Israel-Litvak Roots

IGRA Meeting on 12 June in Raanana, Israel

Israel-Litvak Roots
From: Elena Bazes

Monday, June 12th in Ra’anana, Israel

Join us for the next meeting of the Israel Genealogy Research
Association (IGRA).

Eli Rabinowitz will be speaking on “In the Footsteps of Zalman Tzoref:
Tracing 200 Years of Litvak Family History and Legacy”.
This presentation follows Zalman Tzoref’s footsteps and goes beyond!
In 1811, Tzoref left Keidan, Lithuania for Jerusalem where his mission
was to rebuild the Ashkenazi community in the Old City. Eli will
discuss Tzoref’s life and achievements through his 20,000 descendants.

In 2011, Eli returned to the town, now called Kedainiai, and
re-established his family connections with Tzoref’s birthplace. He
will also speak on how he has become active in building bridges in
this town.

Eli Rabinowitz, born in Cape Town, has lived in Perth Australia since
1986. An economist by profession, Eli is involved in a wide range of
Jewish community activities, including filming events, research,
education, arranging exhibitions and lecturing on Jewish cultural
heritage and family history. Eli writes and manages 75 Kehilalinks
websites for JewishGen, and blogs on Jewish life, his extensive
heritage travel and photography. He also arranges customized Litvak
heritage tours and has published stories in various genealogical

Location: Bet Fisher, 5 Klausner Street, Ra’anana

Doors open at 19:00 Ā Ā Meeting begins at 19:30.

Cost: IGRA members-Free Admission Ā Ā Ā Ā Non-members-NIS 20

To join IGRA, go to

Elena Biegel Bazes
IGRA Publicity Chairperson

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LitvakSIG | About LitvakSIG

LitvakSIG is the primary internet resource for Lithuanian-Jewish (Litvak) genealogy research worldwide. SIG stands for Special Interest Group.



A Stone with a Story by Richard Shavei Tzion


The following article was written by my wife’s cousin, Richard Shavei Tzion.

It has just appeared in Ezra magazine in Israel.

Richard has kindly given me permission to repost it.

HeĀ writes beautifully in addition to all the other amazing talents he has – see his bio.

Click on What I Call Beschert

On the subject of the Saevitzon family, below is a video of their Pesach Seder in Cape TownĀ in 1954.

It includes the Bloch and Reitstein families.

Chag Pesach Sameach





The Story of the South African Fallen in Defence of Israel

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Every year, on the National Day of Mourning for those who have fallen while serving the country, we, the Southern African Jews in Israel, collectively remember the eighty seven fallen from our community.

Their names are engraved on a memorial wall in the heart of the JNF-KKL Lavi forest close to the Golani junction, on a plaque in the offices of the SAZF in Raanana and appear at the end of this article.

For the grieving families each name encapsulates the individual life story of their beloved sons and daughters. But those names do more than that. They tell the story of Israelā€™s long battle for safety and security in an often hostile neighbourhood.

That is the story I would like to tell. Gidon Katz, who lost a brother in the Yom Kippur War and who was largely behind the restoration of the stone monument alongside the wall of names, provided me with details of all eighty six fallen. As I read them and made my own notes I realised to what extent these eighty six soldiers not only fought in all Israelā€™s wars but are a cross section of Israeli society.

Some came on aliya with their parents; some came on their own immediately after completing school; some were Sabras whose parents had come on aliya; some studied in universities both in Israel and abroad.

Some were very young, still doing their national service while others were much older, serving in the reserves. Prior to the establishment of the State of Israel they served in the Irgun (Etzel), the Hagana and the Palmach, and thereafter they served in the paratroopers, the armoured corps, the artillery, the navy and the air force and a few had even served in the SA air force and navy. They were in Nachal, in Givati, in the Security Services and in the border police.

Some were career soldiers and officers, others were promoted posthumously. Many were outstanding soldiers in the courses in which they participated and some were awarded medals of valour for their bravery beyond the call of duty. One fell in a training accident in the US, while the family of another donated his organs to seven recipients.

Some were not yet married while others left young, heartbroken wives. Some had not had time to have children while one left seven devastated orphans. They lived in cities, in villages, on kibbutzim and moshavim, within the 1949 cease-fire lines and beyond them in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip.

Israelā€™s War of Independence began during the British Mandate and the first South African to fall in 1938 spent four months in the Acco prison before being fatally wounded while on guard in the fields of Hanita on the Lebanese border. During the months between the UN Resolution on the partition of Palestine in November 1947 and the final ceasefire agreements in April 1949 there were battles throughout the land, some better known some less so. South Africans fell in the battle for Jaffa, on the convoys through Bab el Wad to Jerusalem, in Operation Hiram in the western Galilee and against the Egyptians near Ramat Rachel.

Eighteen months passed before the bodies of those who fell at Kfar Etzion and the pilot shot down over Syria, near Mishmar HaYarden were reinterred in Israel while the remains of the pilot shot down while strafing the Egyptian forces near Asdud (modern Ashdod) were only recovered three and a half years later.

Over the next years there were South African losses during the numerous skirmishes and terrorist attacks from the Egyptian Sinai desert culminating in Operation Kadesh, the Sinai Campaign, in 1956. The Egyptian nationalization of the Suez Canal led to the Anglo-French attack on Egypt. As Egypt had closed the Straits of Tiran to all shipping to Eilat Israel was invited to participate. Israeli troops reached the Suez Canal and Sharm el Sheikh, thereby ending the blockade of Eilat. Under pressure from the US Israeli troops withdraw from Sinai and were replaced by UN troops.

In May 1967 Egypt once again closed the Straits of Tiran threatening a full scale war with Israel. Jordan signed a Joint Military Pact with Egypt and Syria continued her bombardment, from the Golan Heights, of Israeli settlements in the eastern Galilee. Throughout the world Jews and non-Jews feared for the State of Israel, 350 miles from north to south, 10 miles wide from Netanya to the Jordanian border.

During the very brief Six Day War in 1967, in which many South Africans took part, there was one South African casualty. When the ceasefire agreements were signed Israel was in control of the entire Sinai Peninsula right up to eastern bank of the Suez Canal. On the Jordanian front Israel was in control of the entire West Bank right up to the western bank of the Jordan River. On the Syrian front, the Golan Heights were under Israeli control.

Israeli offers of withdrawal in return for peace treaties were rejected by all Arab states. The War of Attrition on the Egyptian and Syrian fronts began as did terrorist acts in Israel itself coupled with airplane hijackings and the massacre of Israeli sportsmen at the Olympic Games in Munich in 1972. The PLO leadership, expelled from Jordan by King Hussein, moved to southern Lebanon

While Russia provided Egypt and Syria unlimited and updated armaments, including SAM and Sager missiles and RPGā€™s, France, previously Israelā€™s main supplier, had imposed a boycott on Israel. For the first time Israel began to get supplies from the USA.

During this period South Africans fell on the Suez Canal, on the Syrian front and on a special mission to destroy the PLO headquarters in Lebanon.

Despite all indications to the contrary the Israeli Intelligence believed that a full-scale war was not imminent and so it came as a complete surprise when Egypt and Syria opened their attack at 14.00 on Yom Kippur 1973.

Within forty eight hours the Egyptians crossed the Suez Canal and captured all the Israeli positions on the Bar Lev line, excluding the northernmost fortification, ā€˜Budapestā€™. It was here that the first two South Africans to lose their lives in the Yom Kippur fell. One had returned from abroad to join his unit, as had others among the fallen. His comrade had married a few months earlier, not the only one to leave a new bride.

The tables were turned when Israeli troops succeeded in creating a bridgehead across the canal and began storming into the African part of Egypt separating the Egyptian army in Sinai from their logistic supplies.

From Port Said to Kantara and Ismailia and in the ā€˜Chinese Farmā€™ South Africans fell with IDF heroes fighting relentlessly in tanks and with whatever was still operable. They won the Oz and Mofet medals of valour. Two members of a kibbutz fell in the same tank. Medics fell while trying to save fellow soldiers.

On the Golan Heights the Syrians almost reached the Bnot Yaakov Bridge on the Jordan River before the tables were turned thanks to the heroic stand of the tanks crews who persevered against unbelievable odds. Israeli troops crossed the 1967 ceasefire lines and destroyed the Syrian airfields, infrastructure and the Iraqi units assisting the Syrians but refrained from attacking Damascus.

Among those who fell on the Golan Heights was an officer who insisted on joining his unit although he had lost a brother, he too an officer, on the Suez Canal during the War of Attrition.

In 1977 Anwar Sadat visited Israel. Prior to his visit the Egyptians returned the bodies of twenty soldiers who had fallen in Sinai, among them one South African. Within two years of the historical visit Israel and Egypt had signed a formal Peace Treaty and by 1982 Israel had withdrawn from the entire Sinai Peninsula. Wisely perhaps, Egypt refused to include the Gaza Strip which had been under Egyptian control prior to the Six Day War.

With the Palestinian terrorist groups firmly ensconced in Lebanon, the towns and villages of the Upper Gallil now came under fire. After an attack on an Egged bus on the coastal road Israel launched Operation Litani in 1978, with the express aim of expelling the PLO from Lebanon. Among the casualties was a South African paratrooper.

The South Lebanon Army (SLA) filled the vacuum left by the withdrawal of the Israeli troops. Over the coming years there were a number of daring operations whether in Lebanon or the destruction of the Iraqi nuclear installations in 1981. As many of them still secret it is impossible to know just where and how our soldiers fell.

The SLA were unable to prevent the rain of Katyusha rockets, which now had a longer range, on the Upper Galilee so Operation Peace for the Galilee (Lebanon War) was launched in 1982, as part of an agreement with the Lebanese President Bashir Gemayel. With his assassination, instigated by Syria, Lebanon came under Syrian control. However, Yasser Arafat and the PLO were expelled to Tunis.

Six South Africans fell during this war including one who fell while rescuing injured soldiers at Sultan Yakub. Another SA medic fell in 1985 which was when Israel withdrew from Lebanon, excluding a 14 km buffer zone. Despite two more operations in Lebanon (Operation Accountability in 1993 and Grapes of Wrath in 1996), during which a SA soldier fell, Israel was unable to prevent Hezbollahā€™s continued attacks on northern Israel and in 1999 Israel withdrew, unilaterally, to the international border. This was confirmed by the UN in 2000.

In 1987, with the outbreak of the first intifada (uprising), due to the spread of a false rumour and incitement from the PLO, road blocks were set up in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and Gaza. For the first time since the Six Day war entry to Israel was no longer unrestricted. One year later Jordan cut her links to the West Bank, including administration of the Temple Mount and with the Peace Treaty signed in 1994 relinquished all territorial claims to the West Bank.

There were occasions when soldiers fell in training accidents but a particularly rare incident occurred in the USA when two young officers who had been sent to take part in the development of an improved weapon were killed when a shell exploded in the barrel. The Americans erected a memorial to both, one of whom was a South African, in the base in Arizona.

1990 saw the Temple Mount riots and the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and 1991 Operation Desert Storm when Iraqi scuds fell on Israel while Israel took no action even though the USA did not destroy the launching sites. But the 1990ā€™s also saw the beginnings of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. The handshake between Rabin and Arafat on the White House lawn; the Declaration of Principles (DOP) in Oslo; the Israeli withdrawal from Jericho and other towns and villages in the West Bank; the Interim Agreement (Oslo II) and the withdrawal from Hebron.

Through all these discussions terrorism and rockets from Lebanon continued as did Israeli casualties, including a SA soldier who fell in a skirmish on the Lebanese border and one who was among the 76 killed when two helicopters collided near Shear Yishuv.

Despite the Wye River Memorandum at Camp David in 2000 when Netanyahu and Arafat agreed to facilitate the 1995 Interim agreement, to the surprise of Clinton, Arafat refused to accept any proposal drafted by American negotiators and the second intifada began, at his instigation.

As the terrorist attacks and suicide bombings increase culminating in the Passover Massacre, Israel initiated Operation Defensive Shield, the largest in the West Bank since the Six Day War. South African soldiers fell in terrorist attacks in Nahariya and near Ofra and in clashes near Kisufim, Shechem and the Hebron Kasbah.

In Aqaba Abbas promised to end the intifada and Yossi Beilin and Yasser Abed Rabbo signed the Geneva Accord, which has no legal standing as it is not signed by a government, but terrorism continued and in an attack at Itamar seven young children are left without a father.

Another truce in 2005 at Sharm el Sheikh followed by a unilateral Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and a number of settlements in the northern West Bank area was rewarded with a bombardment of rockets from the Strip. The kidnapping of Gilad Schalit brought Operation Summer Rains and Operation Autumn Clouds during which Hamas and other militant groups, their infrastructure and smuggling tunnels in the Philadelphi Corridor between the Strip and Egypt were targeted. The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas was short lived.

On the Lebanese front a barrage of rockets on Israeli towns and villages the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah resulted in the IDF sea and air blockade of Lebanon and then to a land attack in an attempt to destroy the Hezbollah infrastructure. The campaign was not a success and the Israeli losses were high, among them a South African member of a tank crew, a medic and a reservist officer trying to assist the injured. One and a half million Israelis in northern Israel were confined to the proximity of their bomb shelters by four thousand rockets fired by Hezbollah.

In the meanwhile Hamas succeeded in greatly increasing the range of Qasam rockets which now reached as far as Ashdod and Ashkelon. After three years of restraint at the end of 2009 Israel launched the three week long Operation Cast Lead which ended when Israel declared a unilateral ceasefire followed by a complete withdrawal.

Once again the ceasefire was temporary and lasted only until Hamas and the other terrorist organisations in the Strip had replenished and improved on their arsenals. 2012 saw Operation Pillar of Defense.

Since then there have been sporadic rocket firing both from the Gaza Strip and the Lebanese border which is where the last South African to fall was felled by a sniper. But the introduction of the Iron Dome has reduced both civilian casualties and damage to property.

The intrinsic involvement of the Southern African community in Israel, which has been illustrated by the stories of the fallen, extends not only to those serving in the various branches of the IDF but also to those who were killed in terrorist attacks over the decades and to those who volunteered to serve as overseas volunteers in Machal and Nachal.

Indeed a community of which to be proud.



This article was written by Beryl Ratzer at the request of Gidon Katz in November 2013 and updated in 2015.

It may be used in its entirety, with acknowledgement to the author, without the need for specific permission from the author. Any alterations to the article, whether modifications or removal of sentences or paragraphs, can only be done with the permission of the author.

Beryl Ratzer is the author of ā€œA Historical Tour of the Holy Landā€. A complete list of the fallen can be found on her website is


Name Birth Ā  Date
1 Katz Avraham Isa 1912 1.7.38
2 Levin Yonatan 12.1.30 13.3.48
3 Kaploun Oded 19.12.25 28.4.48
4 Berelowitz Yechezkiel Chatzi 17.4.18 12.5.48
5 Lipshitz Zvi 1920 13.5.48
6 Rosenberg Gideon 7.2.23 16.5.48
7 Cohen Eddie Shlomo 2.7.22 30.5.48
8 Bloch Lesley Morris 30.11.21 10.7.48
9 Hack Louis 14.8.23 23.10.48
10 Silber Meir Matey 18.8.27 23.10.48
11 Sanders Benzion 11.7.50
12 Levinson Shmuel 21.1.26 11.5.51
13 Chait Chaim 14.1.25 23.9.51
14 Friedman Natan 1.6.29 29.10.51
15 Sidlin Moshe 17.1.28 25.12.51
16 Levy Joshua 12.1.34 30.5.52
17 Glazer Yitzchak 28.9.35 1.11.56
18 Lemkin Donald 6.7.37 6.6.67
19 Lavi Orit 17.6.49 12.8.68
20 Leibowitz Harold 7.10.46 1.9.69
21 Weiler Adam 22.9.44 31.3.70
22 Kahan Daniel 22.5.45 2.4.70
23 Shur Avida 23.4.51 10.4.73
24 Katz Rami Norman 15.4.49 6.10.73
25 Kaye Terrence 11.9.52 6.10.73
26 Lowenberg Raymond 4.4.47 6.10.73
27 Goldman Michael 10.4.52 7.10.73
28 Katz Avraham David 12.4.39 7.10.73
29 Tamari Michael 23.1.53 7.10.73
30 Bar-El Jacob Meir 17.6.52 8.10.73
31 Weiler Gideon 9.5.50 9.10.73
32 Urie Micha 1.5.52 12.10.73
33 Shanan Gideon 9.6.49 14.10.73
34 Agayev Yigal 25.11.52 15.10.73
35 Aviram Eli 1.6.39 16.10.73
36 Shapira Ilan Haim 13.2.49 16.10.73
37 Melcer Yitzhak 13.5.49 16.10.73
38 Silbowitz David Jonathan 6.12.49 18.10.73
39 Freed Neil 13.4.48 18.10.73
40 Rubin Rami Avraham 21.1.48 22.10.73
41 Comay Yochanan 22.9.39 24.11.73
42 Shomroni Jonathan 10.12.53 4.9.74
43 Whiteson Paul 22.9.55 21.1.75
44 Meir Dr. Yehonatan (John) 6.2.27 23.7.76
45 Solomon Chaim 10.8.58 10.5.77
46 Wittert Shai 31.8.58 15.3.78
47 Adar Boaz 25.10.58 15.1.79
48 Feldman Alan 8.1.60 20.6.79
49 Golan Guy 19.9.53 29.9.79
50 Preiss Yochai 1.9.59 11.3.80
51 Berman Ofer 25.10.58 8.10.80
52 Chemel Roi 20.1.56 10.9.81
53 Myers Gary 29.10.61 16.12.81
54 Lipshitz Zohar 20.6.56 11.6.82
55 Zipper Ran 2.10.49 11.6.82
56 Eidelman Ronen 6.9.60 12.6.82
57 Messerer Ron 25.6.61 16.6.82
58 Lahak Joel 20.6.48 25.6.82
59 Fredman Dan 18.10.58 28.8.83
60 Weinberger Jonathan 21.5.64 30.11.84
61 Gotsman Yaron 20.5.66 16.2.85
62 Ben-Atar Neil 28.12.66 16.6.86
63 Gordin Yonat 8.7.69 22.2.87
64 Katz Barry David 17.5.55 9.9.87
65 Rabinowitz Idor 3.12.67 25.11.87
66 Eilon Mark 24.9.67 6.11.89
67 Kaufman Ilan 9.9.63 22.4.90
68 Zlotnik Tamar 15.9.70 1.10.90
69 Shemer Avi 24.6.70 27.3.91
70 Rockman Daniel 1.2.75 15.2.95
71 Shefts Natai 7.3.72 19.9.95
72 Mishieker Gilad Moshe 13.5.76 4.2.97
73 AberRaz 8.10.76 25.6.97
74 Loew Guy 2.2.81 20.12.2000
75 Ifrah Danny 18.6.82 9.9.01
76 Damlin David 8.6.73 3.3.02
77 Kenisberg Steven Ian 17.7. 3.3.02
78 Yacob Avihu 13.2.78 3.5.02
79 Gadri Matan 16.4.82 8.6.03
80 Miller Mark Shlomo 20.3.54 13.8.04
81 Bar-On Yaniv 9.11.86 12.7.06
82 Slavin Lotan 3.5.85 24.7.06
83 Calo Naor 10.3.81 9.8.06
84 Novick Asher 24.7.70 9.8.06
85 Rothenberg Maayan 7.12.88 30.11.07
86 Harari Dov Barry 7.1.65 3.8.10
87 Walt Dylan 30.3.95 23.12.14


Original post:Ā the-story-of-the-south-african-fallen-in-defence-of-israel-by-beryl-ratzer

Beryl on Facebook:Ā

5-14-2015 12-12-16 PM_0024

We even searched in Australia for families of the fallen.

These articles appearedĀ in the Australian Jewish News in 2010 and resulted in all the families coming forward within a week of publication!AJN006APR1610 copy

AJN Follow Up copy

Norman Rami Katz on the right, with me in Florida, South Africa in the early 60s


Bloodied But Unbowed

From our cousin Richard Shavei-Tzion in Israel

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These are hard times for us in Jerusalem and for our brothers and sisters in Tel Aviv, Ra’anana, Kiryat Gat and Hadera. These are hard times for all of Israel. We have lived through cycles of violence in 34 years of residence in and around Jerusalem. Through this miniscule moment in history we have witnessed booby trapped bicycles, bombs in busses, shooting attacks, suicide bombers, missiles over the city and now knives, wielded by 13 year-old boys and young women. These misguided maniacs are incited by leaders of a multitude of vicious organizations, the most moderate of whom, one Abu Mazen, whose doctoral thesis is titled “The Secret Relationship between Nazism and Zionism,” had the following to say on the 16th of September: “The Al-Aqsa [Mosque] is ours… and they have no right to defile it with their filthy feet.” On Monday he lauded the terrorists, proclaiming their martyrdom.

How pathetic these pitiful Palestinians and their partners, who believe that if they could not get their way with bombs, they could with screwdrivers. How futile their struggle, how feeble their thinking, that us Jews who have endured multiple mass murder would succumb to poisonous blood liable and kitchen tools. How forgetful they are to believe that if we bled we would flee.

We have divested ourselves of naivety regarding the true intentions of this decrepit cohort of murderers. Even though I remembered hearing as a kid in far away South Africa well before the Six Day War, about Arab textbooks with pictures of Israeliā€™s being thrown into the sea, I believed that in my time we could see a Two State Solution. I believed that they were capable of simple dialog. Now, while I still hope, I do not believe. For it is now clear to me that this struggle is not about settlements or El Aksa, national aspiration or human rights. These Palestinians are not even interested in a one-state solution ruled by a dictator of their choosing. Their raison dā€™etre is the removal of every living pair of filthy Jewish (and Christian) in the greater Middle East. Simple as that.

The Israeli consensus is that Ariel Sharon’s evacuation of Gaza was a tragic historic mistake which resulted only in a rain of missiles upon our cities. Yes, death and misery ensued. But at this cost we learnt something crucial to our survival. The evacuation gave the Palestinians an historic opportunity to create a model Mediterranean Singapore, with beautiful coast line and hundreds of billions of dollars pouring in from the international community. Instead they chose to subject their children to a destiny of pain and misery all in the cause of Jewish holocaust. Had we not witnessed this aberration, the vast majority of middle-of-the-road Israelis like myself may still have mistakenly believed in the holy Two-State grail and perhaps ceded the “territories” to these butchers. No more. If we could somehow scrape out this festering canker, separate from it, that of course would be best, but I am unable to work out how to do it short of committing national suicide or genocide, so for the meantime we have to just be strong and deal with it as best as we can.

We are stronger than these people, because they have given us no choice and because history has taught us a thing or two. But while our honed survival instinct has forced us to use our brains and brawn to defend ourselves, we have at the same time dug deep and found the energy to create a remarkable, progressive, modern society within the cauldron of chaos that is the Middle East. Call it man-made or miracle, this is an impressive testament to the resilience and talent of our people. From Nobel prizes to great thinkers, Torah to technology, our per capita contribution to the welfare of the world is astounding. The tragedy for us and them is that they have been too distracted by hatred to see this. So we continue to bury our dead victims with dignity and introspection, as they bury the dead perpetrators with screaming vitriol and vows of revenge.

Israeli society has many flaws and like other societies on this earth, we have crazy fanatics. The difference between us and them is that the vast majority of us beat our breasts and seek to cast these unwanted fringe extremists from our society, whereas the Palestinian collective exalts theirs, names streets after them and consecrates the bloody lives of savages as role models for their children.

Now we await the serial condemnation of the international community for our temerity in defending ourselves so successfully against brutality. After all, once again we are using excessive force by shooting at youths and women who attack our babies and mothers with knives. This barbaric use of children to con the international community, BDS et al, into sympathizing with them and bullying us may blind a world cowering in fear of Muslim radicalism and wallowing in classic anti-Semitism. But we will continue to protect ourselves as best as we can and fight to save the lives of the injured, our victim’s and the murderer’s, utilizing the state-of-the-art emergency medical facilities we have developed. Such is the value we place on life. As for the so called Palestinian People, get this: You can bloody us but we will not be bowed. Just as we have outlived great destructive empires, we will outlive you.

Many years have passed since Golda Meir said, ā€œWe will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.ā€ We await still, the love. Until then, as we have done for millennia we will have to defend ourselves against the assassins, relish life and pray that one day our children may live in peace.
Richard Shavei-Tzion

Lithuanian PM in Israel

Interesting development

Thanks to Herb Epstein for sharing.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met today with Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius and said to him the start of their meeting:

“Prime Minister, it’s good to see you in Jerusalem. Welcome. I think it’s safe to say that we have an extraordinary history together and I think a very bright future together.

The history of the relationship between the people of Lithuania and the Jewish people dates back a thousand years. My own family hails from Lithuania. My grandfather was born in Lithuania. The Jewish community in Lithuania and especially around Vilnius had remarkable achievements, spectacular intellectual achievements, but of course we also experienced the horrors of the Holocaust and I think it’s very important to preserve that memory and that heritage so that we may learn the lessons of the past and avoid repeating them in the future.

We have today a thriving relationship. We’re both thriving democracies, not without challenges but with great successes. We have exchanges between us that are in the field of economy, the field of technology, the field of culture. I think we can do a great deal more. We are forging new paths in many technological areas and most especially in cyber security.

Last year the global investments in cyber security in Israel were 10% of total worldwide investments. This year they’re 20%. It’s doubled in one year, and every day, this morning too, we learn about new investments. So Israel is a world leader in cyber security, and I believe you also have had some experience with that.

I believe that we have much to profit by cooperating with one another. I look forward to our conversations to that effect and I welcome you in a great spirit of friendship to Jerusalem. Welcome.”


LITH PM in Jerusalem


