POLIN Museum – Orla Cemetery Marking

Presentations of new markings of Jewish cemeteries in Poland

Prezentacje nowych oznakowań cmentarzy żydowskich w Polsce | Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN w Warszawie

Click on link below

Source: www.polin.pl/pl/aktualnosci/2021/09/10/prezentacje-nowych-oznakowan-cmentarzy-zydowskich-w-polsce?fbclid=IwAR3F4UcsZuOJNIjchMNWHrY1mzBGWF6v8qWZwnPY3riCxRAAEtNv5tmeTaU

Orla KehilaLink

Warsaw – After IAJGS 18

After the IAJGS conference at the Hilton Hotel, my big walk included the Nozyk, the Old Town, The Bristol Hotel, Polin Museum, Centralna Station area, and back to the Nozyk later in the day.

Around the city

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Back to the Nozyk Synagogue

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Hotel Bristol

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The Old Town

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On the way to  Polin Museum

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Polin Museum

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On the way to Centralna Train Station

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Nozyk Synagogue before Shabbat

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Around Centralna at nightime

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Goodbye – back home to Australia

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