This Week With William Cooper

William Cooper Statue, Shepparton VIC


Tuesday, 3 December 2019Thursday,  5 December 1938

Friday, 6 December 2019  Sunday, 8 December 2019

In the Press:

This Week With William Cooper
From: Eli Rabinowitz
Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2019 17:15:59 ESTWe are coming up to the 81st anniversary of William Cooper’s march to the German Consulate in Melbourne, on 5 December 1938.
To commemorate this significant date, there are interesting events being held in Melbourne, Australia.

They can be found on this link:


Eli Rabinowitz


Uncle Boydie in front of mural of his grandfather William Cooper in Shepparton VIC
Plaque in Shepparton VIC
With Abe Schwarz & William Cooper’s family in Preston VIC
 With Viv Parry
WE ARE HERE! Perth Team
Stuart Rhine-Davis, Lance Turner, Jessica Shaw, Suzanne Kosowitz, Eli Rabinowitz, Simon Millman
Perth Kristallnacht Commemoration Team
