Moshe & Paula reblog and why I am flying today to Freiburg im Breisgau

Ewa Maria Slaska of Berlin has reblogged the first part of my Moshe & Paula Story.

While it is a sad tale, it gives hope to future generations searching for their roots and as a result, making amazing connections.

As a consequence of Moshe and Paula’s Story, I am flying to Freiburg I’m Breisgau in SW Germany this afternoon!

Microsoft Word - Paula Lichtzier and Moshe (her fiancee) and his

To read the first part go to Ewa’s link:

Moshe & Paula reblog.

To continue the story, go to: Moshe & Paula 2

and then to Moshe & Paula 3

The complete story is on my webpage:

Thanks storytelling


Hi All


This is about my new project: storytelling


Consider the following:


Life is a series of unforgettable moments

Every family has at least one storyteller – mum, dad, uncle, aunt or grandparents

Preserve the priceless stories and memories – don’t let them fade away

Your everlasting gift to future generations


Digital stories are multimedia spaces that combine photos, video, audio, interviews, mementoes, blogs, social media, music, family trees and the stories that accompany them.

Digital storytelling extends the ancient art of telliing a story. It intertwines new and exciting digitised technologies so that we can apply storytelling from unique perspectives.

Please visit to see how storytelling works.

I hope you enjoy the numerous links. 

Please let me have your feedback.

Best regards

