The World Belongs To Me

N E W  M U S I C A L  T H E A T R E  P R O D U C T I O N ,

T H E  H O L L O W  C A U S E ,  R E L E A S E S   O F F I C I A L  S I N G L E :

“ T H E  W O R L D  B E L O N G S  T O  M E . ”

The Hollow Cause cast teamed up with The West Coast Philharmonic Orchestra to perform “The World Belongs to Me”–the first song release from the upcoming musical, The Hollow Cause. Filmed at The Perth Hebrew Congregation, the clip features the dynamic and powerful voices of Vin Trikeriotis (Jesus Christ Superstar) and Morgan Cowling (Phantom of the Opera USA Tour), singing a love ballad between two headstrong main characters that allow themselves to become gradually more vulnerable as the song progresses. 

The West Coast Philharmonic Orchestra’s conductor, Sam Parry, became involved when The Hollow Cause musical production creator, Keshet, reached out simply for professional revision. Parry was so impressed with the quality and freshness of the music that he suggested a collaboration between the stage musical and The West Coast Philharmonic Orchestra. 

When asked about the selection of the largest WA synagogue, The Perth Hebrew Congregation, as the choice for the video clip setting creator Keshet responded; 

“Our location was selected for two reasons: 

1) Orchestral music tends to be recorded in big halls, and churches are quite a popular choice but recording in Synagogues is not something that is explored much. The Synagogue provided unique acoustics for our song recording. 2) The Hollow Cause is a Jewish tale of surviving during the Holocaust. We felt that recording in a Jewish sacred place, coupled with the fact the stage we performed on was donated by an Auschwitz survivor, created an amazing connection to the music we generated.” 

The official clip is being released today, 21 May 2021

The World Belongs to Me – The Hollow Cause Cast feat. The West Coast Philharmonic Orchestra

The World Belongs to Me – The Hollow Cause Cast feat. The West Coast Philharmonic Orchestra

The cast of The Hollow Cause and The West Coast Philharmonic Orchestra have united to capture “The World Belongs to Me”; performed at the historic Perth Hebr…

VIDEO – Source:

The song will also be available from May 21st on all streaming platforms, including BandCamp. 


For more information please email

Eli Rabinowitz



Perth, Australia


HTAWA Conference

Perth, 14 April 2021

The Ark, Melbourne

Video from Seattle

With Uncle Boydie in Maroopna VIC

William Cooper’s family, Richmond FC, Melbourne

With John Gandel at Monash U, Melbourne
With Barbara Miller & Federal Minister, Ken Wyatt, Monash U, Melbourne

Carmel School visitors at Ellenbrook Secondary College
With Lance Turner, Sturt Rhine-davis, Nance Adler & Jesse J Fleay at, Ellenbrook
Part of 2000 strong audience at Ellenbrook Secondary College premiere
Ellenbrook SC visiting Carmel School
Multicultural Event, City of Stirling, Perth
Kristallnacht Commemoration, Perth Modern School – with Malcolm McCusker
International School of Holocaust Education, Yad Vashem,,  Jerusalem in June 2018
The Lost Shetl Museum, Seduva, Lithuania
Presentation with Israeli Ambassador at Atzalynas School in Kedainiai, Lithuania
Chinese, Israeli and Japanese Ambassadors in Birzai, Lithuania
Bielski Partisan Reunion,Naliboki,  Belarus
Nance Adler,  surviving Bielski, Aron Bell  & his wife Henryka in Novogrudok Belarus 

 Ralph Salinger & Michael Leiserowitz in Warsaw

Chief Rabbi of Poland, Michael Schudrich
Prof Sam & Mrs Kassow & Michael Leiserowitz at Polin, Warsaw
With students in Paneveyzs, Lithuania
With Finnish, British and US Ambassadors in Seduva, Lithuania
With Rabbi Fhima and students in Pinsk, Belarus
Herzlia School, Cape Town, South Africa

Muizenberg SH, South Africa

King David High School, Johannesburg

Apr 12, 2021

Nance Adler is a Jewish educator. She is a Teachers Fellow at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum as well as a Powell Fellow at the Holocaust Center for Humanity in Seattle. She is the educator and curriculum designer for WE ARE HERE! Foundation for Upstanders. Nance has received many accolades and awards and is published both for pedagogy and curriculum development. 

She has taught for the past 16 years at the Jewish Day School of Metropolitan Seattle where she focuses on inspiring a love of Judaism and using one’s “Jewish lenses” as a way to approach the world to make it better for all Creation. 

Katie and Andrew talk with Nance about what it means to be an “upstander”, the importance of telling resistance stories, and even Holocaust movies.  Thank you Nance Adler for being our guest on The Well QA!

Also, watch Nance’s keynote speech in Perth, Australia in 2019 about “What I Teach and Why”:


Yom Hashoah Global

8 April 2021
HAMEC has once again partnered with the WE ARE HERE! Foundation to bring a streamed video event for Yom HaShoah.
The “Yom HaShoah Global Commemoration,” featuring schools, students, and speakers (including HAMEC speakers Daniel Goldsmith and Ruth Hartz) from around the world, will premiere on YouTube on Thursday, April 8th at 9am EDT.  (11pm Sydney, 9pm Perth, 2pm London, 6am PST)
Watch this youtube page ( or look for another post from us linking to the streamed premiere.
ORT Kishinev Moldova
We are featuring the following schools on this Yom Hashoah presentation:
Sholem Aleichem College, Melbourne Australia
Ellenbrook Secondary College, Perth Australia
Carmel School Perth Australia
King David School, Victory Park South Africa
Herzlia School, Cape Town South Africa
ORT Dimcho Debelianov Hebrew and English Language School, Sofia Bulgaria
ORT Technology Lyceum, Kishinev Moldova
ORT Tekhiya, Moscow Russia
JDS Seattle, USA
JPEF – Jewish Partisans’ Educational Foundation, San Fransisco
Mrs Miriam Lichterman
Mr. Daniel Goldsmith
Ms Ruth Hartz
Student contributors:
Maria O – ORT Tekhiya
Ben Zar, Eron Norrie, Daniel Marsden, Shallya Samakosky, Jonty Schkolne & Rachel Wohlman – Herzlia School
Julia K – JDS Seattle

Thanks to:
Sholem Aleichem College
Conductor Ilana Perlich
Pianist Tomi Kalinski
Grade 5 & 6 students
Production – Kreative Solutionz, Samuel Strunin
The JCCV, Randi Grose, Michael Cohen, Fredl Mrocki
Stuart Rhine-Davis – Ellenbrook Secondary College
Michele Galanti – Carmel School
Kirsten Kukard, Mark Helfrich & Ivor Joffe – Herzlia School
Mandy-Reine Gruzd & Nikki Richard – King David Victory Park
Nance Adler – JDS Seattle 
Stela Dinkova – ORT Sofia 
Anna Zaytseva – ORT Tekhiya Moscow 
Anna Kurilova – ORT Kishinev 
Noongar translation: Jesse J Fleay – Edith Cowan University, Perth
Musical arrangement – Suzanne Kosowitz, Perth

Witnessing Holocaust History: From Generation To Generation

Witnessing Holocaust History: From Generation To Generation – A New Global Project Partnership between WE ARE HERE! Perth, Australia, HAMEC Philadelphia and World ORT, London #education
From: Eli Rabinowitz
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2020 

Orla Poland, 1921


Perth, Australia

This global program will start with 19 ORT schools on 27 January 2021, and will continue with more schools for Yom Hashoah through 8/9 April 2021

Press Statement from HAMEC:





HAMEC ORT WAH! Ruth Almy Intro 27 January 2021


Participating ORT Schools for the 27 January 2021 event are:

Country/ City Timezone School
Mexico/ Mexico City CST CIM-ORT
South Africa/ Cape Town SAST Herzlia
South Africa/Johannesburg SAST King David Victory Park High
Bulgaria/Sofia EEST Dimcho Debelianov Hebrew and English Language School
Netherlands/ Amsterdam CET JSG Maimonides
Spain/Madrid CET ORT Colegio Estrella Toledano
Russia/ St Petersburg MST ORT de Gunzburg Secondary School # 550 “Shorashim”
Russia/ Samara SST Samara ORT Secondary School# 42, “Gesher”
Russia/ Moscow MST ORT Tekhiya, Center of Education # 1311
Russia/Moscow MST ORT Moscow Technology School, Gymnasium # 1540
Russia/ Kazan MST ORT “Mishpahteinu” Secondary School # 12
Ukraine/ Chernivtsi EEST ORT Specialized School #41
Ukraine/ Kiev EEST Kiev ORT Educational Complex #141
Ukraine/ Odessa EEST ORT Secondary School # 94
Ukraine/ Zhaporozhie EEST ORT “Aleph” Jewish Gymnasium
Moldova/ Kishinev EEST ORT Technology Lyceum
Estonia/ Tallinn EEST ORT Tallinn Jewish School
Latvia/ Riga EEST ORT Network Jewish Secondary School
Lithuania/ Vilnius EEST Vilnius Sholom Aleichem ORT School

Bielski Reunion, Belarus

For more info about this post, contact Eli Rabinowitz

The World Premiere of the four language Partisan Song

The World Premiere of the four language Partisan Song

Ellenbrook Secondary College & Carmel High SchoolAt Ellenbrook Secondary College5 August 2019


Perth Modern School, December 2019

The Partisans’ Song in Māori – A World First

We are pleased to advise that we have just had the Partisans’ Song translated into Māori – our 30th language!

Translated by Hēmi Kelly
Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Tahu-Ngāti Whāoa
Lecturer | Te Ara Poutama, Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Development
Researcher | Te Ipukarea, The National Māori Language Institute
Auckland University of Technology (AUT)

Kaua rawa e mea ko te mate anahe tō huarahi,

Ahakoa āraia ana te kiko o te rangi e te pōuriuri,

Kei te tata mai te wā kua roa e tāria ana;

Ka rū te whenua i te takahi a ngā wae – ki te haka!


Mai i te whenua o te nīkau, ki te whenua kōkēi o te huka,

E haere nei mātou i runga i te kōharihari me te tiwhatiwha;

Katoa ngā wāhi i pipī ai ō mātou toto ki te papa,

Ka puāwai mai i reira tō mātou māia me tō mātou kaha.


Ka whiti tonu te rā i te ata, ka ao te rangi,

Katoa ngā raru o nanahi ka ngaro me te hoa kakari;

Ā, ki te roa te wā i mua i te aranga mai anō o te rā,

Tukua mā tēnei wai ngā tau e whakaaomārama.


I titongia ai tēnei waiata ki te toto, kaua ki te matā;

Ehara i te waiata e haria ai e ngā manu o ō te raumati rā

Engari nā te iwi i te kauhanga riri a Tū,

Tēnei waiata a mātou i hari ki te pū me te pohū.


Kaua rawa e mea ko te mate anahe tō huarahi,

Ahakoa āraia ana te kiko o te rangi e te pōuriuri,

Kei te tata mai te wā kua roa e tāria ana;

Ka rū te whenua i te takahi a ngā wae – ki te haka!

All 30 language versions:

We Are Here – Now!

How an idea has progressed around the globe!

From: UK Jewish Telegraph Manchester – May 2018

To: Philadephia – April 2020


Australia 2019

WE ARE HERE! For Upstanders

For Upstanders – Founded by Eli Rabinowitz


Melbourne, Australia
The William Cooper Legacy

The Ark Centre Melbourne
Elder Shane & Rabbi Gabi
Barbara Miller & Federal Minister Ken Wyatt
With Viv Parry
Maroopna VIC, Australia 2019
Uncle Boydie, Maroopna VIC
London 2019 – World ORT
With Shoshana, Daniel & Edwin

Johannesburg  – ORT SA
Marcelle & Ariella
The Together Plan 2019
With Debra Brunner & Michael Mail in London
Birzh Lithuania 2019
Benny Rabinowitz
Aldone Shapiro & Emanuelis Zingeris MP at Birzh commemoration
Ambassadors to Lithuania
Kedainiai, Lithuania 2019
Keidaner descendants weekend at cemetery with Laima Ardaviciene 
Kedainiai Students

Israel 2019
Group at Yad Vashem

Belarus 2019

The welcome committee to Novogrudok – Tamara & Olga 
Nance Adler, Aron Bell- the last of the original Bielski with wife Henryka
Jerusalem Forest, Naliboki
IAJGS Conference in Cleveland 2019
With Saul Issroff, Roy Ogus & Henry Blumberg – all ex SA
South Africa

King David Victory Park, South Africa
Zog Nit Keynmol on Yom Hashoah 2020

Zog Nit Keynmol on Yom Hashoah 2020

South Africa  – Footage from SAJBD Facebook Live Stream with thanks


Choir Performances | WE ARE HERE!

Choir Performances | WE ARE HERE!

At Perth Modern School at Kristallnacht Commemoration on 10 November 2019 The joint choir of Ellenbrook Secondary College and Carmel High School The World Premiere performance at Ellenbrook Secondary


Audience at Perth Modern School


Yom Hashoah – The Partisans’ Song Legacy

Commencing tonight, on 20 April 2020, and continuing tomorrow, on the 21st, corresponding to the 27th day of Nisan, the State of Israel and many Jews around the globe, commemorate the six million Jews who perished in the  Holocaust, as well as the heroism of survivors, and Jewish Partisans and rescuers.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and global lockdown, regular ceremonies will not be held.

We have compiled this YouTube highlights video to give you a perspective of why the the Partisans’ Song is so integral to a meaningful commemoration:

Educators and students are welcome to download a functional powerpoint presentation (1.8gb) that matches this video:

I can also run an online ZOOM presentation for your school or organisation.   Please contact me at to arrange this. There is no charge for this or the accompanying lesson plans and films.

Here is a pdf of the List of Slides on my presentation:

A List of Slides


Here is more information for you:

Yom Hazikaron laShoah ve-laG’vurah or Holocaust Remembrance Day.

In Israel, flags are lowered to half-mast, there is no public entertainment; ceremonies are held, and a siren at 10:00 signals the start of two minutes of silence.

The ceremonies held, usually conclude with Zog Nit Keynmol, the Partisans’ Song and Hatikvah.


Zog nit keyn mol” (Never Say; Yiddish: זאָג ניט קיין מאָל‎, [zɔg nit kɛjn mɔl]) or “Partizaner lid” (Partisan Song) is a Yiddish song considered one of the chief anthems of the Holocaust survivors and is sung in memorial services around the world.

The lyrics of the song were written in 1943 by Hirsh Glick, a young Jewish inmate of the Vilna Ghetto. The title means “Never Say”, and derives from the first line of the song. Glick’s lyrics were set to music from a pre-war Soviet song written by Pokrass brothers, Dmitri and Daniel, “Терская походная” (Terek Cossacks’ March Song), also known as “То не тучи – грозовые облака” (Those aren’t clouds but thunderclouds), originally from the 1937 film I, Son of Working People (story by Valentin Kataev).

Glick was inspired to write the song by news of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. During World War II, “Zog nit keyn mol” was adopted by a number of Jewish partisan groups operating in Eastern Europe. It became a symbol of resistance against Nazi Germany‘s persecution of the Jews and the Holocaust.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


For more information on the WE ARE HERE! Foundation, a not for profit organisation, please visit:

WE ARE HERE! For Upstanders

WE ARE HERE! For Upstanders

For Upstanders – Founded by Eli Rabinowitz


