Where’s Wally (and Bernice)!

With Jill, and our visitors, Bernice & Wally Kegel, from Seattle

A tourist drive around Perth and Fremantle


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Old Synagogue, Fremantle

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Notre Dame University – Manjaree Place

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    It was full house at Fremantle Notre Dame University’s Manjaree Place this morning for the unveiling of the major 5.5 x 2.2 metre  Manjaree Mia Kaart Aboriginal painting. The wo…

Source: freoview.wordpress.com/2017/12/06/stunning-aboriginal-mural-at-notre-dame-uni/


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Trigg Beach

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Hillarys Boat Harbour

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Workshop at the Holocaust & Genocide Centre

On 15 February I gave a couple of workshops at the Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide Centre.

One session was for survivors and the other for staff and members.

(L-R). Eli Rabinowitz & Don Krausz

This was the first time I had presented specifically to a group of survivors, although I had filmed several survivors’ testimonies in the past.

I showed photos from my trips to the Baltics & Eastern Europe as well as some videos from my Zog Nit Keynmol project for King David & Herzlia Schools.

The most noticeable outcome was the positive reaction to my initiative to get our youth learning and singing Zog Nit Keynmol, the Partisan Song.

(L-R). Eli, Veronica Phillips, Barbara Berman

For more details on Zog Nit Keynmol, please visit:


The two key videos to watch are:

the Phillip Maisel Interview

Herzlia’s Vocal Ensemble Sings:

Below is a video of Freidi Mrocki reciting the poem in English. Freidi is the teacher at Sholem Aleichem College in Melbourne, who recorded the interview with Phillip Maisel in 2015.


(L-R). Shirley Sapire, Betty Slowatek, Eli, Margaret Hoffman


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Talks in South Africa

In Johannesburg


Sunday 5 February at 7.30pm

Please join us for a presentation by


Traces and Memories of Jewish Life
Connecting to our Litvak Shtetls

Eli Rabinowitz’s presentation has been compiled from six visits to Litvak lands.
His collection of photos and stories showcases:
– the shtetl, where most South Africans originated
– the people on the ground memorialising the shtetl
– the Tolerance Education Centres in schools
– the use of online resources to advance your own heritage research

“How will our children know who they are, if they don’t know where they came from?” —John Steinbeck

Eli Rabinowitz (ex- South Africa) is involved in Jewish community activities, filming events, photographing, researching, lecturing internationally and blogging on Jewish life and heritage. He presented at the IAJGS 2015 conference in Jerusalem. He manages 76 KehilaLinks websites for JewishGen. He led the first JewishGen Virtual Heritage Tour of Europe. Eli lives in Perth, Australia.

WHEN: Sunday 5 February at 7.30pm
DONATION: R90.00 (including refreshments)
VENUE: Clive M Beck Auditorium
               Rabbi Cyril Harris Community Centre (RCHCC)
               cnr Glenhove Rd & 4th Street Houghton, East of the M1 
BOOKING: Hazel or René (011 728 8088/8378) After Hours (011 728 8378)
email: rchcc@telkomsa.net or rene.s@telkomsa.net

Bank details:
Nedbank Norwood      Code: 191905
Account name: RCHCC
Account number: 1920 116 699

Please put your name as reference

In Cape Town

Traces and Memories of Jewish Life

Connecting to our Litvak shtetls

Eli Rabinowitz’s presentation has been compiled from six visits to Litvak lands

His collection of photos and stories showcases:

– the shtetl, where most South Africans originated 

– the people on the ground memorialising the shtetl

– the Tolerance Education Centres in schools 

– the use of online resources to advance your own heritage research

Gardens Synagogue – Nelson Mandela Auditorium

 8 February 2017 at 7:30 pm

My Upcoming Talks at the Great Park & Gardens Shuls

 Traces and Memories of Jewish Life  Connecting to our Litvak shtetls The Great Park Synagogue RCHCC, Johannesburg 5 February 2017 at 7:30pm and The Nelson Mandela Auditorium at the Gardens Shul, C…

Source: elirab.me/my-upcoming-talk-at-the-great-park/

Useful Resources by Edward David Luft – A New Website

A New Website 
Capture Orts- title page

This website contains links to two separate databases.  The first one is a listing of the third class railway fare from all of the train stations in Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Switzerland to le Havre and Hamburg when paid in U. S. dollars in New York or Chicago.  The second database is a gazetteer of all of the locations in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1905.

Further resources will be added to this website from time to time.

To view, click on Useful Resources by Edward David Luft. The site is managed by Eli Rabinowitz

About Edward David Luft
Edward David Luft is a regular contributor to the hard copy periodical, Avotaynu:  The International Review of Jewish Genealogy and to Gen Dobry!, available only online.  A complete list of his publications appears at https://sites.google.com/site/edwarddavidluftbibliography/home/edward-david-luft-bibliography
To view Edward’s talk on his book: The Jews of Posen Province in the Nineteenth Century, click here

Here are more resources from Edward David Luft on two of my JewishGen KehilaLinks:




About Eli Rabinowitz

Eli Rabinowitz is involved in Jewish community activities, filming events, photographing, researching, lecturing internationally and blogging on Jewish life and heritage; he presented a talk at the IAJGS 2015 conference in Jerusalem. Rabinowitz manages over 70 KehilaLinks for JewishGen. and led the first JewishGen Virtual Heritage Tour of Europe. He lives in Perth, Australia.


Eli and Edward David Luft at the Library Of Congress  – August 2016.

We have been corresponding since October 2013 and met last month for the first time in Washington DC.


Marijampole 2016


City in Lithuania
MarijampolÄ— is an industrial city and the capital of the MarijampolÄ— County in the south of Lithuania, bordering Poland and Russian Kaliningrad oblast, and Lake ViÅ¡tytis. The population of MarijampolÄ— is 48,700. Wikipedia
Area21 km²
Population54,131 (Jan 20, 2016)

The Marijampole KehilaLink, Click on image

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For my 2015 images of Marijampole, click on this image:
My Jewish Virtual Heritage Travel post from 2015


The cemetery

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The former synagogue

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Around the town

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Seta – Jonava – Vandziogala – Kedainiai

I travelled with my friend, Laima Ardaviciene, the English teacher at Kedainiai High School, to Seta, Jonava, Vandizogala and back to Kedainiai


Å Ä—ta


Quick facts

Å Ä—ta is a small town in Kaunas County in central Lithuania. In 2001 it had a population of 1025.Wikipedia
  • Population:
    • 1,025 (2001)
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Quick facts

Jonava is the ninth largest city in Lithuania with a population of ca 30,000. It is located in Kaunas County in central Lithuania, 30 km north east of Kaunas, the second-largest city in Lithuania. It is served by Kaunas International Airport.Wikipedia
  • Municipality:
    • Jonava District Municipality
  • Area:
    • 13.67 km²


Jewish buildings, including the former synagogue. Information posters on the buildings.


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Former synagogue Former synagogue

The Jewish Cemetery

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The amphitheatre and holiday entertainment

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Quick facts

Vandžiogala is a small town in Kaunas County, Kaunas district municipality in central Lithuania. It is located 29 km north of Kaunas next to Urka brook. A Holy Trinity church was built in Vandžiogala in 1830.Wikipedia
  • Population:
    • 946 (2001)

The Holocaust site on the outskirts of the town.

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Quick facts

Kėdainiai is one of the oldest cities in Lithuania. It is located 51 km north of Kaunas on the banks of the Nevėžis River. First mentioned in the 1372 Livonian Chronicle of Hermann de Wartberge, its population as of 2008 was 30,214.Wikipedia
  • Municipality:
    • KÄ—dainiai District Municipality
  • Population:
    • 26,080 (2013)
  • Area:
    • 4.4 km²

A cultural festival and concert hosted by Rimantas Zirgulis

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With Rimantas & Laima

A walk around Kedainiai

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Limmud Oz in Melbourne

Monday, June 27 • 12:15 – 13:15

Protecting our heritage: a call for action 

Eli’s entertaining and informative presentation takes us on a pictorial journey of his research activities and his numerous visits to Poland and the Baltics. This leads to a discussion of the demographic changes in the Australian Jewish community. Eli calls for a re-evaluation in the way Australians connect to our shtetls and educate about Jewish family and cultural history. Eli proposes some ideas on how to do this. It’s about the legacy we can leave!


avatar for Eli Rabinowitz

Eli Rabinowitz

Eli is involved in many Jewish community activities. He films, photographs, researches and lectures internationally on Jewish heritage and cultural history. He brought the memories of Muizenberg exhibition to Australia, manages 60 websites for JewishGen.org and arranges Litvak heritage tours.

Pakruojis & Siaulenai


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I visited Pakruojis to see the wooden synagogue in the city.

As you can see from the images, it is currently being restored. We previously saw that the wooden synagogue in Ziezmariai is also under restoration.


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Other views of the town

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My visit to my wife’s family town of Shavlan or Siaulenai was not so successful.

Her maternal grandfather’s family name was Saevitzon, in Israel, Shavei Zion.

I searched for the Jewish cemetery, asked at the Christian cemetery and was told by locals that there was a Jewish cemetery on the other side of town. I couldn’t find it and I ran out of time.

I later emailed Sandra Petrukonyte of Maceva, who kindly replied:

Dear Eli,

It is so pity that you could not find. I tried to search for exact location. The map is attached (for your future journey!).
It is seems that the way to the cemetery is not marked by any sign, the path is not paved and the cemetery itself is in a small distant forest. Not surprising that you got lost.

MACEVA does not have own photos, therefore I am adding links to another websites with general view of the cemetery:



So, I will a revisit next time.

Here are some images of the town:

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I’m still on the long flight home to Perth. Great to have access to the Internet!




My friend, Owen Ogince, was born in Johannesburg, but lived in Theunissen in the Orange Free State in South Africa. He went to boarding school in a larger city, such as Bloemfontein, typical of the many first generation of South African born Jews who lived in the country areas. Their parents often spoke only Yiddish and Afrikaans, creating an interesting sub culture which in many ways reflected their previous lives in the shtetls of Lithuania. They were often referred to as boerejode. For more information on boerejode, see the end of this post.

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I took the opportunity to visit the shtetl of Vabalninkis in Lithuania, where Owen’s family came from.

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The Jewish Cemetery and the memorial to the Resistance.

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The Former Synagogue

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The Boerejode of the Boland

Vilnius Visit May 2016

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With Faina, Ruta and Sasha

At the The Choral Synagogue.

I attended three services at the Choral synagogue, and it was good to see them well attended



With Milda and Sandra at Maceva & The Lost Shtetl. Jonas took the photo.

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With Raimonda and Misha at the Solomo Aleichemo ORT School



With Zilvinas Beliauskas at the Vilnius Jewish Public Library


One of the publications from the Library. This one is in English.


With Ingrida Vilkiene, the co ordinator of the TEC Tolerance Education Centres in Schools in Lithuania.

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Some examples of the excellent work produced from Ingrida and her team.

I also met the head of the Jewish community, Faina Kukliansky. The community here needs help.

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Around and about in Vilnius.
