Zoe Nit Keynmol was written as a poem in Yiddish by 20 year old Hirsh Glik in the Vilna ghetto in 1943.
The words are powerful and inspirational.
It is the anthem of the Survivors. Our goal is to teach it to the next generation of school students so that the legacy can continue!
I have found translations in 14 other languages with some variations within these languages – see Lyrics below.
You can recite it as a poem as it was originally written!
Here is Freidi Mrocki, a teacher at Shalom Aleichem College in Melbourne, reciting Aaron Kremer’s English translation.
Here is an idea for your school students or youth group: Recite the poem, Zog Nit Keynmol, written by Hirsh Glik 20, in the Vilna ghetto in 1943. Do it in your own language! And then SHARE it with …
Here is a combination of Yiddish, Hebrew and English.
Here it is being sung by the Herzlia School Vocal Ensemble in Cape Town during an online class with five schools in the Former Soviet Union in Kiev, Chisinau, Vilnius, Kedainiai and Kalvarija.
The ORT Videos
King David High School Victory Park, Johannesburg
For more languages and versions, click on the link:
Lyrics in Different Languages English Aaron Cremer’s version Lithuanian Žydų Partizanų Daina arba Partizanų Himnas Mes Esame Čia Niekad nesakykite kad jūs išeinate į paskutinį kelią… Tik nie…
Source: elirab.me/lyrics/
We invite you, your school choir or group to sing or recite Zog Nit Keynmol, the Partisan Song. Please record it then share on YouTube, Facebook or Vimeo or send to me by Dropbox and I’ll pos…
Source: elirab.me/schools/
Menu Zog Nit Keynmol – Main Page – scroll down The Legacy of the Partisan Song Hirsh Glik by Phillip Maisel Schools & students sing or recite the anthem, record it and post it on…
Source: elirab.me/zog-nit-keynmol/
Finally, here is a full page article in the April edition of the Cape Jewish Chronicle, Cape Town, written by Tali Feinberg.