ORT Moscow Technology School Sings

The Holocaust Survivors’ Anthem

In the lead up to the UN Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January, I will be sharing a series of recordings of The Partisan Song, Zog Nit Keynmol, sung by ORT and other schools.

These are students from the ORT Moscow 1540 School

ORT Moscow Technology School, Gymnasium # 1540, Moscow

ORT Moscow Technology School, Gymnasium # 1540, Moscow

Source: prospectus.ort.org/countries/europe-and-former-soviet-union/russia/moscow/ort-moscow-technology-school-gymnasium-1540-moscow/

The Partisan Song in Russian
Не считай, что ты достиг конца пути
Не считай, что ты достиг конца пути,
Если тучами затянута заря,
Долгожданный час не сможет не прийти,
Шаг за шагом мы идем к нему не зря.
Из страны зеленых пальм в страну снегов
Принесли мы нашу боль и нашу скорбь,
Но решимостью и твердостью шагов
Обернулась нами пролитая кровь.
Солнце встанет, смоет светом ночи тьму.
В прах бессильный наших обратит врагов,
Но если встать не будет суждено ему,
Эта песня новых призовет бойцов.
Общей кровью песни писаны слова —
Не беспечной птичьей трелью рождены,
Их слагали мы с оружием в руках
Средь развалин нескончаемой войны.
Так не считай, что ты достиг конца пути,
Если тучами затянута заря,
Долгожданный час не сможет не прийти,
Шаг за шагом мы идем к нему не зря.
ORT compilation Video

ORT Participants in 2017


Arutz Sheva:

‘Holocaust survivor anthem’ to be performed at UN by 3 Israelis

The traditional Holocaust Anthem is the Yiddish song Zog nit kan mol – Never say this is the end, also known as “The Partisan’s Song,,” written in 1943 by Vilna poet Hirsh Glik to a melody composed by the Soviet-Jew Dimitri Pokrass. The song’s powerful lyrics and rhythm raised the morale of fighters against the Nazis. World ORT is aiding in a campaign to introduce it to schoolchildren so that the next generation remembers it as well.

Source: www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/240359

There is only one “Holocaust Survivors’ Anthem”, namely Zog Nit Keynmol, written by Hirsh Glik in the Vilna ghetto in 1943. This has been sung for the past 75 years as the hymn of the partisans, of those incarcerated in the camps and ghettos, and Holocaust survivors since the end of WWII. Read more about it at: http://elirab.me/zog-nit-keynmol/ and watch the inspiring videos of students around the world singing the anthem. Translated into 23 languages. Photo below taken at Yad Vashem’s Partisan’s Memorial

For more information, visit:

Source: elirab.me/zog-nit-keynmol/

Zog Nit Keynmol

Zog Nit Keynmol on Vinyl

In the lead up to the UN Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January, I would like to share several quite different recordings of The Partisan Song, Zog Nit Keynmol.
These also appear on the website: http://elirab.me/zog-nit-keynmol/


Here are the ones in my record (vinyl) collection.They are worth a listening to.
Please email me at eli@elirab.com if you have any others to share.



This LP is from David Solly Sandler’s record collection:


More about David:

More about Zog Nit Keynmol



Saulėtekis School, Vilnius

The Saulėtekis School has presented a number of plays on Litvak culture and the Holocaust. The school has a strong Holocaust education component. In addition, student choirs often perform songs in Yiddish and Hebrew, most recently at the Holocaust commemoration at Ponar at the end of September where they performed the Vilnius ghetto anthem, Zog Nit Keynmol.

This was recorded at the school

Tolerance Education Centre – Vilnius “Saulėtekis” Secondary School

Tolerancijos ugdymo centras – Vilniaus “Saulėtekio” vidurinė mokykla

As the 23rd of September commemorates the victims of the Lithuanian Genocide victims, Lithuanian general education schools, Tolerance training centres and all educational institutions are invited to participate in the “Memory path” civic initiative. The initiative seeks to visit the mass graves of the Jews, walking through the path to which innocent people were driven to death…….

Source: www.sauletekio.lt/ugdymas/tuc/

2017-09-22 “Memory path”


Please encourage your students to recite or sing the Partisan Song on the UN Holocaust Remembrance Day on or around 27 January 2018.

Don’t Give Up Hope

Don’t Give Up Hope

 Activities for your school, choir or community group for Holocaust Memorial Day – 27 January 2018 A short video explaining the project The Power of Words: learn about the meaning, context and sign…

Source: elirab.me/hope/

10 Tevet

Holocaust Memorial, Vandziogala, Lithuania

Tenth of Tevet

Tenth of Tevet – Wikipedia

Day of general kaddish

The Chief Rabbinate of Israel chose to observe the Tenth of Tevet as a “general kaddish day” (yom hakaddish ha’klalli) to allow the relatives of victims of the Holocaust, and whose yahrtzeits (anniversaries of their deaths) is unknown, to observe the traditional yahrtzeit practices for the deceased, including lighting a memorial candle, learning mishnayot and reciting the kaddish. According to the policy of the Chief Rabbinate in Israel, the memorial prayer is also recited in synagogues, after the reading of the Torah at the morning services.[11][12] To some religious Jews, this day is preferable as a remembrance day to Yom HaShoah, since the latter occurs in the month of Nisan, in which mourning is traditionally prohibited.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenth_of_Tevet

Partisan Memorial, Warsaw Cemetery

HET Readings For Holocaust Memorial Day 2018

The project started at KDHS Johannesburg

The HET – Holocaust Education Trust in the UK has included The Partisan Song and the link to my project “Don’t Give Up Hope” in its Readings for Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2018.

Don’t Give Up Hope is an inspiring project which encourages students around the world to learn and sing Glik’s anthem” says HET’s Martin Winstone.

Martin Winstone | Education Officer

Holocaust Educational Trust

With Martin Winstone

Holocaust Educational Trust – Holocaust Memorial Day 2018: Guidelines and Suggested Readings – download here:


The song is on page 12 and the notes for it on pages 24-25.

Hirsh Glik 1922 – 1944

Don’t Give Up Hope

Don’t Give Up Hope

 Activities for your school, choir or community group for Holocaust Memorial Day – 27 January 2018.  A short video explaining the project The Power of Words: learn about the meaning, context and sign…

Source: elirab.me/hope/

What is HET?

Holocaust Educational Trust – Wikipedia

Holocaust Educational Trust – Wikipedia

The Holocaust Educational Trust (HET) is a British charity, based in London, whose aim is to “educate young people of every background about the Holocaust and the important lessons to be learned for today.”[1] It was founded by the Labour MP Greville Janner and the former Labour Home Secretary Merlyn Rees in 1988. One of the Trust’s main achievements was ensuring that the Holocaust formed part of the National Curriculum for history, as it continues to do so.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_Educational_Trust

Holocaust Educational Trust – International Partnerships

Holocaust Educational Trust – International Partnerships

Source: www.het.org.uk/about/international-partnerships

Holocaust Memorial Day

The most public form of Holocaust education is the annual commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD). The day is marked on 27th January each year – the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz – and was first held in 2001. Britain was one of the first countries in the world to hold such an event.

HET News & Events


Chanukah In The Park

With Mickey Shaked
Rabbi Shalom White lighting the first candle

The lighting of the first candle was watched by students at the Atzalynas High School in Kedainiai, Lithuania. I used skype and my iPhone to stream this back live to Laima Ardaviciene and her class. This is the second year in a row we have engaged Laima and her class on Chanukah.

Viewing it all from the classroom in Kedainiai, Lithuania

I introduced my friend Heiny Ellert to the class. Heiny, 95, is a Holocaust survivor from Neishtot-Tavrig, today Žemaičių Naumiestis, in Lithuania.

With Heiny Ellert earlier this year

See Heiny Ellert’s Testimony

Heiny Ellert’s Testimony

Heiny Ellert, a Lithuanian Holocaust survivor, tells his story to Eli Rabinowitz. Accompanying him is his wife Toby, also from Lithuania, but who escaped to …

Source: youtu.be/118HN2_NYHs

Žemaičių Naumiestis

Žemaičių Naumiestis

Žemaičių Naumiestis Town in Lithuania Žemaičių Naumiestis is a town in Klaipėda county, Šilutė district municipality. It is located in western Lithuania between Klaipėda and Kaliningrad Oblast. The…

Source: elirab.me/zemaiciu-naumiestis/

The miracle of Chanukah and the miracle of survival for Heinry Ellert!

This is a second year in a row that:

Maoz Tzur Sung in Perth Heard in Keidan

Maoz Tzur Sung in Perth Heard in Keidan

Just think of this – when was the last time Maoz Tzur was heard in Keidan, Lithuania, sung by a Jewish kid? Maybe 75 years ago! When Laima Ardaviciene, the English teacher at Atzalyno Gymnazi…

Source: elirab.me/maoz-tzur-sung-in-perth-heard-in-keidan/

A Visit to the SABC Sound Archives

Solly Aronowsky & The Jewish Guild Orchestra

Marc Latilla and I visited the SABC earlier this year. We were given a tour by Florence Moshatana, the music archivist.

I was looking for recordings of my dad, Harry Rabinowitz, a cantor and singer, and his sister Rachel Rabinowitz, a concert pianist. Both were both featured on the radio and concerts on the SABC over many years.

Here are some of the items in my dad’s  scrapbook:

Peter Lotis on the cover

Vos Is Gevoren Fun Mein Shtetele

Harry’s 15th Yahrzeit

Source: elirab.me/harrys-15th-yahrzeit/

Rachel Rabinowitz, Concert Pianist

Rachel Rabinowitz, Concert Pianist

Source: elirab.me/rachel/

We were not successful in finding any recordings of Harry or Rachel. The closest I came to Harry was Harry Rabinowitz, the conductor and arranger who passed away  in the UK in 2016 at the age of 100.

Harry Rabinowitz v Harry Rabinowitz

Harry Rabinowitz – Wikipedia

Harry Rabinowitz MBE (26 March 1916 – 22 June 2016) was a British conductor and composer of film and television music. Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, he was the son of Israel and Eva Rabinowitz. He was educated at the University of the Witwatersrand and at London’s Guildhall School of Music and Drama.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Rabinowitz

It was a most interesting tour and my thanks goes out to Florence for showing Marc and me around. Here are some of the photos and information from the visit.

South African Broadcasting Corporation – Wikipedia

South African Broadcasting Corporation – Wikipedia

The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) is the state broadcaster in South Africa, and provides 19 radio stations (AM/FM) as well as 5 television broadcasts to the general public.[2]

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_African_Broadcasting_Corporation


RADIO BROADCAST FACILITIES exists primarily to provide the technology infrastructure on which radio programmes are created – from studio broadcast/recording and outside broadcasts all the way through Radio Main Control (RMC) to broadcasting via Sentech.

Source: web.sabc.co.za/sabc/home/bf/medialibraries/details?id=e1d3bcaa-c1a9-416c-bed8-d7e574112721

IMG_5500 IMG_5504 IMG_5508 IMG_5512 IMG_5510 IMG_5513 IMG_5517 IMG_5561 IMG_5563 IMG_5544 IMG_5546 IMG_5547 IMG_5556 IMG_5572 IMG_5533 IMG_5571 IMG_5541 IMG_5539
Florence looking up Harry
Unsorted media
Still around?

Harry Rabinowitz interviewed by Paddy O’Byrne

Labels on audio media in archives


Springbok Radio Revisited.wmv

Springbok Radio Revisited.wmv

A bird’s eye view of Springbok Radio of yesteryear, and of Springbok Radio Revisited, today.

Source: youtu.be/7k4U661TZIQ

Syddie, Syddie… Syd Nomis se onderskepdrie – Gerhard Viviers

Syddie, Syddie… Syd Nomis se onderskepdrie – Gerhard Viviers

Syd Nomis onderskep ‘n aangee van Brian Lochore en hardloop deur vir die finale punte in die 1e toets op 25 Julie1970 teen die All Blacks. Die Springbokke he…

Jan Ellis Try – Gerhard Viviers at his best!

Charles Fortune – Wikipedia

Charles Fortune – Wikipedia

Charles Arthur Frederick Fortune (1906 – 22 November 1994) was a South African sport broadcaster and writer, especially noted for his cricket commentaries on radio.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Fortune

Charles Fortune

LM Radio – Wikipedia

Not part of the SABC, but after closing became Radio 5 in South Africa.

It relaunched as LM Radio in 2010.

LM Radio – Wikipedia

LM Radio is a radio station based in Maputo, Mozambique. Historically it was a shortwave station broadcasting to South Africa and Rhodesia from Lourenço Marques, the colonial era name of Maputo, hence the name “Lourenço Marques Radio” from 1936 to 1975 when it was shut down by the government of the then newly independent country.[1] In 2010, following political reforms and economic development in Mozambique the station was relaunched with the brand “Lifetime Music Radio”.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LM_Radio

LM Radio

LM Radio Museum

LM Radio Museum

Source: www.lmradio.org




A ceremony was held on Wednesday to thank those in Kedainiai, Lithuania who organised the recent cleaning of the Jewish cemetery and the matsevot.

Tzvi Friedl, Natan Katzel, Jill Rabinowitz and I  joined those at the meeting at the Atzalynas School in Kedainiai  just after 8pm Perth time. We joined online from CHABAD Perth, Australia. We thanked those involved in undertaking this huge mitzvah. There are no Jews living in Kedainiai today.
Here is the report from teacher Laima Ardaviciene in Kedainiai – translated from the Lithuanian below:

Valentinas Tamulis, governor of the town of Kėdainiai and Rimantas Žirgulis, director of the Kedainiai Regional Museum, visited Kėdainiai Atzalynas gymnasium. During the meeting the members of the gymnasium community thanked them for their cooperation in carrying out project TILTAI-BRIDGES-בריקן activities related to the Jewish community in Kedainiai. The students shared a recent presentation about the old Kedainiai Jewish Cemetery. Eli Rabinowitz (Australia), rooted in Kedainiai, and Rabbi Natan Katzel joined the meeting virtually and thanked the headman of Kėdainiai for his contribution to the old Kedainiai Jewish cemetery in honor of the Kedainiai Jewish people, Jewish music was played by Tzvi Friedl. Further cooperation activities were discussed during the meeting. The guests were presented with the Kedainiai drawings.

Atžalyno gimnazijoje lankėsi Kėdainių miesto seniūnas Valentinas Tamulis ir Kėdainių krašto muziejaus direktorius Rimantas Žirgulis. Susitikimo metu gimnazijos bendruomenės nariai padėkojo už bendradarbiavimą vykdant projektą TILTAI-BRIDGES-בריקן apie Kėdainiuose buvusią žydų bendruomenę. Gimnazistai pasidalino pastaruoju metu sukurtu pristatymu apie senąsias Kėdainių žydų kapines. Susitikimo metu prisijungė Eli Rabinowitz (Australija), kuris kėdainiečių žydų vardu padėkojo miesto seniūnui už jo indėlį tvarkant senąsias Kėdainių žydų kapines, padėkos žodį tarė ir rabinas Natan Katzel, o muzikiniu kūriniu pasidalino Tzvi Friedl. Susitikimo metu buvo aptarta tolimesnė bendradarbiavimo veikla. Svečiams buvo padovanoti gimnazijos mokinių piešti Kėdainių miestą vaizduojantys piešiniai.

We made three videos:

Participants in Kedainiai:

Valentinas Tamulis, the headman of Kėdainiai                    
Rimantas Žirgulis, the director of the Kėdainiai Regional History Museum
Gintaras Petrulis, the director of Kėdainiai Atžalynas gymnasium
Rasa Cicėnienė, the assistant of Kėdainiai Atžalynas gymnasium
Lina Blinstrubienė, the assistant of Kėdainiai Atžalynas gymnasium
Giedrius Galvanauskas, a student
Aistė Vosilytė, a student
Šarūnė Makaraitytė, a student

More about the project – Building Bridges In Kedainiai

Building Bridges In Kedainiai

Kedainiai Atžalynas gymnasium students continue the Project: TILTAI-BRIDGES-בריקן . We thank Valentinas Tamulis, the mayor of Kedainiai, and Rimantas Žirgulis for organising cleaning activities in the old Jewish cemetery. Not a single tombstone is covered by a growing tree or a bush now. All the matsevot remind us about the Jewish community that lived in Keidan. We are presenting the recent view of the Old Jewish Cemetery of Keidan.

Source: elirab.me/bridges/

The video of the cemetery

The 59th Yahrzeit of Isocher Zeldin

Socher’s passport. He was born in Dvinsk (today Daugavpils)  Latvia
He re-established himself and his family  in Cape Town South Africa
On Muizenberg Beach 
 Socher’s descendants around the world
Socher and Chasa Zeldin
and their six daughters  left Riga for South Africa between 1927 to 1937.
Two sons were left behind. Moisey died in the Holocaust, David survived.
Socher and Chasa, their 5 married daughters and their husbands.
Socher’s other children
David Zeldin
Chana Zeldin


11 of the 15 his Cape Town grandchildren.

Leon Spiller’s Barmitzvah – Socher is not in the photo!
With his mate Charlie Slivkin
Socher passed away on Guy Fawkes Day – 5 Nov 1958 aged 77.
Family reunion in Cape Town in the 80s
Socher’s late grandson Mendel and Mendel’s daughter Bella, Mendel’s nieces Alla &  Mira, and Mendel’s great niece Angela.
Socher’s 2 x great grand daughter Lucy’s wedding in NY in 2010
Socher’s grand daughter Zara and her late brother Mendel’s NY & Toronto families in 2017
Socher’s grand daughter  Zara, her daughters Mira and Alla and Avram-Yakov in Toronto
In Brooklyn NY with Bella, Lucy, Estee, Jonathan, Alex & my brother Michael – meeting for the first time.