The Gardens Community Centre

Cape Town

The Cape Town Holocaust & Genocide Centre

The Museum

The Gardens Shul

The Gitlin Library

Cafe Riteve

Beyachad Educators

On Friday 1st March 2019, the South African Friends of Beth Hatefutsoth were pleased to host a meeting with Eli Rabinowitz, from Perth, Saul Issroff from London and various educators and genealogists.

From Tachlis, Michele Gogoski & Elona Steinfeld, Beyachad, Johannesburg:

Eli, who is the founder of the We Are Here Foundation, gave an inspirational presentation about the importance of educating Jewish youth about the Holocaust and the Jewish partisans during the World War II. The talk was accompanied by video footage of the youth of various communities across the globe, who have been taught and are being taught to sing the famous Partisans Song – Zog Nit Keyn Mol (Shir HaPartizanim).

His message is loud and clear: WE MUST NEVER FORGET!

For more information please visit the website

WE ARE HERE! An Education Program That Inspires Upstanders

With Howard Feldman – Chaim FM


From Stan Smookler on the Good Shabbas Newsletter

I attended a Lecture by Eli Rabinowitz @ Beyachad last week, and it was a VERY interesting discussion, the Subject being “ Zog Nit Keynmol’ ( Never say never again), the Partisan’s song…. see …. I never realized that such a project would have soooo many opinions and ‘Machlokes’ …. The project is to revive the Partisan song that was written by Hirsch Glik in the concentration camps…… The project involves getting schools to start learning the song and of course understanding the meaning…. Eli has teamed up with various Schools, especially in Russia, Poland, Souff Effrikka etc, and World Ort have given him huge assistance, with ORT schools around the World joining in the programme….. The question is ; Should the Song be sung/learnt in any other language than Yiddish, as this is what it was started as…???? Methinks, yes, as it will get lost if not promoted.

At the meeting were a few knowledgeable people in Yiddisher circles, and Saul Issroff ( Absoluuuuut BOFF on Lithuania) from London (Ex PE ‘Amolikke Yoren’), Eli Goldstein who is very involved in the teaching of Yiddish in Joburg, Ishvara Dhyan, who takes walking tours of Joburg, and covers many of the old Yiddisher places, Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft (The Travelling Rabbi) ,Darryl Frankel (King David) Marc Latilla who runs a website Johannesburg 1912, which has a lot of info on many suburbs (in detail) and Joburg City  … , where you can find in depth info on Joburg/suburbs….. Tali Nates from the Holocaust Museum also came, and Eli did a show with Howard Feldman on Chai FM 91.7 .. Pictures; 

ChaiFM – my interview by Howard Feldman

Howard Feldman – Cham FM



 With some of the educators  who attended my presentation.

With Saul Issroff & Tali Nates
With Rabbi Moshe Sliberhaft

With Elona Steinfeld at SA Friends of Beth Hatefutsoth

Also caught up with:

With Rabbi Kacev
With Rabbi Lipskar

Coming Up

Coming Up in the UK, Europe and Israel in June, Europe and the US in July, and Australia in August!
I will be participating in:
a commemoration in June in Birzai & a shabbat weekend in Kedainiai, Lithuania;
an eight day educators’ seminar in June at the International School of Holocaust Studies at Yad Vashem; 
a 100-strong gathering in Novogrudok, Belarus in July, where a full and interesting program will include learning about the Partisans’ Song, and then singing it in the Naliboki Forest, where the Bielski’s lived and hid from 1942 to 1944; 
the IAJGS39 conference in Cleveland in July, where I am giving two presentations, including one as part of the educators program – see below; and
WE ARE HERE! An Education Program That Inspires Upstanders in Australia in August.This educational program, which promotes universal human rights and inclusive development, is funded by the US Dept of State, and brings Holocaust educator and specialist Nance Adler of Seattle to Australia.


Busy times ahead!

Chag Pesach Sameach and Happy Easter
Please contact me for further details.
Best regards
Further details:
I have been invited to be one of six speakers who will presentat the Educators Program at IAJGS39 (International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies) in Cleveland OH, USA on 28 July, the opening event at thisconference.

My topic is:

Projects That Draw Youth to Ancestral Roots.

The details appear below
My second talk is on 30 July on the WE ARE HERE! Project for Upstanders. 

A Special Program for Jewish Educators

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy is being held in Cleveland for the first time. It features a special day designed specifically for Jewish educators!

Who Should Attend

Educators who:

  • Work in formal and informal settings
  • Work in day or synagogue schools
  • Create and facilitate family and intergenerational programs
  • Teach history
  • Teach writing and research skills

Sunday, July 28th is the date. The program begins with breakfast and a keynote by noted Jewish educator and genealogist Carol Oseran Starin, former Vice-President of the Jewish Federation of Seattle. Participants may select from two workshop time periods, each with a choice from three nationally known presenters, followed by lunch and idea exchanges.

Program Details


To introduce educators to how Jewish genealogy strengthens students’ Jewish identity through the experience of researching their roots and how their history shaped family and community.


8:30–9:00 Registration and light breakfast
9:00–10:00 Keynote speaker: What is Jewish about Jewish Genealogy, Carol Starin
10:15–11:15 Three workshop sessions
  1. Jewish Genealogy for Beginners, Maurice Kices
  2. Designing an “Introduction to Jewish Genealogy” Program: Being Ready for Surprises, Sylvia Abrams
  3. Projects That Draw Youth to Ancestral Roots, Eli Rabinowitz
11:30–12:30 Three workshop sessions
  1. DNA as a Genealogy Tool, Gil Bardige
  2. JewishGen—Everything You Need to Know, Phyllis Kramer
  3. How to Get Kids Involved in Family History, Daniel Horowitz
12:30–1:15 Lunch and “tachlis” how to implement ideas
1:15–2:45 Participation in SHARE Fair and Exhibits
2:45–4:00 Education track participants are invited to the conference keynote address
Title of the Presentation  Projects That Will Draw Our Youth Back To Their Shtetl 
Short Title  Visit the shtetl: the virtual way forward! 
Type of Session  Presentation 
Topic or Category  Jewish History and Culture 
Methodology and Mechanics 
Telling Your Family Story 
Using Technology for Research 
Brief Abstract of Your Presentation  Since 2011, and after nine trips to Poland and Lithuania, as well as travel to Belarus, Germany, Russia, Latvia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Turkey and Israel, I have compiled a sizeable collection of information, stories, photos and contacts. My focus is not only about my own family history, but that of Jewish cultural history, general history, as well as contemporary Jewish life. Working with schools in these countries, I have been able to bring students together online to collaborate and to exchange information about the lands of their heritage.

My presentation takes you on a tour of how you can use this body of work to further your own knowledge on family research, Jewish cultural heritage and Jewish life. This includes a tour of my 86 JewishGen KehilaLink websites, including 55 in Europe, plus over 600 posts and pages on my Tangential Travel and Jewish Life website and associated social media. 
Presentation is best suited for  All skills 
How will your presentation help your intended audience?  Expand research skills 
Develop interview skills 
Teach best practices 
Expand social media skills 
Teach innovative strategies 
Assist with personal research 
Second Talk – Tuesday 30 July 2019
Title of the Presentation  WE ARE HERE! Project: Becoming An Upstander Rather Than A Bystander 
Short Title  How Jewish Partisans Inspire Our Youth To Stand Up 
Type of Session  Presentation 
Topic or Category  Genealogy and Jewish History Related to WW2 
Jewish History and Culture 
Methodology and Mechanics 
Preserving our Jewish Past 
Brief Abstract of Your Presentation  WE ARE HERE! Project
This project seeks to inspire in young people the confidence and ability to stand up in the face of prejudice and oppression.
Encourages and inspires Upstanders through the stories of Jewish Partisans and the learning of Zog Nit Keynmol
Provides role models for standing up for yourself in the face of prejudice, hatred, violence and evil
Shows that an individual can make a difference – regardless of their personal circumstances
Translates the stories of Jewish Partisans and the words of Zog Nit Keynmol into a universal message of hope and inspiration for all who are victims of prejudice and oppression
Empowers young people to create the change they want to see in their communities and the world.
Teaches that while the partisans used weapons – they were fighting the Nazis – you can fight oppression with only your voice and presence 
Presentation is best suited for  All skills 
How will your presentation help your intended audience?  Teach best practices 
Expand social media skills 
Teach innovative strategies 

With Heather Blumenthal and Richard Freedman at the Cape Town Holocaust & Genocide Centre

IAJGS Cleveland

My talk

I am pleased to advise that I have been selected with a handful of others to present at the Educators Program at IAJGS39 in Cleveland OH, USA on 28 July. This is a highlight event at this high profile international conference.

My topic is:

Projects That Draw Youth to Ancestral Roots.

A Special Program for Jewish Educators

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy is being held in Cleveland for the first time. It features a special day designed specifically for Jewish educators!

Who Should Attend

Educators who:

  • Work in formal and informal settings
  • Work in day or synagogue schools
  • Create and facilitate family and intergenerational programs
  • Teach history
  • Teach writing and research skills

Sunday, July 28th is the date. The program begins with breakfast and a keynote by noted Jewish educator and genealogist Carol Oseran Starin, former Vice-President of the Jewish Federation of Seattle. Participants may select from two workshop time periods, each with a choice from three nationally known presenters, followed by lunch and idea exchanges.

Educators are invited to visit the Conference SHARE Fair and the Vendor and Exhibit areas and to hear the conference keynote by Case Western Reserve University Professor Daniel Goldmark, Director of the Center for Popular Music Studies.

Program Details


To introduce educators to how Jewish genealogy strengthens students’ Jewish identity through the experience of researching their roots and how their history shaped family and community.


Here is the tentative schedule (subject to change).

8:30–9:00Registration and light breakfast
9:00–10:00Keynote speaker: What is Jewish about Jewish Genealogy, Carol Starin
10:15–11:15Three workshop sessions
Jewish Genealogy for Beginners, Maurice Kices Designing an “Introduction to Jewish Genealogy” Program: Being Ready for Surprises, Sylvia Abrams
Projects That Draw Youth to Ancestral Roots, Eli Rabinowitz
11:30–12:30Three workshop sessionsDNA as a Genealogy Tool, Gil BardigeJewishGen—Everything You Need to Know, Phyllis KramerHow to Get Kids Involved in Family History, Daniel Horowitz
12:30–1:15Lunch and “tachlis” how to implement ideas
1:15–2:45Participation in SHARE Fair and Exhibits
2:45–4:00Education track participants are invited to the conference keynote address

Fee and Attendance Limit

Fee for the entire day: $75 per person. Kosher dietary laws observed

Limited to 75 attendees


We thank the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland for underwriting the costs of the first 35 Cleveland educators’ attendance at the Educators’ track of IAJGS2019.

Title of the Presentation Projects That Will Draw Our Youth Back To Their Shtetl 
Short Title Visit the shtetl: the virtual way forward! 
Type of Session Presentation 
Topic or Category Jewish History and Culture 
Methodology and Mechanics 
Telling Your Family Story 
Using Technology for Research 
Geographical Focus Not geographically specific 
Brief Abstract of Your Presentation Since 2011, and after nine trips to Poland and Lithuania, as well as travel to Belarus, Germany, Russia, Latvia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Turkey and Israel, I have compiled a sizeable collection of information, stories, photos and contacts. My focus is not only about my own family history, but that of Jewish cultural history, general history, as well as contemporary Jewish life. Working with schools in these countries, I have been able to bring students together online to collaborate and to exchange information about the lands of their heritage.

My presentation takes you on a tour of how you can use this body of work to further your own knowledge on family research, Jewish cultural heritage and Jewish life. This includes a tour of my 86 JewishGen KehilaLink websites, including 55 in Europe, plus over 600 posts and pages on my Tangential Travel and Jewish Life website and associated social media. 
Presentation is best suited for All skills 
How will your presentation help your intended audience? Expand research skills 
Develop interview skills 
Teach best practices 
Expand social media skills 
Teach innovative strategies 
Assist with personal research 

My Second Talk – Tuesday 30 July 2019

Title of the Presentation WE ARE HERE! Project: Becoming An Upstander Rather Than A Bystander 
Short Title How Jewish Partisans Inspire Our Youth To Stand Up 
Type of Session Presentation 
Topic or Category Genealogy and Jewish History Related to WW2 
Jewish History and Culture 
Methodology and Mechanics 
Preserving our Jewish Past 
Geographical Focus Not geographically specific 
Brief Abstract of Your Presentation WE ARE HERE! Project
This project seeks to inspire in young people the confidence and ability to stand up in the face of prejudice and oppression.
Encourages and inspires Upstanders through the stories of Jewish Partisans and the learning of Zog Nit Keynmol
Provides role models for standing up for yourself in the face of prejudice, hatred, violence and evil
Shows that an individual can make a difference – regardless of their personal circumstances
Translates the stories of Jewish Partisans and the words of Zog Nit Keynmol into a universal message of hope and inspiration for all who are victims of prejudice and oppression
Empowers young people to create the change they want to see in their communities and the world.
Teaches that while the partisans used weapons – they were fighting the Nazis – you can fight oppression with only your voice and presence 
Presentation is best suited for All skills 
How will your presentation help your intended audience? Teach best practices 
Expand social media skills 
Teach innovative strategies 

Stellenbosch 2019

Early morning in Stellenbosch

Wednesday 6 March 2019

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Stellenbosch Shul

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Meeting Daniella Van Niekerk

Translated the Partisans’ Song into Afrikaans & presented her project on the Jewish wedding ceremony to her ed  last year.

Highlight Photos

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Who We Are

THe Partisans’ Song In AFRIKAANS
Translated by Daniella Van Niekerk


Moet nooit sêdaar wag net dood vir jou nie,

alhoewel loodswaar hemele die blou lug mag versteek,

want die uur waarna ons gehunker het, is naby;

die aarde sal bewe onder ons tree – ons is hier!


Van die land van palmbome, tot die vêrre land van sneeu,

sal ons kom met ons pyniging en geween,

en oral waar ons bloed in die aarde ingesyfer het,

sal ons dapperheid, ons krag, uitbloei!


Ons sal die môreson hê om ons dag te laat gloei,

en al ons gisters sal verdwyn saam met ons vyande.

En indien dit nog lank is voor die son weer verskyn,

laat hierdie lied soos ‘n sein voortklink deur die jare.


Hierdie lied is geskryf in bloed, nie lood nie.

Dit is nie ‘n lied wat somervoëls oorhoofs sing nie.

Dit was ‘n volk ter midde van brandende versperrings,

wat die lied van ons gesing het met pistole en grenate.


Moet nooit sêdaar wag net dood vir jou nie,

alhoewel loodswaar hemele die blou lug mag versteek,

want die uur waarna ons gehunker het, is naby;

die aarde sal bewe onder ons tree – ons is hier!

Daniella’s Tour of Stellenbosch University

The Botanical Gardens

Daniella Van Niekerk
Jewish Wedding Class – March 2018

Using resources from Eli Rabinowitz

Enacting Breaking the Glass

Comments by students





Online Collaboration 2019 – Herzlia and ORT



This is the third online collaboration on the Jewish Partisans between Herzlia School in Cape Town and World ORT schools in the FSU.

The Partisans’ Song Video

IMG 7590

Herzlia School Vocal Ensemble sings Zog Nit Keyn Mol, 15 March 2019


Full Video of the event

partisan 2



With Ella Blumenthal

Cantor and music teacher Ivor Joffe, Steve Sherman of Living Maths, Ella Blumenthal and Eli Rabinowitz

For more information please visit the website

WE ARE HERE! An Education Program That Inspires Upstanders

For Upstanders


Book Launch – If I Survive

In Lena Goldstein’s story, we journey from her youth in Lublin Poland, through her life and deathstruggle in the Warsaw Ghetto, to a new life in Australia. Weaving this within the historical context, author Barbara Miller creates a gripping account of how Lena survived the lowest ebb in Jewishhistory. Lena’s story will inspire the next generation to be upstanders, and always to have hope!

Eli Rabinowitz, Educator, genealogist and filmmaker – WE ARE HERE! Foundation

Book Launch Sydney Jewish Museum 10.2.19

Back Cover If I Survive

Melbourne JHC  – 14 February 2019


Ponar, Lithuania

27 January 2019

In Australia #WeRemember by singing Zog Nit Keynmol, The Partisans’ Song.

Thanks to Phillip Masel for taking these photos at the ceremony in Mellbourne last night, and sharing them with us

Phillip, 96, was a friend of Hirsh Glik, the poet who wrote the poem in 1943.


Please Learn and Teach the Partisans’ Song to your students and children.

You have a choice of 28 languages, or even combinations, and now even in Noongar, Zulu and Xhosa

We can show you an easy and effective way to learn this before Yom Hashoah on 1 / 2 May 2019!

Learn The Partisans’ Song | tangential travel

Learn The Partisans’ Song | tangential travel


A Project For Your School Recite or sing the Partisans’ Song in your home tongue, or in a language you have learnt. Make a video, which can be as creative as you wish or just a simple recording. For the poem, each verse is made up of four lines. For the song, the last two lines in each verse are repeated. The Power Of Words The background and context The ‘Partisans’ Song’ – Zog Nit Kein Mol–written by Hirsch Glik, 22, in the Vilna Ghetto in 1943 is one of the most powerful songs of resistance and defiance ever written. While Hitler boasted that his Reich would endure for a thousand years, it is the Jewish people who resisted the forces of hatred and have endured, not the murderous Third Reich, which lasted twelve years. Today, 75 years on, long after the demise of Hitler’s murderous regime, the partisans’ song is now sung worldwide to mark the Jewish spirit of resistance. (Michael Cohen, Melbourne)


Listen to the Noongar, an Australian Aboriginal language, version.

View some of our videos of the song:

Videos | tangential travel

Videos | tangential travel

Beis Aharon School, Pinsk, Belarus

Videos of the Partisan Poem and Song Project ORT Compilation videos: Herzl Lyceum ORT, Chisinau, Moldova ORT Tallinn, Estonia Solomo Aleichemo ORT, Vilnius, Lithuania Solomo Aleichemo ORT singing the song during my visit in May 2017 ORT Chernivsti, Ukraine Kiev ORT #141, Ukraine ORT Odessa, Ukraine Moscow 1540 ORT, Russia Kazan ORT, Russia Samara ORT, Russia Mexico CIM ORT Herzlia High School, Cape Town, South Africa King David Victory Park, Johannesburg South Africa Sauleketis School, Vilnius Lithuania Dylan Kotkis of Carmel School, Perth The Poem in English The


For  information on WE ARE HERE! Foundation Project for Upstanders, visit:

WE ARE HERE! For Upstanders

For Upstanders


Contact me at




WE ARE HERE! Global Program For Upstanders

WE ARE HERE! for Upstanders is a global program that promotes universal human rights and inclusive development. We are headquartered in Perth, Australia.

Using the stories of the Jewish Partisans, WE ARE HERE! seeks to inspire in young people the confidence and ability to stand up in the face of prejudice and oppression.

The website: 

This program is sponsored by a cultural grant from the U.S. Department of State.



J-Wire Australia

The Partisans’ Song in Noongar: 


More details on our website:

Holocaust educator and specialist Nance Adler of Seattle, Washington will visit Australia in August 2019. Nance will present to teachers, students and community leaders involved in education. We will also run workshops.

Nance’s Partisans’ Project and Lesson Plan have already been translated by our global team into Russian, Lithuanian, German, Polish and Spanish, and are available for free!

Professor Lynne Cohen, recently retired vice-chancellor of ECU – Edith Cowan University, has joined our project team. Lynne was also Head of the ECU School of Education in Western Australia

Our international team of educators and collaborators:

Through our network of global collaborators, there are now 27 language translations of the Partisans’ Song. The Partisans’ Song portal:  


Recently we arranged translations into Aboriginal Noongar, Arabic and Xhosa, and soon in Zulu, Mongolian and Ladino.

The Partisans’ Song will be sung in Noongar in July at Ellenbrook Senior High School, with planned national media coverage of this World Premiere! 

William Cooper

There is a strong theme connecting the Jewish Partisans and William Cooper, the Aboriginal leader who attempted to deliver his protest to the Nazi consulate in Melbourne on 6 December 1938, just after Kristallnacht. William’s petition was eventually accepted by Germany in 2017:

The Gandel Foundation, Melbourne has recently announced two scholarships in the name of William Cooper.

Uncle Boydie and Moshe Fiszman

Our Melbourne educator, Viv Parry, produced a movie, Ties That Bind, in 2017. Read more:

This powerful nine minute documentary film features Uncle Boydie, grandson of William Cooper, and Moshe Fiszman, a Holocaust survivor.

Ties That Bind is now part of the USHMM’s – The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s (in Washington) presentation.

We are writing a lesson plan for this documentary. This will be freely available to teachers and students around the world.

Our North Queensland collaborator, Barbara Miller, has written the book: William Cooper – Gentle Warrior 

William Cooper, Gentle Warrior

We are also expanding our global online collaboration classes with World ORT and other schools. World ORT is the world’s largest Jewish education and vocational training non-governmental organisation. Several lesson plans will be offered to a global audience.

ORT students recite Zog Nit Keynmol for Holocaust Remembrance Day

The Partisans’ Song in English recited for us by Freydi Mrocki:

Our project features in a documentary on South African National Television in 2018:

Kristallnacht Cantata

The Kristallnacht Cantata by Ron Jontof-Hutter of Melbourne and Israeli composer, Alon Trigger.  Here is a 6 minute promo video: The full work will be about 35 minutes. This is based on this story of Ron’s grandfather, Otto Jontof-Hutter, and William Cooper:  Otto and William never met or even knew of each other’s existence!

Several orchestras around the world have shown a strong interest in performing the work. 

Please contact me at
Eli Rabinowitz: bio

About Me

Projects For Your School:

Learn The Partisans’ Song

Recite or sing the Partisans’ Song in your home tongue, or in a language you have learnt. Make a video, which can be as creative as you wish or just a simple recording. 

The Power Of Words

The background and context

The ‘Partisans’ Song’ – Zog Nit Keyn Mol – written by Hirsch Glik, 22, in the Vilna Ghetto in 1943, is one of the most powerful songs of resistance and defiance ever written.

Today, 75 years on, long after the demise of Hitler’s murderous regime, the partisans’ song is now sung worldwide to mark the Jewish spirit of resistance.

Words – Michael Cohen, Melbourne MC – Freydi Mrocki


“Zog nit keyn mol, az du geyst dem letstn veg…….Never say that you have reached the end of the road……

Mir zaynen do! WE ARE HERE!

“This says that although it looks like the last moments of the life of the Jewish people, it is not, and where the blood was shed, will begin a new, a heroic and a wonderful Jewish life!”

(Quote: Cantor H Fox, LA)

Beis Aharon School, Pinsk, Belarus

Jewish Life

In the South African Country Communities 

compiled by David Solly Sandler

If your parents and grandparents lived in or nearby one of the towns mentioned below before 1980 you can read about the Jewish history of the town and there is a good chance they will be mentioned in the relevant volumes of Jewish Life in the South African Country Communities 

Volume 1 Northern Transvaal

Barberton, Belfast, Brits, Bronkhorstspruit, Cullinan, Duiwelskloof, Dullstroom, Graskop, Gravelotte,

Groblersdal, Hammanskraal, Hazyview, Hoedspruit, Komatipoort, Louis Trichardt, Lydenburg, Machadodorp, Marble Hall, Messina, Middelburg, Naboomspruit, Nelspruit, Nylstroom, Phalaborwa, Pietersburg, Pilgrim’s Rest, Potgietersrus, Roedtan, Sabie, Settlers, Soekmekaar, Thabazimbi, Tzaneen, Warmbaths, Waterval-Boven, White River and Witbank

Volume 2 Western Cape and Karoo

Barkly West, Beaufort West, Brandvlei, Britstown, Calvinia, Carnarvon, Ceres, Clanwilliam, Colesberg, Darling, De Aar, Douglas, Franschoek, Fraserburg, Garies, Gouda, Griquatown, Hanover, Hopefield, Hopetown, Jan Kempdorp, Kenhardt, Klawer, Kuruman, Laingsburg, Lambert’s Bay, Loeriesfontein, Mafikeng, Malmesbury, Middelburg, Modderrivier, Mooreesburg, Niewoudtville, Noupoort, Paarl, Petrusville, Philipstown, Piketberg, Port Nolloth, Porterville, Prieska, Prince Albert, Prince Alfred Hamlet, Richmond, Riebeek-Kasteel, Rietfontein, Somerset West, Springbok, Stellenbosch, Strand, Strydenburg, Sutherland, Taung, Touwsriver, Tulbach, Upington, Van Wyksvlei, Vanrhynsdorp, Victoria West, Vosburg, Vredenburg, Vredendal, Vryburg, Warrenton, Wellington, Williston, Wolseley and Worcester

Volume 3 Southern and Eastern Cape 

Aberdeen, Adelaide, Albertinia, Alexandria, Alice, Alicedale, Aliwal North, Barkly East, Bedford, Bonnievale, Bredasdorp, Burgersdorp, Butterworth, Caledon, Calitzdorp, Cathcart, Cookhouse, Cradock, Dordrecht, Elliot, Fort Beaufort, George, Graaff-Reinet, Grabouw, Grahamstown, Hankey, Heidelberg, Hermanus, Hofmeyr, Humansdorp, Indwe, Jamestown, Jansenville, Joubertina, Kareedouw, King William’s Town, Kirkwood, Knysna, Kokstad, Komga, Ladismith, Lady Grey, Maclear, Molteno, Montagu, Mossel Bay, Murraysburg, Napier, Nieu-Bethesda, Pearston, Peddie, Plettenberg Bay, Port Alfred. Queenstown, Riversdale, Robertson, Somerset East, Sterkstroom, Steynsburg, Steytlerville, Stutterheim, Swellendam, Tarkastad, Uitenhage, Umtata, Uniondale, Venterstad, Villiersdorp, Willowmore and Wolwefontein

Volume 4 Free State and Natal

Amanzimtoti, Dannhauser, Dundee, Empangeni, Ladysmith, Margate, Newcastle, Paulpietersburg, Pietermaritzburg, Pinetown, Umhlanga Rocks, Utrecht and Vryheid

Volume 5  Southern Transvaal and Witwatersrand

Bethlehem, Bethulie, Boshof, Bothaville, Brandfort, Bultfontein, Clocolan, Dealesville, Dewetsdorp, Edenburg, Excelsior, Fauresmith, Ficksburg, Fouriesburg, Frankfort, Harrismith, Heilbron, Hennenman, Hoopstad, Jacobsdal, Jagersfontein, Kestell, Koffiefontein, Koppies, Kroonstad, Ladybrand, Lindley, Odendaalsrus, Parys, Paul Roux, Petrus Steyn, Petrusburg, Philippolis, Reddersburg, Reitz, Rouxville, Sasolburg-Coalbrook, Senekal, Smithfield, Springfontein, Steynsrus, Thaba Nchu, Theunissen, Tierpoort, Trompsburg, Tweespruit, Ventersburg and Viljoensdrif.

Five volumes have been published and I understand two more volumes are almost complete.

The names of many of the Jewish residents of each town is listed and if your parents or their parents came from a town in the areas published you can learn more about Jewish life and people in that dorp.  

This is an ideal gift or book/s for your coffee table 

The best person to contact for your book and for more information is Elona Steinfeld

Elona  email <>
