The Partisans’ Song in Māori – A World First

We are pleased to advise that we have just had the Partisans’ Song translated into Māori – our 30th language!

Translated by Hēmi Kelly
Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Tahu-Ngāti Whāoa
Lecturer | Te Ara Poutama, Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Development
Researcher | Te Ipukarea, The National Māori Language Institute
Auckland University of Technology (AUT)

Kaua rawa e mea ko te mate anahe tō huarahi,

Ahakoa āraia ana te kiko o te rangi e te pōuriuri,

Kei te tata mai te wā kua roa e tāria ana;

Ka rū te whenua i te takahi a ngā wae – ki te haka!


Mai i te whenua o te nīkau, ki te whenua kōkēi o te huka,

E haere nei mātou i runga i te kōharihari me te tiwhatiwha;

Katoa ngā wāhi i pipī ai ō mātou toto ki te papa,

Ka puāwai mai i reira tō mātou māia me tō mātou kaha.


Ka whiti tonu te rā i te ata, ka ao te rangi,

Katoa ngā raru o nanahi ka ngaro me te hoa kakari;

Ā, ki te roa te wā i mua i te aranga mai anō o te rā,

Tukua mā tēnei wai ngā tau e whakaaomārama.


I titongia ai tēnei waiata ki te toto, kaua ki te matā;

Ehara i te waiata e haria ai e ngā manu o ō te raumati rā

Engari nā te iwi i te kauhanga riri a Tū,

Tēnei waiata a mātou i hari ki te pū me te pohū.


Kaua rawa e mea ko te mate anahe tō huarahi,

Ahakoa āraia ana te kiko o te rangi e te pōuriuri,

Kei te tata mai te wā kua roa e tāria ana;

Ka rū te whenua i te takahi a ngā wae – ki te haka!

All 30 language versions:

Harry’s 18th Yahrzeit

Today, 10 Heshvan 5781, 28 October 2020,  is the 18th yahrzeit of my dad, Cantor Hirsh Zvi (Harry) Rabinowitz

Harry’s abridged ancestral family tree (extends to over 20 generations)

Harry was born in Volksrust, Transvaal,  South Africa on 28 September 1914.

Volksrust – Wikipedia

Volksrust is a town in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa near the KwaZulu-Natal provincial border, some 240 km southeast of Johannesburg, 53 km north of Newcastle and 80 km southeast of Standerton.


To hear sound clips of Harry (plus others) including Chief Rabbi Louis Rabinowitz, click on this image below:

Here is a collection of images to remember him on his yahrzeit.

With his parents and two older brothers Leib and Isaac, who were born in Jerusalem.

His two younger sisters Rachel and Sarah were born in Cape Town.


Harry was a musician and cantor, a baritone who sang in many languages in concerts, recitals, operattas and on radio

Here is a small selection from his scrapbook:


On the radio

He was often accompanied by his sister Rachel Rabinowitz, a concert pianist.

Harry made a record of Popular Yiddish Melodies with Solly Aronowsky’s orchestra on His Masters Voice

Chazonim Oif Probe – an entertaining track from the LP

A review

With my mother, Rachel

With me, my mom, aunty Rachel and my bobba, Chana Chesha Miriam

With other world class chazonim in Johannesburg, including Moshe Stern and Johnny Gluck.

Singing with his choir

His matseva at West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg

With Jill in shul at yahrzeit memorial board

