Witnessing Holocaust History: From Generation To Generation

Witnessing Holocaust History: From Generation To Generation – A New Global Project Partnership between WE ARE HERE! Perth, Australia, HAMEC Philadelphia and World ORT, London #education
From: Eli Rabinowitz
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2020 

Orla Poland, 1921


Perth, Australia

This global program will start with 19 ORT schools on 27 January 2021, and will continue with more schools for Yom Hashoah through 8/9 April 2021

Press Statement from HAMEC:





HAMEC ORT WAH! Ruth Almy Intro 27 January 2021

Source: youtu.be/Fqm3R-h6RPE

Participating ORT Schools for the 27 January 2021 event are:

Country/ City Timezone School
Mexico/ Mexico City CST CIM-ORT
South Africa/ Cape Town SAST Herzlia
South Africa/Johannesburg SAST King David Victory Park High
Bulgaria/Sofia EEST Dimcho Debelianov Hebrew and English Language School
Netherlands/ Amsterdam CET JSG Maimonides
Spain/Madrid CET ORT Colegio Estrella Toledano
Russia/ St Petersburg MST ORT de Gunzburg Secondary School # 550 “Shorashim”
Russia/ Samara SST Samara ORT Secondary School# 42, “Gesher”
Russia/ Moscow MST ORT Tekhiya, Center of Education # 1311
Russia/Moscow MST ORT Moscow Technology School, Gymnasium # 1540
Russia/ Kazan MST ORT “Mishpahteinu” Secondary School # 12
Ukraine/ Chernivtsi EEST ORT Specialized School #41
Ukraine/ Kiev EEST Kiev ORT Educational Complex #141
Ukraine/ Odessa EEST ORT Secondary School # 94
Ukraine/ Zhaporozhie EEST ORT “Aleph” Jewish Gymnasium
Moldova/ Kishinev EEST ORT Technology Lyceum
Estonia/ Tallinn EEST ORT Tallinn Jewish School
Latvia/ Riga EEST ORT Network Jewish Secondary School
Lithuania/ Vilnius EEST Vilnius Sholom Aleichem ORT School

Bielski Reunion, Belarus


For more info about this post, contact Eli Rabinowitz eli@elirab.com

The World Premiere of the four language Partisan Song

The World Premiere of the four language Partisan Song

Ellenbrook Secondary College & Carmel High SchoolAt Ellenbrook Secondary College5 August 2019

Source: youtu.be/iIJ-rC-DcWA

Perth Modern School, December 2019

Bielski Reunion in Novogrudok 2019

8 July 2019, Novogrudok

A Day with the Bielskis – Day 1

Arrival in Novogrudok

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at the RC Church where some of us lodged

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the ceremony

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Some short video clips

The Memorial 

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Arriving for the concert

The Concert

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Some short clips


Tamara with Aron Bell

My presentation – almost!


WE ARE HERE! For Upstanders

Bielski Partisans

A Human Rights project for Upstanders, funded by the United States Government, starting in Australia in August.

Source: wah.foundation

The Novogrudok KehilaLink

Bielski Reunion in Novogrudok 2019


8 July 2019, Novogrudok

A Day with the Bielskis – Day 1

Arrival in Novogrudok

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at the RC Church where some of us lodged

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the ceremony

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Some short video clips

The Memorial 

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Arriving for the concert

The Concert

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Some short clips


Tamara with Aron Bell

My presentation – almost!


WE ARE HERE! For Upstanders

Bielski Partisans

A Human Rights project for Upstanders, funded by the United States Government, starting in Australia in August.

Source: wah.foundation

The Novogrudok KehilaLink

Bielski Reunion in Novogrudok 2019


8 July 2019, Novogrudok

A Day with the Bielskis – Day 1

Arrival in Novogrudok

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at the RC Church where some of us lodged

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the ceremony

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Some short video clips

The Memorial 

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Arriving for the concert

The Concert

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Some short clips


Tamara with Aron Bell

My presentation – almost!


WE ARE HERE! For Upstanders

Bielski Partisans

A Human Rights project for Upstanders, funded by the United States Government, starting in Australia in August.

Source: wah.foundation

The Novogrudok KehilaLink

Bielski Reunion in Forest Jerusalem 2019


9 July 2019, Naliboki Forest

A Day with the Bielskis

9:00 – All the guests are brought to the village of Naliboki by minivans. 

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11.00  – meeting Alexander Pilinkievich, the chairman of the village council of Naliboki, who takes care of the Bielski camp.

Presentation by Alexander Pilinkievich

Presentation by Alexander Pilinkievich

Alexander, the chairman of the village council of Naliboki, makes a presentation to the Israeli Ambassador to Belarus. 

Source: youtu.be/2GrL4Ju4H7A

A memorial stone to the Jews of Naliboki.

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12.00– 18.00 – at the Bielski camp site in the Naliboki Forest

  • Tour around the camp with Tamara Vershitskaya and Alexander Pilinikievich
  • Introduction to the Naliboki Forest and how to survive in the forest (Ales Biely)
  • Workshop ‘Tell your parents’ story and Your Own Story’ led by Bella Rubin, senior lecturer at Tel Aviv University.

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Violin Performance

Violin Performance

by Sevil Uluchan-Weinstein (Bielski) of Turkey

Source: youtu.be/i5J81aj7_f0

Violin Performance

Violin Performance

by Sevil Uluchan-Weinstein (Bielski) of Turkey

Source: youtu.be/v9E4pJ7FdsM

Asaela Bielski’s Message for the Kaplinskis

Asaela Bielski’s Message for the Kaplinskis

Source: youtu.be/jzl4hlGLKYE

Guidelines to the participants on how to be part of the story telling and discussion by Shachar Rubin of Israel.

Dancing in Naliboki Forest led by Shachar Rubin

Dancing in Naliboki Forest led by Shachar Rubin

Source: youtu.be/QtL0KDtdKtc

Guests tell stories about the partisan life as told by their parents. 

  • Commemoration of the last victims killed in the camp on the day before liberation (July 9, 1944) and buried in the camp.
  • Kaddish by Rabbi Grigory Abramovich from Minsk
  • Lament of Israel performed by Mikhail Dvilyanski
The Partisans’ Song in the Naliboki Forest

The Partisans’ Song in the Naliboki Forest

Introduced by Eli Rabinowitz. Sung in Hebrew

Source: youtu.be/3_b4V9Us_Z8

  • Partisan lunch
Performance at lunch

Performance at lunch

Source: youtu.be/P8Ff-yxMibk

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Le Chaim At Lunch

Le Chaim At Lunch

Source: youtu.be/Fz2FrtyaUHY


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Forest Jerusalem – 2018

Forest Jerusalem

My visit to the Naliboki Forest in Belarus on 16 May 2018, with Tamara, Alexander and Ivan. This is where the Bielskis and many other partisans had their camps in the latter part of WWII. Aptly nam…

Source: elirab.me/forest-jerusalem/

The Naliboki KehilaLink


Source: kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/naliboki/Home.html

WE ARE HERE! For Upstanders

WE ARE HERE! For Upstanders

Bielski Partisans

A Human Rights project for Upstanders, funded by the US Government.

Source: wah.foundation
