
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
27 January 2020

#WeRemember – Eli Rabinowitz & Rabbi Shalom White – CHABAD WA

Holocaust Remembrance Day – The Words THAT Matter!

Words can make a difference – both for good and evil. ORT students have been using the defiantly optimistic words of Vilna poet Hirsh Glik to inspire themselves and others as part of our ongoing campaign to bring Zog nit Keynmol to new generations. This video shows just a few highlights of their stunning recitals of Glik’s lyrics to the song, which is renowned as the anthem of the Jewish partisans.

ORT Multi language:   Source Youtube:  https://youtu.be/FoN-28ZpJBw

ORT St Petersburg, Russia Recited in English: Source: youtu.be/7zesjCyfE_Y

 For more info:  please visit  https://elirab.me/zog-nit-keynmol/

Maryusya Zarembo, student at ORT de Gunzburg School #550 in St Petersburg, Russia, is in awe of Hirsh Glik’s defiantly optimistic lyrics to Zog Nit Keynmol, the anthem of the Jewish partisans.

“This is the first time I’ve read or heard the poetry of someone from that time. It’s hard for me to imagine how he could have found the time or energy to be creative in those circumstances, but he did. And his verses are very powerful and life-affirming,” Maryusya said.

 Learning the lyrics, Maryusya said, had made her think about the Holocaust and its lessons for humanity.

“We have to learn that a person must not be humiliated or destroyed because of their ethnicity, faith or politics,” she said. “We can’t expect everyone to be a saint but the more we protect each other, the more tolerant we are, the stronger humanity will become. The alternative is extinction.”

The Partisans’ Song in English

by Hirsh Glik, as translated by Aaron Kremer

Never say that there is only death for you,
Though leaden skies may be concealing days of blue,
Because the hour we have hungered for near;
Beneath our tread the earth shall tremble — we are here!

From land of palm tree to the far-off land of snow,
We shall be coming with our torment and our woe;
And everywhere our blood has sunk into the earth,
Shall our bravery, our vigor blossom forth.

We’ll have the morning sun to set our day aglow,
And all our yesterdays shall vanish with the foe;
And if the time is long before the sun appears,
Then let this song go like a signal through the years.

This song was written with blood and not with lead;
It’s not a song that summer birds sing overhead;
It was a people among toppling barricades,
That sang this song of ours with pistols and grenades.

Never say that there is only death for you,
Though leaden skies may be concealing days of blue,
Because the hour we have hungered for is near;
Beneath our tread the earth shall tremble — we are here!

Ellenbrook Secondary College and Carmel School

Western Australia

The World Premiere – the four language Partisan Song

In Yiddish, Hebrew, English and Noongar (Aboriginal)

The World Premiere of the four language Partisan Song

Ellenbrook Secondary College & Carmel High School At Ellenbrook Secondary College

Source: youtu.be/iIJ-rC-DcWA

THE PARTISANS’ Song – in Cape Town
with Survivor Miriam Lichterman

Zog Nit Keynmol – in Cape Town with Miriam Lichterman

The Herzlia Vocal Ensemble Highlands House, Cape Town 

Source: youtu.be/GKKZgimSOtE

ORT Kiev #141 – Zog Nit Keynmol

ORT Kiev #141 – Zog Nit Keynmol

ORT Kiev #141 Ukraine Recited in Ukrainian 

The Holocaust Survivors’ Anthem #WeRemember

Source: youtu.be/rz3UErZJAJw

ORT St Petersburg #550 – Zog Nit Keynmol – #3

ORT St Petersburg #550 – Zog Nit Keynmol

ORT School #550 St Petersburg, Russia Recited in Russian

Source: youtu.be/VxZL6WpkvZw

ORT St Petersburg #550 – Zog Nit Keynmol – #2

ORT St Petersburg #6 – Zog Nit Keynmol – #2

ORT St Petersburg, Russia Recited in Russian and Hebrew

Source: youtu.be/5mSf5NpIKM4

ORT Moscow #1540 Zog Nit Keynmol

ORT Moscow #1540 Zog Nit Keynmol

ORT Moscow, Russia Recited in Russian, Hebrew & Yiddish

Source: youtu.be/9SIY-IZJ9Hc

Lauder School Tula – Zog Nit Keynmol

Lauder School Tula – Zog Nit Keynmol

The Partisan Song Lauder School, Tula, Russia

Source: youtu.be/llKaelpDJjE

ORT Kazan #12 – Zog Nit Keynmol

ORT Kazan #12 – Zog Nit Keynmol

ORT Kazan, Tartarstan, Russia Recited in Hebrew, English and Russian.

Source: youtu.be/j-H2duiFNRU

ORT Dnepropetrovsk #144 – Zog Nit Keynmol

ORT Dnepropetrovsk #144 – Zog Nit Keynmol

ORT Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine Recited in Ukrainian.

Source: youtu.be/xATkR_FWKV0

ORT #94 Odessa – The Holocaust Survivors’ Anthem

ORT #94 Odessa – The Holocaust Survivors’ Anthem

Recited in Russian Zog Nit Keynmol – The Partisan Song

Source: youtu.be/9qLqSepTb28

ORT #41 Chernivtsi -The Holocaust Survivors’ Anthem

ORT #41 Chernivtsi -The Holocaust Survivors’ Anthem

ORT Chenivtsi, Ukraine. The Partisans’ Song recited in Hebrew

Source: youtu.be/cEj0RusVgUQ

ORT Kishinev #22 – Zog Nit Keynmol

ORT Kishinev #22 – Zog Nit Keynmol

ORT Lyceum Herzl Kishinev. Recited in Moldavian.

Source: youtu.be/0BtV4yUX4cA

Tallinn Jewish School – Zog Nit Keynmol

Tallinn Jewish School – Zog Nit Keynmol

Source: youtu.be/NytvW0TSgio

WeRemember – Zog Nit Keynmol

WeRemember – Zog Nit Keynmol

ORT Moscow Technical School 1311 – The Holocaust Survivors’ Anthem

Source: youtu.be/SL9FjpzCYNE

School #4 Novogrudok, Belarus


Source: youtu.be/mC-ENiOXrhQ

Simonas Gurevicius & Daughters Sing Zog Nit Keynmol –

Simonas Gurevicius & Daughters Sing Zog Nit Keynmol – YouTube

Naomi: We are the Gurevich family from Vilnius, the Jerusalem of Lithuania. Avital: My name is Avital. Here i…

Source: youtu.be/6BlmPWRpsVg

Two Batties @ Havdalah

Saturday night – 24 November 2018 – 17 Kislev 5779

Mazeltov to Jamie Druyan & Mya Adams on the occasion of their Batmitzvahs, held at Motza’ei Shabbat, at CHABAD WA Perth in Noranda, Australia

Rabbi Shalom White – some very inspiring words
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Rabbi Shalom White – Havdalah
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Suzanne Kosowitz – on guitar 
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How to Make Havdalah

How to Make Havdalah

What is Havdalah? … When to Havdalah…The Ingredients… Recite the Introductory Verses … Blessing on the Wine…Smell the Spices … Look at the Light … Say the Havdalah Blessing … Wine & Wax…Farewell to the Queen

Source: www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/253217/jewish/How-to-Make-Havdalah.htm

Havdalah Text

Havdallah Text

As we take leave of Shabbat after a night and day of divine rest, we once again pronounce the holiness of the day over a cup of wine during the Havdalah (“Separation”) ceremony.

Source: www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/258908/jewish/Havdallah.htm

Thanks to Gary Louis for additional photos

Av Harachamim: Remembering Our Shtetls and Martyrs

Noranda CHABAD, Perth, Western Australia

July 2018

After the torah reading on shabbat, we recite Av Harachamim

Av HaRachamim

Av HaRachamim – Wikipedia

Av Harachamim or Abh Haraḥamim (אב הרחמים‬ “Father [of] mercy” or “Merciful Father”) is a Jewish memorial prayer which was written in the late eleventh or early twelfth century, after the destruction of the Ashkenazi communities around the Rhine River by Christian crusaders during the First Crusade.[1] First appearing in prayer books in 1290, it is printed in every Orthodox siddur in the European traditions of Nusach Sefarad and Nusach Ashkenaz and recited as part of the weekly Shabbat services, or in some communities on the Shabbat before Shavuot and Tisha B’Av.[2][3]

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Av_HaRachamim

in the ArtScroll 

ArtScroll – Wikipedia

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ArtScroll

in Tehillat Hashem

Tehillat Hashem – Wikipedia

Tehillat Hashem (תְּהִלַּת ה’‬, “praise of God” in Hebrew) is the name of a prayer-book (known as a siddur in Hebrew) used for Jewish services in synagogues and privately by Hasidic Jews, specifically in the Chabad-Lubavitch community. The name of the siddur is taken from Psalm 145, verse 21, “Praise of God shall my mouth speak, and all flesh shall bless His holy Name forever and ever.”

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tehillat_Hashem

A noteworthy custom fitting the mood of the Sefira period deals with the prayer Av Harachamim. Av Harachamim, recited on Shabbat after the Torah reading was written in response to the Crusades. In it we memorialize the righteous martyrs and pray for retribution for their spilled blood. Av Harachamim is generally not recited on Shabbatot which have an added celebratory nature – such as Shabbat Mevarchim (the Shabbat in which we bless the new month). In many congregations during the Shabbatot of Sefirat Haomer, Av Harachamim is recited even on the Shabbatot in which we bless Iyar and Sivan. The Mishna Brura (284,18) adds, that even if there is a Brit Milah that Shabbat, giving us a second reason why Av Harachamim should not be recited, Av Harachamim is still said, since this was the season of the tragedies.

Before reading the Av Harachamim prayer,  we select one of the 6500 shtetls that existed before and during the Holocaust from this three volume set:

We then share the story of the particular shtetl to illustrate what we lost in Holocaust!

This week – Plunge / Plungyan


The encyclopedia of Jewish life before and during the Holocaust / editor in chief, Shmuel Spector ; consulting editor, Geoffrey Wigoder ; foreword by Elie Wiesel – Collections Search – United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

The encyclopedia of Jewish life before and during the Holocaust / editor in chief, Shmuel Spector ; consulting editor, Geoffrey Wigoder ; foreword by Elie Wiesel – Collections Search – United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Source: collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/bib63061

With thanks to Rabbi Marcus Solomon of Dianella Mizrachi Shule for sharing this idea with me.

Thanks to Michelle Urban and the Western Australian JHGS for allowing me to use these books from their excellent library housed at Noranda CHABAD.

For more on Plunge visit the KehilaLink:

Our Special Connection With The Stropkover Rebbe

Noranda CHABAD, Perth, Western Australia, 30 June 2018

Avraham Shalom Halberstam spends Shabbat Balak with us. I had discovered on his previous visit to Perth in July 2016 that we were 8th cousins. Researching using Geni.com, I discovered that we both are members of the Katzenellenbogen Rabbinic Family Tree.

Earlier the day on Shabbat,  we did something during Shacharit that brought the Rebbe and our community together as never before – read below.

Please note: no photos were taken during shabbat!

My 8th Cousin  – The Stropkover Rebbe – The Admor of Stropkov


Davening Maariv

Havdalah at Noranda CHABAD


Havdalah at Noranda CHABAD

Mendy of RARA and the Stropkover Rebbe.  Other guests were Moishe, the Rebbe’s assistant, and Moishe from RARA

Source: youtu.be/wzTfMchMCCs

Some special photos for our albums

With Rabbi Shalom White and the Rebbe

Mendy, Rabbi White, Sheldon Manushewitz, the Rebbe, Michael Manushewitz and Moishe in front

The Maccabean

13 July 2018

Earlier after the torah reading on shabbat we recited Av Harachamim

A noteworthy custom fitting the mood of the Sefira period deals with the prayer Av Harachamim. Av Harachamim, recited on Shabbat after the Torah reading was written in response to the Crusades. In it we memorialize the righteous martyrs and pray for retribution for their spilled blood. Av Harachamim is generally not recited on Shabbatot which have an added celebratory nature – such as Shabbat Mevarchim (the Shabbat in which we bless the new month). In many congregations during the Shabbatot of Sefirat Haomer, Av Harachamim is recited even on the Shabbatot in which we bless Iyar and Sivan. The Mishna Brura (284,18) adds, that even if there is a Brit Milah that Shabbat, giving us a second reason why Av Harachamim should not be recited, Av Harachamim is still said, since this was the season of the tragedies.

A few weeks ago, Rabbi Marcus Solomon of Dianella Mizrachi Shule, told me about an initiative he had started in his shul.

Before reading the Av Harachamim prayer,  he selects one of the 6500 shtetls that existed before and during the Holocaust from this three volume set:

Rabbi Solomon then shares the story of the particular shtetl to illustrate what we lost in Holocaust!

Today was the first time we did the same at Noranda CHABAD Shul during Shacharit.

With the Stropkover Rebbe spending Shabbat with us, I chose the following shtetl from Volume 3:


Thanks to Michelle Urban and the JHGS for allowing me to use these books from their excellent library housed at CHABAD.


It goes without saying that those in shul were inspired to hear about Stropkov with its Rebbe in our shul. The further connection as 8th cousins was an added bonus for us!

We discussed the Rebbe’s previous visits to Perth and at his request, last night I found this clip I filmed of the Rebbe at Benny Sasson’s barmitzvah June 2000. We did not know our connection then, and here 8 years later, I am pleased to be able to upload it to the internet for all to view and share!

Stropkover Rebbe’s 2000 visit

Stropkover Rebbe’s 2000 visit

At Benny Sasson’s barmitzvah

Source: youtu.be/nn1M-SVGTHk

July 2016


The Stropkover Rebbe has just completed a visit to Perth Australia from Jerusalem.

We were honoured to have him spend Shabbat with us at the CHABAD shul in Noranda WA.

He has visited Perth before.

I took the opportunity on Saturday night to learn more about him and his town.

The Rebbe was born in Germany and lives in Jerusalem. The Stropkover Rebbe’s “once upon a time” community was based in Stropkov in Slovakia.



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
View of Stropkov
Coat of arms
Country Slovakia
Region Prešov
District Stropkov
River Ondava
Elevation 202 m (663 ft)
Coordinates 49°12′18″N 21°39′05″ECoordinates49°12′18″N 21°39′05″E
Area 24.667 km2 (9.524 sq mi)
Population 10,866 (2012-12-31)
Density 441 / km2 (1,142 / sq mi)
First mentioned 1404

Stropkov (Slovak pronunciation: [ˈstropkow]HungarianSztropkópronounced [ˈstropkoː]Yiddishסטראפקאוו‎) is a town in Stropkov DistrictPrešov RegionSlovakia.

Jewish community

Jews first arrived in Stropkov, possibly fleeing Polish pogroms, in about 1650. About fifty years later, the Jews were exiled from Stropkov to Tisinec, a village just to the north. They did not return to Stropkov until about 1800. The Stropkov Jewish cemetery was dedicated in 1892, after which the Tisinec cemetery fell into disuse.

In 1939 the antisemitic Hlinka Party gain control of the Stropkov Town Council. From May–October 1942 the Hlinka deported Jews from the Stropkov area to AuschwitzSobiborMaidanek, and “unknown destinations”. By the end of World War II, only 100 Jews remained in Stropkov out of 2000 in 1942.

Chief Rabbis of Stropkov

The first rabbi of Tisinec and Stropkov was Rabbi Moshe Schonfeld. He left Stropkov for a position in Vranov. He was succeeded in 1833 by Rabbi Yekusiel Yehudah Teitelbaum (I)(1818–1883) who served as Stropkov’s chief rabbi until leaving for a post in Ujhely. The next incumbent was Rabbi Chaim Yosef Gottlieb (1790–1867), known as the “Stropkover Rov”. He was succeeded by Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam (1811–1899), a son of Rabbi Chaim Halberstam of Sanz. His scholarship, piety, and personal charisma transformed Stropkov into one of the most respected chasidic centers in all Galicia and Hungary. Rabbi Moshe Yosef Teitelbaum (1842–1897), the son of the aforementioned Rabbi Yekusiel Yehuda Teitelbaum, was appointed as Stropkov’s next chief rabbi in 1880.

The charismatic and scholarly Rabbi Yitzhak Hersh Amsel (c1855–1934), the son of Peretz Amsel of Stropkov, was first appointed as a dayan in Stropkov and then as the rabbi of Zborov (near Bardejov). As legend has it, Rabbi Yitzhak Hersh Amsel died while praying in his Zborov synagogue. He is buried in the Stropkov cemetery where a small protective building ohel was erected over his grave to preserve it. Rabbi Amsel was succeeded in 1897 by Rabbi Avraham Shalom Halberstam (1856–1940). Jews, learned and simple alike, sought the advice and blessing of this “miracle rabbi of Stropkov”, revered as a living link in the chain of Chassidus of Sanz and Sienawa. Rabbi Halberstam served in Stropkov for some forty years, until the early 1930s, when he assumed a rabbinical post in the larger town of Košice. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Halberstam (1873–1954),the son of the aforementioned Rabbi Avraham Shalom Halberstam was then appointed chief rabbi of Stropkov and head of the Talmud Torah. After World War II Rabbi Menachem Mendel Halberstam lived in New York until the end of his life, teaching at the Stropkover Yeshiva, which he founded in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

The present day Admor of Stropkov is HaRav Avraham Shalom Halberstam of Jerusalem. The Admor runs several yeshivas and kolelim in Jerusalem and other cities in Israel. The Admor dedicates himself to Ahavat Yisrael and to helping many who need to return to their Jewish roots.


I then went into my Geni account and looked up the Stropkover Rebbe and found what appeared to be his family line.

I recalled that on Shabbat, he had been called up to the torah as HaRav Avraham Shalom ben Yechezkel Shrage.

Havdalah after Shabbat.


On Sunday I printed out this page on Geni and showed it to the Rebbe who confirmed that this was indeed him – i.e. Avraham Shalom Lipschutz (Halberstam). He also confirmed that his mother was Beila, daughter of Avraham Shalom Halberstam.


I also printed out the Geni page which shows our relationship and presented a copy to the Rebbe.


So, besides all the friends he has Downunder, he now is happy to have added a 8th cousin in this isolated Jewish community!

We are both members of the Katzenellenbogen Rabbinic Tree.


What Makes G-d Laugh 

Shabbat Balak

What Makes G-d Laugh

There is an old saying that what makes G‑d laugh is seeing our plans for the future.However, if Tanakh is our guide, what makes G‑d laugh is human delusions of grandeur. From the vantage point of heaven, the ultimate absurdity is when humans start thinking of themselves as G‑dlike.

Source: mailchi.mp/af9131e6afbc/life-without-bumps-3300829?e=678b339d93

Chabad of RARA

Chabad of RARA

Source: www.chabadofrara.org


Chanukah In The Park

With Mickey Shaked

Rabbi Shalom White lighting the first candle

The lighting of the first candle was watched by students at the Atzalynas High School in Kedainiai, Lithuania. I used skype and my iPhone to stream this back live to Laima Ardaviciene and her class. This is the second year in a row we have engaged Laima and her class on Chanukah.

Viewing it all from the classroom in Kedainiai, Lithuania

I introduced my friend Heiny Ellert to the class. Heiny, 95, is a Holocaust survivor from Neishtot-Tavrig, today Žemaičių Naumiestis, in Lithuania.

With Heiny Ellert earlier this year

See Heiny Ellert’s Testimony

Heiny Ellert’s Testimony

Heiny Ellert, a Lithuanian Holocaust survivor, tells his story to Eli Rabinowitz. Accompanying him is his wife Toby, also from Lithuania, but who escaped to …

Source: youtu.be/118HN2_NYHs

Žemaičių Naumiestis

Žemaičių Naumiestis

Žemaičių Naumiestis Town in Lithuania Žemaičių Naumiestis is a town in Klaipėda county, Šilutė district municipality. It is located in western Lithuania between Klaipėda and Kaliningrad Oblast. The…

Source: elirab.me/zemaiciu-naumiestis/

The miracle of Chanukah and the miracle of survival for Heinry Ellert!

This is a second year in a row that:

Maoz Tzur Sung in Perth Heard in Keidan

Maoz Tzur Sung in Perth Heard in Keidan

Just think of this – when was the last time Maoz Tzur was heard in Keidan, Lithuania, sung by a Jewish kid? Maybe 75 years ago! When Laima Ardaviciene, the English teacher at Atzalyno Gymnazi…

Source: elirab.me/maoz-tzur-sung-in-perth-heard-in-keidan/

Maoz Tzur Sung in Perth Heard in Keidan

Just think of this – when was the last time Maoz Tzur was heard in Keidan, Lithuania, sung by a Jewish kid? Maybe 75 years ago!

When Laima Ardaviciene, the English teacher at Atzalyno Gymnazija in Kedainiai Lithunia, asked whether I could give a talk on Chanukah via Skype to her students,  I would normally have sourced one of the many brilliant articles by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and shared this with them, speaking from my home.

As I only live a minute’s drive from our CHABAD Shul in Noranda, I came up with the idea of enlisting the assistance of Rabbi Shalom White and doing it at the Shul. I also asked a young and talented friend,  Dylan Kotkis, to join us. Dylan has a friendly and outgoing personality together with a beautiful singing voice. He is a 15 year old student at Carmel School, Perth’s Jewish Day School.

Due to the 7 hour time difference between Perth and Kedainiai, 1pm (7pm here) was the best time for Laima and her students, so we held the meeting in the Shul’s library.  A minyan was taking place in the sanctuary at the same time.

Here are some photos and video clips taken  both from the Kedainiai and from the Perth ends.  I synchronised and edited the videos and combined the footage taken by Laima and myself.

Rabbi White, Dylan and I  spoke about the festival and Dylan took the Lithuanian students on a tour of the shul. Dylan sang Maoz Tzur for them.

Photos taken at Atzalyno Gimnazija

Photos taken on the Perth side

Screenshots and photos of  the signs the Lithuanian students presented.
