The Power Of Translations

You can now read my posts about Jewish heritage and travel in 104 languages – even in Xhosa!

This is how it works:

Look up a topic in the menu or the search engine.
Click “Translate” on the bottom right, choose your language and in a few seconds, you are there.

Try these examples:

1: The Power Of Words

2: My 2017 Visit to Atzalynas High School in Kedainiai

3: Sugihara in Sydney


The Power Of Words

Here are some updates for you:

  • A new study guide for the Partisan Poem  is available. Mervyn Danker, school principal and Jill Rabinowitz,  English teacher, have combined to bring you an updated English study guide for the Partisan Poem by Hirsh Glik. This poem is the legacy of the partisans and survivors. It is now up to us to embrace it for future generations.  No other poem inspires hope as much as Zog Nit Keynmol!


  • We are progressing with our plan to recite the poem globally on International Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January 2018. Find your language here.


  • For more on how you can participate, watch the two inspiring videos on this page.

  • You can now follow all my posts in your own language. Simply click on “Translate” on the bottom right and select one of 104 flags to translate – even in Xhosa!
  •  Shana Tova & well over the Fast to all my Jewish friends.
    May you and your loved ones be inscribed in the Book of Life 
    for a happy, healthy, safe and prosperous New Year.
    Shana Tova and well over the Fast. 

    Ge’mar Chatima Tova. 
    Apples & Honey by Danielle Gild, Sydney

