Don’t Give Up Hope

 Activities for your school, choir or community group for Holocaust Memorial Day – 27 January 2018
A short video explaining the project

The Power of Words:

learn about the meaning, context and significance of Hirsh Glik’s words in a language you understand. This poem is about hope, heroes and spirited resistance.

Recite The Poem

in your home language


Copy and paste a translation for your school

Translated into 23 languages

Yiddish, Hebrew, English, Lithuanian, Polish, Belarusian, Russian, German, Spanish, Czech, Dutch, Italian, Rumanian, french, swedish, portuguese, norwegian, japanese, finnish, swiss german, afrikaa…

NEW: Extended to 104 languages by Google Translate


Download the music

Zog Nit Keynmol – Sheet Music


Lesson Plan

Analyse the poem and understand the meaning and the significance of it.

Further educational activities.

Make a video

The Poem and Art

Why this is so important?

To honour the legacy of the partisans, those who were incarcerated in the ghettos and camps and the survivors.
Here is a message from Phillip Maisel, 95, survivor and friend of Hirsh Glik:
