read more details about this anthem and how this project developed.

Zog Nit Keynmol

King David Linksfield

King David Linksfield

King David Victory Park

My radio interview on ChaiFM on 7 February.

Click here  Zog Nit Keynmol for more details on the project and videos used in the presentation.

ORT Solomo Aleichemo, Vilnius, Lithuania

On 11 January 2017, I was asked by Rabbi Craig Kacev, head of Jewish Studies at King David Schools, Johannesburg, South Africa, whether I could make a presentation to the students at the Linksfield…

Click here to continue with more details: elirab.me/zog-nit-keynmol/

Talks in South Africa

In Johannesburg


Sunday 5 February at 7.30pm

Please join us for a presentation by


Traces and Memories of Jewish Life
Connecting to our Litvak Shtetls

Eli Rabinowitz’s presentation has been compiled from six visits to Litvak lands.
His collection of photos and stories showcases:
– the shtetl, where most South Africans originated
– the people on the ground memorialising the shtetl
– the Tolerance Education Centres in schools
– the use of online resources to advance your own heritage research

“How will our children know who they are, if they don’t know where they came from?” —John Steinbeck

Eli Rabinowitz (ex- South Africa) is involved in Jewish community activities, filming events, photographing, researching, lecturing internationally and blogging on Jewish life and heritage. He presented at the IAJGS 2015 conference in Jerusalem. He manages 76 KehilaLinks websites for JewishGen. He led the first JewishGen Virtual Heritage Tour of Europe. Eli lives in Perth, Australia.

WHEN: Sunday 5 February at 7.30pm
DONATION: R90.00 (including refreshments)
VENUE: Clive M Beck Auditorium
               Rabbi Cyril Harris Community Centre (RCHCC)
               cnr Glenhove Rd & 4th Street Houghton, East of the M1 
BOOKING: Hazel or René (011 728 8088/8378) After Hours (011 728 8378)
email: rchcc@telkomsa.net or rene.s@telkomsa.net

Bank details:
Nedbank Norwood      Code: 191905
Account name: RCHCC
Account number: 1920 116 699

Please put your name as reference

In Cape Town

Traces and Memories of Jewish Life

Connecting to our Litvak shtetls

Eli Rabinowitz’s presentation has been compiled from six visits to Litvak lands

His collection of photos and stories showcases:

– the shtetl, where most South Africans originated 

– the people on the ground memorialising the shtetl

– the Tolerance Education Centres in schools 

– the use of online resources to advance your own heritage research

Gardens Synagogue – Nelson Mandela Auditorium

 8 February 2017 at 7:30 pm

My Upcoming Talks at the Great Park & Gardens Shuls

 Traces and Memories of Jewish Life  Connecting to our Litvak shtetls The Great Park Synagogue RCHCC, Johannesburg 5 February 2017 at 7:30pm and The Nelson Mandela Auditorium at the Gardens Shul, C…

Source: elirab.me/my-upcoming-talk-at-the-great-park/

My Talks at the Great Park & Gardens Shuls

 Traces and Memories of Jewish Life 

Connecting to our Litvak shtetls
The Great Park Synagogue RCHCC, Johannesburg
5 February 2017 at 7:30pm


The Nelson Mandela Auditorium at the Gardens Shul, Cape Town


Chaim Bargman has been a beloved guide and genealogist for international Jewish-interest tourists in the Kaunas (Kovno) area for decades, and was immortalized in the late Dan Jacobson’s Heshel’s Kingdom (1998).

With a previous speaker, Dr Samuel Kassow in Seattle WA

With Professor Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Program Director of Polin, Warsaw

175th Anniversary of Cape Town Jewry – Videos


Emdon Video Productions filmed the evening’s celebrations which included:

the hilarious MC, Nik Rabinowitz, no relation;

the Gardens’ chairman Solly Berger, who is my cousin;

Chief Rabbi of the UK & the Commonwealth, Ephraim Mirvis;

Chief Rabbi of South Africa, Warren Goldstein;

Rabbi Yossi Goldman of Sydenham Highlands North Shul;

Rabbi Pinchus Feldman of Sydney;

Rabbi Osher & Sarah Feldman of the Gardens Shul;

and South African music icon, Johnny Clegg.

Thanks to Emdon Video Productions for allowing me to extract some footage from their video.


That’s Jill and me on the top right of the display. We were married at the Gardens Shul on 31 July 1977

Rabbi Osher & Sarah Feldman of the Gardens Shul


Here are selected clips from the video. This video clip is for South African Jews, especially Boerejode. It is hilarious.


The Cape Town KehilaLink:


My Other KehilaLinks

