ORT Videos

We feature videos made especially for this project by schools belonging to the World ORT network.  See below. To find out more about World ORT, the world’s largest Jewish education and vocational training NGO, visit their website: www.ort.org.

World ORT
Started in 1880, World ORT is today operational in 37 countries and helps around 300 000 students around the world. Specialised in technology, our mission is to provide communities wherever they are, with the skills and knowledge necessary to cope with the complexities and uncertainties of their environment.


Compilation video:

Herzl Lyceum ORT, Chisinau, Moldova

Tallinn, Estonia

Solomo Aleichemo ORT, Vilnius, Lithuania

Chernivsti, Ukraine

Kiev, Ukraine

Odessa, Ukraine

Moscow, Russia

Kazan, Russia

Samara, Russia


Other Schools – South Africa


King David Victory Park


Melbourne Jewish Youth Choir

Mt Scopus Melbourne

Shalom Aleichem College, Melbourne

The Poem recited in English by their teacher

Dylan Kotkis of Carmel School, Perth


Atzaltynas Gymnasium, Kedainiai

Read by Giedrius Galvanauskas, student.



