Continue the Legacy of the Jewish Partisans and Survivors
“From generation to generation”
With less than a week to go to Yom Hashoah on 23/24 April, show your solidarity with Survivors by reciting the Partisan Song, Zog Nit Keynmol, in your own language.
Even better, record & share it on Facebook or Twitter. You can also Dropbox or email it to me at and I’ll upload it for you!
It can also be in a combination of languages such as Yiddish, Hebrew and English
Here are 15 different language versions for you to choose from:
Here is an example of a recitation:
Freidi Mrocki, a teacher at Shalom Aleichem College in Melbourne, recites Aaron Kremer’s English translation:
Want to sing or recite it in Yiddish, Hebrew & English?
Encourage participation by your children and grandchildren by learning the song and its meaning.
Encourage your school or shul choir to learn and to sing it.
We are inspired by Phillip Maisel:
More details at