54th Yahrzeit Rev N.M. Rabinowitz

54th Yahrzeit  – 8 Nissan  5780 – 2 April 2020

My Zaida, Rev Nachum Mendel Rabinowitz

Nachum Mendel ben Avrom Yaakov


Volksrust, South Africa

(from SA Jewish Life in the Country Communities book just published) 


Vredehoek Shul, Cape Town

Arthurs Road Shul, Sea Point, Cape Town

The visit of Rav Kahaneman to Cape Town

Rev NM  – second row from The front, third from the left



Descendants of Rev NM Rabinowitz

Nachum Mendel Rabinowitz – Descendant Chart


Eli Rabinowitz talks about his family from Orla | Virtual Shtetl

Eli Rabinowitz talks about his family from Orla | Virtual Shtetl

My name is Eli Rabinowitz. I live in Perth, Australia.  My three siblings live in New York, Israel and South Africa. I am married to Jill Reitstein (originally Rotzstejn, from Nasielsk). 

Source: sztetl.org.pl/en/towns/o/682-orla/104-cultural-texts/139505-eli-rabinowitz-talks-about-his-family-orla


elirab.digital historical audio

Rev NM Rabinowitz benching with two of his sons, Leib and Harry, at Sorrel and Gidon Katz’s wedding in Johannesburg 1961

Source: elirab.com/Audio.html

Zaida with me at 107 Corlette Drive, Birnam, Johannesburg.
