The 65th Yahrzeit of Isocher Zeldin

Socher’s passport. He was born in Dvinsk (today Daugavpils)  Latvia
He passed away in Cape Town on Guy Fawkes Day – 5 November 1958
He re-established himself and his family  in Cape Town South Africa

On Muizenberg Beach

 Socher’s descendants around the world
Socher and Chasa Zeldin
and their six daughters  left Riga for South Africa between 1927 to 1937.
Two sons were left behind. Moisey died in the Holocaust, David survived.
Socher and Chasa, their 5 married daughters and their husbands.
Socher’s other children


David Zeldin

Chana Zeldin


11 of the 15 his Cape Town grandchildren.

Leon Spiller’s Barmitzvah – Socher is not in the photo!
With his mate Charlie Slivkin
Socher passed away on Guy Fawkes Day – 5 Nov 1958 aged 77.
Family reunion in Cape Town in the 80s
Socher’s late grandson Mendel and Mendel’s daughter Bella, Mendel’s nieces Alla &  Mira, and Mendel’s great niece Angela.
Socher’s 2 x great grand daughter Lucy’s wedding in NY in 2010
Socher’s grand daughter Zara and her late brother Mendel’s NY & Toronto families in 2017
Socher’s grand daughter  Zara, her daughters Mira and Alla and Avram-Yakov in Toronto
In Brooklyn NY with Bella, Lucy, Estee, Jonathan, Alex & my brother Michael – meeting for the first time.

Five Hours in Riga

18 July 2023

Breakfast at Hotel Conti in Vilnius

Change in flight schedule means I can spend five hours in Riga, on my way to Tel Aviv



Bus from airport to Old Town – Vecriga

A walk around Riga – a map of the area

The building my grandfather, Socher Zeldin, lived in a hundred years ago.







Stayed here a few times 

Walking the Old Town









Back to the airport – on way to Tel Aviv

Ray’s 22nd Yahrzeit

Ray (Raele) Zeldin Rabinowitz’s 22nd Yahrzeit  is on 4th Av

Audio Player

Ra’anana Israel 22 July 2023

For Mamele on Facebook:

Momele by Cantor Yanky Lemmer

Ray was born on 11 May 1919 in Dvinsk, now Daugavpils, Latvia.

She passed away on 24 July 2001 in Cape Town, South Africa

Ray passed away on 24 July 2001.

The last photo

Ray’s 21st Yahrzeit

Ray (Raele) Zeldin Rabinowitz’s 21st Yahrzeit  was on 4th Av

Audio Player

For Mamele on Facebook:

Momele by Cantor Yanky Lemmer

Ray was born on 11 May 1919 in Dvinsk, now Daugavpils, Latvia.

She passed away on 24 July 2001 in Cape Town, South Africa

Ray passed away on 24 July 2001.

The last photo

Ray’s 20th Yahrzeit

Ray (Raele) Zeldin Rabinowitz’s 20th Yahrzeit tonight, 4th Av

Audio Player

To play Mamele on Facebook, click here:

Momele by Cantor Yanky Lemmer – 2 July 2015

Ray was born on 11 May 1919 in Dvinsk, now Daugavpils, Latvia.

She passed away on 24 July 2001 in Cape Town, South Africa

Ray passed away on 24 July 2001.

The last photo
