The Holocaust Survivors’ Anthem – ORT Kishinev

In the lead up to the UN Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January 2018 a series of recordings of The Partisan Song, Zog Nit Keynmol, sung and recited by ORT and other schools will remind us of the importance of remembering and commemorating The Holocaust.

Here is a new video of students of ORT Kishinev, Moldova reciting The Holocaust Survivors’ Anthem in Moldavian

 Moldavian or Moldovan is one of the two names of the Romanian language in the Republic of Moldova


Nu spune că te afli azi pe cel din urmă drum
Albastra şi o ‘năbuşă un cer de plumb acum.
Doritul nostru ceas o să răsară într’o zi
Şi’n marş de tobe vom cânta atunci: – “Suntem aci!”

Din ţara de curmalt şi până’n ţara cu zăpezi,
Suntem aci cu chinul şi cu jalea drept dovezi
Şi orişiunde-un strop de sânge-al nostru a căzut,
Va creşte forţa noastră şi curajul nostru mut.

Cu soare se va polei acest “azi” de dureri
Şi odată cu duşmanii va pieri al nostri “eri”
Iar dacă soarele va ‘ntârzia în zori de leac
Parolă vie, – cântul va păşi din veac-în veac.

Cu plumb şi sânge cântecul acesta este scris,
Nu-i cânt de păsărică liberă în sbor deschis,
Ci ‘n prăvăliri de ziduri, duduid asurzitor,
Cu revolverele în mâini îl cântă un popor.

Nu spune că te afli azi pe cel din urmă drum
Albastra şi o ‘năbuşă un cer de plumb acum.
Doritul nostru ceas o să răsară într’o zi
Şi’n marş de tobe vom cânta atunci: – “Suntem aci!”

As part of World ORT‘s support of Eli Rabinowitz’s initiative to introduce the song to new generations, students at ORT schools around the world are this year making videos of the poem and the song. 

Kishinev ORT Herzl Technology Lyceum

Secondary School # 22 opened in 1991 and benefited from the opening in 2000 of an ORT ICT centre, consisting of a technology laboratory, a resource centre, a network centre and a media centre. The school is currently operated jointly by the state of Moldova and ORT, and is now known as ORT Technology Lyceum.

In 2015 Kishinev ORT Technology Lyceum moved to a new building which had been completely renovated and reequipped. This allowed for more students to join the school as well as the addition of catering, leisure and sports facilities.



April 2017 Recording – Video



#WeRemember: WJC reaching out to millions on social media in campaign to raise awareness of Holocaust

#WeRemember: WJC reaching out to millions on social media in campaign to raise awareness of Holocaust

Join the World Jewish Congress in an unprecedented campaign: Take a photo of yourself holding up a sheet of paper with the words “We Remember” and post it to social media with the hashtag #WeRemember.




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