We are planning a series of worldwide events leading up to the 75th anniversary of the Partisan Song next April.
This 4 minute interview with Phillip Maisel below highlights the importance of the Partisan Song, and the role of our youth in keeping alive the legacy of Hirsh Glik’s poem of hope!
Phillip, 95, was a friend of Hirsh Glik, and one of the first to hear this poem recited in the Vilna Gheto in 1943
I visited the Jewish Holocaust Centre in Melbourne: www.jhc.org.au
and Mount Scopus Memorial College: www.scopus.vic.edu.au
where I presented my Partisan Poem and Song Project to leading Jewish educationalists and oulines the plans leading up to Yom Hashoah.
At the Jewish Holocaust Centre
My presentation (slides):
JHC Slides – Google Drive
The videos are mostly here – http://elirab.me/timeline/
This is the full 27 minute interview with Phillip:
Freydi Mrocki reciting the Partisan poem at the Jewish Holocaust Centre.
Video: Emmanuel T Santos.
New resources found in the NYPL
Reprinted from Radical Yiddish with permission of Joel Schechter.
Yuri Suhl Article from 1953 – a must read!
More details on the program to follow!