Warsaw KehilaLink Is Now Active

For immediate release

I am pleased to advise that we have added my 88th Jewishgen KehilaLink:
We have launched the site somewhat modestly, and trust we will receive many articles including family stories, photos, trees and newsletters.
The Warsaw KehilaLink address is:
If you would like to add your contribution to the site, or have any queries, please email me at eli@elirab.com.
For the list of and links to my 88 KehilaLinks, please visit:
If you are looking for examples of excellent family stories and newsletters, please visit these two links:
The Kimberley site is a successful collaboration between Geraldine Auerbach MBE in London, and myself in Perth Australia, as well as the many individual contributors all around the globe. Your story will be secure on Jewishgen’s server, and can be easily accessed by over 500000 Jewishgen members.
I am also adding a Google Search app within each KehilaLink, making this function more powerful.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Finally, I would like to wish you Shana Tova U’metukah.
Best regards
Eli Rabinowitz
KehilaLink Definition:

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