Today, 30 Tishri 5782, 6 October 2021, is the 55th yahrzeit of my bobba, Chana Chesha Herison Rabinowitz
14 October 1966 – 30 Tishri 5727
Chana Chesha’s abridged ancestral family tree (extends to over 20 generations)
Chana Chesha Miriam Herison – Ancestor Chart
Chana Chesha was born in Jerusalem
Here is a collection of images to remember her on her yahrzeit.
With her sons Harry (my dad), Leib & Isaac, and my Zaida Nachum Mendel
Her daughters Rachel and Sarah , who were born in Cape Town.
My dad Harry, me, my mom Ray, & aunty Rachel, & my bobba, Chana Chesha
Chana Chesha Herison Rabinowitz