Our Vision

To ensure the ongoing legacy of the partisans and survivors, we have come up with an initiative that will engage our youth.
Our vision is
for students of Jewish Day Schools around the world
  • to learn and sing the Jewish Partisan Song in a combination of Yiddish, Hebrew and the student’s home language;
  • to perform it on or around Yom Hashoah and other appropriate events;
  • to learn about the history of the poem and the music from their origins;
  • to understand the meaning, inspiration and significance of the song; and
  • to appreciate the role it has today as a protest song sung in different genres
for other schools
  • to read the poem in their own home language;
  • to learn about the history of the poem and the music from their origins;
  • to understand the meaning, inspiration and significance of the song; and
  • to appreciate the role it has today as a protest song sung in different genres
Building bridges between these two groups will be the next stage in the program.
We have achieved the following in the month of February:
  • presentations were made to 1000 students at assemblies at two King David High Schools at Linksfield and Victory Park in Johannesburg;
  • a live online class was hosted by Herzlia School in Cape Town and attended by three schools in Lithuania, one in Ukraine and one in Moldova. Three of these schools are ORT Jewish Day Schools;
  • videos for the project were presented by these schools as well as by Novogrudok School #8 in Belarus;
  • workshops were held for survivors and staff at the Holocaust and Genocide Centre in Johannesburg;
  • talks were given at the Cyril Harris Community Centre at the Great Park in Johannesburg and at the Gardens and West Coast synagogues in Cape Town;
  • meetings were held with the Jewish Studies staff at Moriah College, Sydney;
  • initial contact was made with Masada College, Sydney and the Jewish Partisan Education Foundation in San Fransisco;
  • a web portal with source material is up and running at http:/elirab.me/zog-nit-keynmol/ and
  • there have been favourable media reports in the Australian Jewish News and the South African Jewish Report and an upcoming article is due in the Cape Jewish Chronicle
There are two “must watch” videos for you to appreciate the potential of our youth and what they can bring to the project:
  • Phillip Maisel’s interview (an audio recording with subtitles) where 11 year old Melbourne students spontaneously sing Zog Nit Keynmol  https://youtu.be/A0hQ1QS–y8
  • The Herzlia Vocal Ensemble, singing live online to five other schools in the FSU in Yiddish, Hebrew and English. https://youtu.be/lt_2Xi6m-Jw
Please share this email with your contacts – it will make a world of difference and a different world!
For more details, visit http:/elirab.me/zog-nit-keynmol/ or
contact me at eli@elirab.com
Eli Rabinowitz
Perth, Australia