9 July 2019, Naliboki Forest
A Day with the Bielskis
9:00 – All the guests are brought to the village of Naliboki by minivans.
11.00 – meeting Alexander Pilinkievich, the chairman of the village council of Naliboki, who takes care of the Bielski camp.
Presentation by Alexander Pilinkievich
Presentation by Alexander Pilinkievich
Alexander, the chairman of the village council of Naliboki, makes a presentation to the Israeli Ambassador to Belarus.
Source: youtu.be/2GrL4Ju4H7A
A memorial stone to the Jews of Naliboki.
12.00– 18.00 – at the Bielski camp site in the Naliboki Forest
- Tour around the camp with Tamara Vershitskaya and Alexander Pilinikievich
- Introduction to the Naliboki Forest and how to survive in the forest (Ales Biely)
- Workshop ‘Tell your parents’ story and Your Own Story’ led by Bella Rubin, senior lecturer at Tel Aviv University.
Violin Performance
Violin Performance
by Sevil Uluchan-Weinstein (Bielski) of Turkey
Source: youtu.be/i5J81aj7_f0
Violin Performance
Violin Performance
by Sevil Uluchan-Weinstein (Bielski) of Turkey
Source: youtu.be/v9E4pJ7FdsM
Asaela Bielski’s Message for the Kaplinskis
Asaela Bielski’s Message for the Kaplinskis
Source: youtu.be/jzl4hlGLKYE
Guidelines to the participants on how to be part of the story telling and discussion by Shachar Rubin of Israel.
Dancing in Naliboki Forest led by Shachar Rubin
Dancing in Naliboki Forest led by Shachar Rubin
Source: youtu.be/QtL0KDtdKtc
Guests tell stories about the partisan life as told by their parents.
- Commemoration of the last victims killed in the camp on the day before liberation (July 9, 1944) and buried in the camp.
- Kaddish by Rabbi Grigory Abramovich from Minsk
- Lament of Israel performed by Mikhail Dvilyanski
The Partisans’ Song in the Naliboki Forest
The Partisans’ Song in the Naliboki Forest
Introduced by Eli Rabinowitz. Sung in Hebrew
Source: youtu.be/3_b4V9Us_Z8
- Partisan lunch
Forest Jerusalem – 2018
Forest Jerusalem
My visit to the Naliboki Forest in Belarus on 16 May 2018, with Tamara, Alexander and Ivan. This is where the Bielskis and many other partisans had their camps in the latter part of WWII. Aptly nam…
Source: elirab.me/forest-jerusalem/
The Naliboki KehilaLink
Source: kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/naliboki/Home.html
WE ARE HERE! For Upstanders
WE ARE HERE! For Upstanders

A Human Rights project for Upstanders, funded by the US Government.
Source: wah.foundation