The Beis Aharon Bielski School

Moshe Fhima Intro – Eli


Moshe Fhima Intro

Beis Aharon School Pinsk Belarus 13 May 2018


Zog Nit Keynmol – Pinsk


Zog Nit Keynmol – Pinsk

Beis Aharon Bielski School


Counting of the Omer – Moshe Fhima


Counting of the Omer – Moshe Fhima

Beis Aharon Bielski School Pinsk 13 May 2018


Yad Yisroel – Wikipedia

Yad Yisroel – Wikipedia

The Yad Yisroel is non for profit 501(C)(3) organization which was started by the Stoliner Rebbe in 1990. Yad Yisroel is an organisation with a goal to bring Russian Jews closer to their heritage.



Moshe Fhima Enjoying Oif Dem Pripetchok


Moshe Fhima Enjoying Oif Dem Pripetchok

sung by Cantor Harry Rabinowitz 1959 Beis Aharon School Pinsk 13 May 2018


Oyfn Pripetshik

Oyfn Pripetshik – Wikipedia

Oyfn Pripetshik (Yiddish: אויפן פריפעטשיק‎, also spelled Oyfn Pripetchik, Oyfn Pripetchek, etc.;[1] English: “On the Hearth”)[2] is a Yiddish song by M.M. Warshawsky (1848–1907). The song is about a rabbi teaching his young students the aleph-bet. By the end of the 19th century it was one of the most popular songs of the Jews of Central and Eastern Europe, and as such it is a major musical memory of pre-Holocaust Europe.[3] The song is still sung in Jewish kindergartens.


Itzik Soloveitchik and Moshe Fhima


Itzik Soloveitchik and Moshe Fhima

Great (great) grandson of Chaim Soloveitchik Halevy Beis Aharon Bielski School Pinsk 13 May 2018


Itzik Soloveitchik


Itzik Soloveitchik

Great (great) grandson of Chaim Soloveitchik Halevy who taught my Zaida Nachum Mendel Rabinowitz in the Brisk Yeshiva c1905 Beis Aharon Bielski School Pinsk …



With Moshe Fhima at Chaim Weizmann’s school, Pinsk



Moshe Fhima at Chaim Weizmann’s school, Pinsk


Two Pinsk Synagogues

Moshe Fhima – Kiseh Elijahu – Circumcision Chair


Moshe Fhima – Kiseh Elijahu – Circumcision Chair


The Second Synagogue
Some Previous Jewish buildings opposite

With Moshe Fhima at The Holocaust Site & Memorial

Moshe Fhima at Holocaust Memorial



A second site and memorial

1919 Pinsk massacre – Wikipedia

Pinsk massacre – Wikipedia

The Pinsk massacre was the mass execution of thirty-five Jewish residents of Pinsk on April 5, 1919 by the Polish Army. The Polish commander “sought to terrorize the Jewish population” after being warned by two Jewish soldiers about a possible bolshevik uprising.[1]. The event occurred during the opening stages of the Polish-Soviet War, after the Polish Army had captured Pinsk.[2] The Jews who were executed had been arrested were meeting in a Zionist center to discuss the distribution of American relief aid in what was termed by the Poles as an “illegal gathering”. The Polish officer-in-charge ordered the summary execution of the meeting participants without trial in fear of a trap, and based on the information about the gathering’s purpose that was founded on hearsay. The officer’s decision was defended by high-ranking Polish military officers, but was widely criticized by international public opinion.


The Town Square

Pinsk – Cultural Heritage Card – Shtetl Routes – NN Theatre

Pinsk – Cultural Heritage Card – Shtetl Routes – NN Theatre

Pinsk is a town, a district center in Brest region. It is situated on the bank of Pina River (the left tributary of Pripyat) 186 km to the east from Brest, 304 km to south-west from Minsk. It has a railway station on the line Brest-Homel.



ZNK – New videos

Here are new videos of students singing Zog Nit Keynmol that reached me in the last ten days.

  1. Melbourne Yom Hashoah Holocaust Commemoration in April:

The background and context

The ‘Partisans’ Song’ – Zog Nit Keynmol–written by Hirsch Glik, 22,  in the Vilna Ghetto in 1943   is one of the most powerful songs of resistance and defiance ever written.

While Hitler boasted that his Reich would endure for a thousand years, it is the Jewish people who resisted the forces of hatred and have endured, not the murderous Third Reich,  which lasted twelve years.

Today, 75 years on, long after the demise of Hitler’s murderous regime, the partisans’ song is now sung worldwide to mark the Jewish spirit of resistance.

(Michael Cohen, Melbourne)

Melbourne Yom Hashoah – Zog Nit Keynmol

Melbourne Yom Hashoah – Zog Nit Keynmol

Commemoration April 2018 Using video footage from The Partisans’ Song Project



Zog nit keyn mol, az du geyst dem letstn veg,
khotsh himlen blayene farshteln bloye teg.
kumen vet nokh undzer oysgebenkte sho,
s’vet a poyk ton undzer trot: mir zaynen do!

Fun grinem palmenland biz vaysn land fun shney,
mir kumen on mit undzer payn, mit undzer vey,
un vu gefaln iz a shprits fun undzer blut,
shprotsn vet dort undzer gvure, undzer mut!S
s’vet di morgnzun bagildn undz dem haynt,
un der nekhtn vet farshvindn mit dem faynt,
nor oyb farzamen vet di zun in der kayor –
vi a parol zol geyn dos lid fun dor tsu dor.

Dos lid geshribn iz mit blut, un nit mit blay,
s’iz nit keyn lidl fun a foygl oyf der fray,
dos hot a folk tsvishn falndike vent
dos lid gezungen mit naganes in di hent.

To zog nit keyn mol, az du geyst dem letstn veg,
khotsh himlen blayene farshteln bloye teg.
kumen vet nokh undzer oysgebenkte sho –
es vet a poyk ton undzer trot: mir zaynen do!


2 & 3

Schools are now recording the song on their travels:

JDS 8th Graders from Seattle WA sang the Partisans’ Song while visiting Yad Vashem and Masada in Israel:

JDS Seattle School Video – Zog Nit Keynmol

Seattle School Video – Zog Nit Keynmol

Yad Vashem May 18


JDS Seattle School Video – Zog nit KeynMol

JDS 8th Grade at Masada 14 May 2018

Masada, Israel



Beis Aharon School and Orphanage 
Zog Nit Keynmol – Pinsk

Zog Nit Keynmol – Pinsk

Beis Aharon School Pinsk, Belarus 13 May 2018


Moshe Fhima Intro

Moshe Fhima Intro

Beis Aharon School Pinsk Belarus 13 May 2018


Learn More about how to get involved
An Inspirational School Project

An Inspirational School Project

A Project For Your School We are seeking students who will recite or sing the Partisans’ Song in their home tongue, or in a language they have learnt. Please make a video, which can be as cre…


The Partisans’ Song On Simcha TV

The Global Partisan Song Project

The Global Partisan Song Project

Every year on Yom Hashoah – the Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust and Heroism, Holocaust survivors and Jewish communities sing the song Zog Nit Keynmol (‘We are Still Here’), which is also known as the Partisan Song. Now, a new initiative by Cape Town born Eli Rabinowitz seeks to teach the song to schoolchildren across the globe, allowing them to connect with each other and their history.


 This is the edited video.

This video also appears on:

Leah, Teddy & the Mandolin

Cape Town Embraces Yiddish Song

The Partisans’ Song Project and Herzlia Vocal Ensemble keep Yiddish alive!

April 16, 2018

The Partisans’ Song Project, in which the Herzlia Vocal Ensemble participated, is featured in Simcha – A Celebration of Life… on SABC TV2 .


Never Say – Arutz Sheva

Never say you have reached the end of the road – WE ARE HERE!

My OpEd in Arutz Sheva

Never say you have reached the end of the road – WE ARE HERE!

The immortal words of the poem written in Vilna by Hirsh Glik in 1943 continue to inspire as sung by young people worldwide today who identify with its message of hope.


Hirsh Glik 1922-1944

Partisans’ Song Memorial – Bat Yam, Israel
My uncle Moisey Zeldin
Moisey Zeldin Testimony
Holocaust Memorial Flame – Jewish Holocaust Centre, Melbourne

The Partisans’ Song Project on South African TV2 this Sunday 15 April at 8:30am
Simcha A Celebration of Life Ep 7 Promo

Simcha A Celebration of Life Ep 7 Promo


Yom Hashoah 2018 – Triumph Over Adversity

A big start to the week

The Partisans’ Song – Triumph Over Adversity

The Partisans’ Song – Triumph Over Adversity

With Heiny Ellert

Yom Hashoah will be commemorated on 11/12 April at which the Partisan Song, Zog Nit Keynmol will be sung in Yiddish at ceremonies held around the world.


Ne Reci Nikad– The Jewish Partisan Song in Serbian

Translated into Serbian by Lazar Nikolic for Nance Morris Adler

Iako oblaci tamni kriju vedre dane,

Ne reci nikad da su ti smrti samo znane,

Za svim što žudesmo sada došao je čas,

Zemlja pod nama drhti, stigao je spas!


Od zemalja palmi pa do zemlji večnog snega,

Dolazimo u sili i oslobađamo od stega,

Gde god se naša krv prolila zbog sveta,

Tu je naša hrabrost počela da cveta.


Jutarnje će naše sunce zapaliti dan,

Jučerašnjica strašna biće samo san,

I ako se ova turobna noć oduži,

Pesma naša nek nam kao svetlo posluži.


Ne olovom, neg je pesma ova pisana u krvi,

I lepša je od ptičijeg poja koji vrvi,

Na barikadama strašnim pred nama što se mrve,

Pištolji i granate pavale su je prve.


Zato, iako oblaci tamni kriju vedre dane,

Ne reci nikad da su ti smrti samo znane,

Za svim što žudesmo sada došao je čas,

Zemlja pod nama drhti, stigao je spas!


Audio in Serbian – recited by Lazar Nikolic

My presentation at Edith Cowan University

The first of three this week

Edith Cowan University Western Australia

Edith Cowan University Western Australia

Edith Cowan University is a multi-campus institution, offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Perth and Bunbury, Western Australia

With Bill Allen and 2nd year School Of Education students


Presentation to ORA at the Jewish Centre, Perth

Simcha A Celebration of Life Ep 7 Promo -South Africa

Simcha A Celebration of Life Ep 7 Promo


Sunday 15 April 8:30am on SABC TV2

Perth Yom Hashoah Commemorations

Herzlia & Highlands House – The Partisans’ Song

On 8 February United Herzlia Schools hosted an international online collaboration on The Partisans’ Song Project

Herzlia High School, Cape Town, South Africa
IMG_8787 IMG_8791 IMG_8796 IMG_8797 IMG_8798 IMG_8800 IMG_8807
Event being flimed for TV

Schools that participated in the online collaboration:

  1. Host: Herzlia Middle School, Cape Town
  2. St Petersburg School (#550) ORT de Gunzburg “Shorashim” (Russia)
  3. Moscow School (#1311) “Tekhiya” (ORT) (Russia)
  4. Kiev Educational Complex “ORT” (#141) (Ukraine)
  5. Odessa School “ORT” (#94) named after Z.Zhabotinskiy (Ukraine)
  6. Kishinev ORT Technology Lyceum named after Herzl (Moldova)
  7. Vilnius ORT Shalom Aleichem gymnasia (Lithuania)
My welcome
c44b4bfb-821c-477c-9637-832bbece284b Herz4 959b79ed-e846-4b97-9631-7ab4eb3fd9b4 Herz3 Herz2 90deba71-26f9-4ff7-ac98-bbe7523cdea1

Video: Herzlia Ensemble sings Zog Nit Keynmol

Herzlia Online ZNK 2018


bf52fdb3-1fca-4cf9-b9aa-c58d1f02b878 Screenshot 2018-02-08 09.40.14 Herz15 Herz14 Herz12 Herz11 Herz10 Herz9 Herz7
Watching in Sydney, Australia
Miriam Lichterman, survivor
Herzlia school captains
Herzlia – thanks given in Russian
With Ivor Joffe, Lydia Abel, Ivor Lichterman, Miriam Lichterman, Mark Helfrich, Steve Sherman

With thanks to:

Irina Silaeva (Shemyakina)  co-ordinator  “Organization for Educational resources and technological training”  (ORT-Russia)

Mark Helfrich – Herzlia

Ivor Joffe – Herzlia

Steve Sherman – Living Maths

Heather Blumenthal – Spirit Sister

Lydia Abel – Cape ORT

Miriam Lichterman & Ivor Lichterman

Lesley-Ann Knoll

Full collaboration video:
Zog Nit Keynmol – – An international Collaboration
Zog Nit Keynmol – – An international Collaboration


The Concert at Highlands House
The notice board


Lesley-Ann Knoll’s welcome
Mark Helfrich
With the Herzlia Vocal Ensemble

Miriam & Ivor Lichterman
Video – Zog Nit Keynmol 
With survivor Miriam Lichterman and her son Ivor, visiting from Toledo OH.
Zog Nit Keynmol – in Cape Town with Miriam Lichterman

The Partisan Song WE ARE HERE! The Herzlia Vocal Ensemble Highlands House Cape Town 8 February 2018


With Ivor Joffe
The Residents

Miriam Lichterman & Philip Todres
Lydia Abel & Miriam Lichterman
With inlaws Len & Ruth Reitstein
Lesley-Ann Knoll
Residents viewing The Partisans’ Song video

The new video
Yom Hashoah 2018 – A video for your community

Yom Hashoah 2018 – A video for your community

Give meaning to the significance and context to the Partisans’ Song, written by Hirsh Glik 75 years ago. Please ensure that your children and grandchi…


About Us | United Herzlia Schools

About Us | United Herzlia Schools

Herzlia is a Jewish community school and a leader in education in the Western Cape. Herzlia is one of the top feeder schools to UCT. About Us.


World ORT | Worldwide Jewish Educational NGO

World ORT | Worldwide Jewish Educational NGO

World ORT

World ORT is the world’s largest Jewish education and vocational training non-governmental organisation. Specialized in Technology.



Muizenberg High School

My Partisan Song Project presentation at Muizenberg High School

Muizenberg High School principal Leonie Jacobsen and I first met on Thursday night, 8 February, at a delightful Yiddish music concert, featuring singer Caely-Jo Levi at the Kalk Bay Theatre. Leonie was introduced to me by my cousin, Julian Reitstein, a teacher at her school.

With Yiddish singer, Caely-Jo Levi

With Julian Reitstein, Leonie Jacobsen and Lesley Abelsohn after the show.

Julian told Leonie about my previous night’s presentation at the Cape Town Holocaust and Genocide Centre; the online collaboration class hosted by Herzlia High School with six schools in the FSU; and the inspiring concert at Highlands House retirement home on the same day. Without hesitation, Leonie invited me to address her students before I left Cape Town.

With Richard Freedman, director of the CT Holocaust Centre

The online class at Herzlia High School

The concert at Highlands House

At 9 am the following Monday, 12 February, I addressed 300 upper high school students at Muizenberg HS. Leonie organised everything in just one working day. What amazing organisation skills!

Here are photos from the morning.

Guests included Alice King, the US Consul (Education), who has offered to help facilitate the translation of the Partisan Song into Xhosa, so that next time I visit, the students can sing it in one of South Africa’s 11 official languages!


Muizenberg High School – Progredior since 1898

Muizenberg High School – Progredior since 1898

Progredior since 1898


Some of the honours’ boards and photos

The Muizenberg Kehilalink



IAJGS Conference Warsaw 2018

We are very pleased to inform you that the following proposal has been accepted for presentation at the 38th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy in Warsaw, Poland from August 5 -10, 2018.

2018 Conference Schedule
Abtract #1
The Partisan Song Project and Genealogy – Inspiring and Connecting a New Generation

“Zog Nit Keynmol” is the anthem of Holocaust survivors. It is a legacy that is in danger of soon dying out. The Partisan Song Project is an initiative to connect it to the next generation through meaning, context, and family histories.

This multi-media presentation follows the path of the project from its genesis in January 2017:

the initial request from a school for information;

my research methodology and content;

my “out of the box” teaching style to 1000 students;

planning and running a separate online class with five schools in the FSU and hosted by a sixth;

introducing family history to the program;

working with more schools;

spreading the message via social media, Holocaust centres and survivors;

going global with the support of World ORT; HET UK, TEC Lithuania, Yad Vashem; and

the case study of Oscar Borecki, a Bielski Partisan from Novogrudok and commemorating his legacy in Australia.


Warsaw Handout 1
Abstract #2

Back From the Polish and Litvak Diaspora: Virtual Journeys That Connect Us To Our Roots.

Back From the Polish and Litvak Diaspora: Virtual Journeys That Connect Us To Our Roots.

My first heritage visit to Poland and the Baltics was in 2011. I have returned six times since, accumulating a wealth of information, photos, stories and contacts.

In this multimedia presentation find out why and how we gather and share this data with others in mind; and why we include both past and contemporary Jewish Life.

I will help you grasp the importance of the web using the following tools, drawing on some examples:

JewishGen KehilaLinks – my 80 KehilaLinks (35 Lithuania, 7 Poland, 6 Belarus, others in Latvia, Germany, Russia, Estonia, China, Africa and Australia);

WordPress – 600 posts and pages that make up my tangential travel and Jewish Life website;

online classrooms which can simultaneously connect nine schools at once;

Google, including Google Search, YouTube, Translate, Maps, Earth, Hangouts, Chrome and Drive;

social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn; and

additional resources such as Wikipedia


Warsaw Handout 2


Warsaw KehilaLink

I am pleased to advise I have taken on the important project of creating
and running the Warsaw KehilaLink.

It is quite surprising that there has been no KehilaLink for Warsaw,
once the largest Jewish city in Europe and the second largest in the
world after New York.

JewishGen KehilaLinks (formerly “ShtetLinks”) is a project
facilitating web pages commemorating the places where Jews have lived.

Kehila  [Hebrew] n. (pl. kehilot): is used to refer to a Jewish
community, anywhere in the world.

KehilaLinks are hosted by JewishGen, the world’s largest Jewish
genealogical organisation. It has a user base of over 500,000 registered
users worldwide.

I invite you to send in your stories, memories, photos and family

The link to the site under construction:



Jewish Community of Warsaw



IAJGS Orlando 2017

IAJGS Orlando

Orlando Jewish Info – Your Jewish Guide to Orlando Orlando Jewish Info – Your Jewish Guide to Orlando Orlando Jewish Info Guide Source: Getting there The Swan …


The Partisan Song – Live Online Class

What’s News?

Thursday 8 February

At 9:25 am South African, Ukrainian, Lithuanian and Moldovian  time; and

10:25 Russian time

ORT schools from the Former Soviet Union and Herzlia School Cape Town will take part in an online class to honour Zog Nit Keynmol -The Partisan Song.

To view live or the recording, visit

and look for Steve for the link:
