Photo by James Ball – The Heritage Portal
During Ishvara Dhyan’s walking tour of Doornfontein in February, he mentioned the Poswohl Shul.
I did some follow up research and found some very interesting info from:
- The Archives at Beyachad
- Rabbi Silberhaft
- Friends of Beit Hatfutsoth
- James Ball’s Heritage Portal
I want to thank Naomi Musiker and Rabbi Silberhaft for giving of their time and sharing information; my appreciation to Rose Norwich for allowing me to use parts of her dissertation for her Masters in Architecture in 1988; and to Elona Steinfeld and the researchers for the next two volumes of Jewish Life in the Country Communities.
More details about the Poswohl synagogue on my Johannesburg KehilaLink website.
With permission from James Ball The Heritage Portal:
The Poswohl Synagogue – A Memorial to a Community that No Longer Exists
A captivating story appeared in the 1982 issue of Restorica. It was compiled by Hymie Amoils and traces the origins, history and significance of the Poswohl Synagogue in Mooi Street Johannesburg.
In answer to Carol Hoffman’s query:
Tell me please, would this shul have been settled by Litvaks who had come from what is now known as Pasvalys?
From Rose Norwitz
With Rabbi Silberhaft