Johannesburg Jewish Life – Chazonim

A Blast From The Past

Look out for the Johannesburg Kehilalink – coming soon!
Please send me your photos.

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Photo:  thanks to Richard Altschuler

From Selwyn Brenner, Perth

This is a picture of the Northcliff Shul (Shabbat) Choir –  we used to have a larger choir for the high holidays. The picture was taken about 1974/5.

Back Row: Steven Rubenstein, Louis Neutel, Bennie Berkowitz, Selwyn Brenner, Mooly Geben, Harold Nakan,

Seated: Saul Neutel, Farrel Brenner, Rabbi Louis Reichenberg, Richard Altschuler (Choir Master), Jerome Geben

This picture used to hang in the shul’s cheder / committee room, but when the room was converted into a ‘little shul’ it was redecorated. I don’t know where the pictures were placed. There are other pictures of the various committees of the shul that I would love to have copies of. Louis Neutel, who is in the picture took on the job of ‘secretary of the shul some years ago… haven’t been in touch for ages, if he is still there he would know.

A meeting of Irgun Chazonim 1980 – 1985
Cantors and Choirmasters Association of SA
Rimer, Rosen, Kolman, Bagley, Rosenberg, Davidowitz, Rabinowitz, Hummelstein, Gluck

Davidowitz, Stern, Rabinowitz

2-programme_03b (1)



Vos Is Gevoren Fun Mein Shtetele – click on the link:

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