Witnessing Holocaust History

“World ORT, the WE ARE HERE! Foundation, and the Holocaust Awareness Museum and Education Center of Philadelphia have partnered this year to provide an international experience of Holocaust education and remembrance to students around the world. This is an international project that commemorates the Holocaust and also provides opportunities for global Holocaust education, engaging the next generation of learners.

Join us through Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/97948035452) and the HAMEC Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/PhilaHAMECon Wednesday, January 27th (9am EST, 2pm London, 10pm Perth) as these three organizations honour International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Experience survivor testimony shared through HAMEC programming to World ORT students, and hear the impact these testimony programs have on students’ understanding of the past, as the programs personalize the Holocaust so that they learn the consequences of racism, ethnic cleansing, and intolerance. The program will conclude with a performance by students of the Partisans’ Song, one of the most powerful songs of resistance and defiance ever written. Today, 80 years on, long after the demise of Hitler’s murderous regime, the Partisans’ Song is now sung worldwide to mark the Jewish spirit of resistance.”
King David School Johannesburg

Participating ORT Schools for January Event

Country/ City Timezone School
Mexico/ Mexico City CST CIM-ORT
South Africa/ Cape Town SAST Herzlia
South Africa/Johannesburg SAST King David Victory Park High
Bulgaria/Sofia EEST Dimcho Debelianov Hebrew and English Language School
Netherlands/ Amsterdam CET JSG Maimonides
Spain/Madrid CET ORT Colegio Estrella Toledano
Russia/ St Petersburg MST ORT de Gunzburg Secondary School # 550 “Shorashim”
Russia/ Samara SST Samara ORT Secondary School# 42, “Gesher”
Russia/ Moscow MST ORT Tekhiya, Center of Education # 1311
Russia/Moscow MST ORT Moscow Technology School, Gymnasium # 1540
Russia/ Kazan MST ORT “Mishpahteinu” Secondary School # 12
Ukraine/ Chernivtsi EEST ORT Specialized School #41
Ukraine/ Kiev EEST Kiev ORT Educational Complex #141
Ukraine/ Odessa EEST ORT Secondary School # 94
Ukraine/ Zhaporozhie EEST ORT “Aleph” Jewish Gymnasium
Moldova/ Kishinev EEST ORT Technology Lyceum
Estonia/ Tallinn EEST ORT Tallinn Jewish School
Latvia/ Riga EEST ORT Network Jewish Secondary School
Lithuania/ Vilnius EEST Vilnius Sholom Aleichem ORT School
Herzlia School Cape Town
Multi-cultural Centre Perth
WAH! Advisors and Educators, Perth
ORT Kishinev Moldova

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