Stakliskes, Prienai & Marijampole

Giedre Guzaviciene and Arūnė Levuškinienė, teachers at Kalvarija Gimnazija meeting me in Marijampole


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Stoklishok KehilaLink

Stoklishok, Lithuania



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Pren KehilaLink

Pren, Lithuania


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Mariampol KehilaLink

Marijampole, Lithuania



Solomo Aleichemo ORT School Vilnius

Students sing Zog Nit Keynmol for me:

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Pre-Internet Viral: Songs of the Vilna Ghetto – Lithuanian Jewish Community

by Geoff Vasil


The Bar & Batmitzvah Ceremonies:

The Choral Synagogue:

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The Community Centre:

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Report by Geoff Vasil with my images

Annual ORT Sholem Aleichem Gymnasium Bar/Bat Mitzvah Ceremony – Lithuanian Jewish Community


Vilniaus Šolomo Aleichemo ORT gimnazija

„Paskutinė mano valia skirta įpėdiniams: tarpusavyje gyventi draugiškai, nekaupti savyje priešiškumo, palaikyti vieniems kitus sunkiu laiku, prisiminti šeimą, užjausti vargšą… Vaikai, didžuokitės mano taip sunkiai užsitarnautu žydišku vardu.“


World Ort Videos:

ORT Videos

We feature videos made especially for this project by schools belonging to the World ORT network.  See below. To find out more about World ORT, the world’s largest Jewish education and vocati…

Source: Http://



Zog Nit Keynmol – The Poem

Here is an idea for your school students or youth group:

Recite the poem, Zog Nit Keynmol, written by Hirsh Glik 20, in the Vilna ghetto in 1943.

Do it in your own language!

And then SHARE it with us!

The song is the anthem of the Survivors. With their rapidly diminishing numbers, we want our youth to continue the legacy.

Be creative like Giedrius Galvanauskas of Atzalynas Gymnasium in Kedainiai, Lithuania.

Inspired by his English teacher, Laima Ardaviciene, Giedrius used a Lithuanian translation, background music on (1) viola and (2) piano, with a backdrop of old images of his hometown, Kedainiai, and even added English subtitles.

The viola was played by Tzvi Friedl of Perth Australia.

Translated by Roza Tzvi Ben Litay and Sergey Kanovich

Wouldn’t it be great if you recited it in your own language and chose photos from your heritage town and then shared it around the world?

The viola version

The piano version

Here is Aaron Kremer’s English version by Freydl Mrocki of Shalom Aleichem College, Melbourne, Australia.

Tzvi Friedl on the viola

Atzalyno Gimnazija, Kedainiai, Lithuania

The students take me on a multicultural tour of Kedainai, the last stop being the two former synagogue complex, one of only a handful in Lithuania. The centre is run by Rimantas Zirgulis, director …



The Partisan Song in Australia


Last week I was given the opportunity to talk to Year 10s at Moriah College.

My thanks to Jewish studies teacher Hilary Kahn for setting this up.

The presentation was on The Partisan Song Project.

Here are some selected slides from my presentation:

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Phillip Maisel

Some photos from Moriah College:

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With Hilary Kahn & David Borecki
Yom Hashoah Yom Hashoah 2 Yom Hashoah 1

David Borecki at the Yom Hashoah Commemorations


Phillip Maisel

Freydi Mrocki


With Heiny Ellert

Limmud Oz – Perth

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Dylan Kotkis

Tzvi Friedl
