Morning coffee
Tour of The Great Synagogue of Rome
The Museum
The Synagogue

The Holocaust Centre
The Ghetto

Around the Pantheon
From Victor Emannual II Monument to Piazza Bellini
Walk to Villa Borghese Gardens

Back to Letchworth

Morning coffee
Tour of The Great Synagogue of Rome
The Museum
The Synagogue
The Holocaust Centre
The Ghetto
Around the Pantheon
From Victor Emannual II Monument to Piazza Bellini
Walk to Villa Borghese Gardens
Back to Letchworth
Our arrival by train
The walk to the Colosseum
The Colosseum
The displays
The Trevi Foundation
The Galleria and Zara
The Great Synagogue of Rome
Dinner in the Ghetto
Leaving our villa in Sant’Agata
To Rome by train
At the Synagogue with Rabbi Shaul Nekrich
The memorial of the former synagogue
The Oppenheim Stolpersteine
The Railway Station Tracks Memorial
The town square
The Australian Jewish News
By Uber to the Kassel Wilhelmshohe Railway Station
The trains to Hannover Airport at 266km / hr
My post from 2023
Julia Drinnenberg
The drive with Beate Lehrmann
With Beate & Julia
Julia has been an amazing source of material on Dorrith Sim and In My Pocket
A tour of the Hofgeismar Stadtmuseum with Julia
Our return to Kassel by train
A special thank you to Birgit Ruhl for her kindness
With Beate and Ernst
Looking for Hercules!
Presentation by Franzisca Schubert
A walk around Bad Arolsen & lunch with Ernst & Beate