Talks in South Africa

In Johannesburg


Sunday 5 February at 7.30pm

Please join us for a presentation by


Traces and Memories of Jewish Life
Connecting to our Litvak Shtetls

Eli Rabinowitz’s presentation has been compiled from six visits to Litvak lands.
His collection of photos and stories showcases:
– the shtetl, where most South Africans originated
– the people on the ground memorialising the shtetl
– the Tolerance Education Centres in schools
– the use of online resources to advance your own heritage research

“How will our children know who they are, if they don’t know where they came from?” —John Steinbeck

Eli Rabinowitz (ex- South Africa) is involved in Jewish community activities, filming events, photographing, researching, lecturing internationally and blogging on Jewish life and heritage. He presented at the IAJGS 2015 conference in Jerusalem. He manages 76 KehilaLinks websites for JewishGen. He led the first JewishGen Virtual Heritage Tour of Europe. Eli lives in Perth, Australia.

WHEN: Sunday 5 February at 7.30pm
DONATION: R90.00 (including refreshments)
VENUE: Clive M Beck Auditorium
               Rabbi Cyril Harris Community Centre (RCHCC)
               cnr Glenhove Rd & 4th Street Houghton, East of the M1 
BOOKING: Hazel or René (011 728 8088/8378) After Hours (011 728 8378)
email: or

Bank details:
Nedbank Norwood      Code: 191905
Account name: RCHCC
Account number: 1920 116 699

Please put your name as reference

In Cape Town

Traces and Memories of Jewish Life

Connecting to our Litvak shtetls

Eli Rabinowitz’s presentation has been compiled from six visits to Litvak lands

His collection of photos and stories showcases:

– the shtetl, where most South Africans originated 

– the people on the ground memorialising the shtetl

– the Tolerance Education Centres in schools 

– the use of online resources to advance your own heritage research

Gardens Synagogue – Nelson Mandela Auditorium

 8 February 2017 at 7:30 pm

My Upcoming Talks at the Great Park & Gardens Shuls

 Traces and Memories of Jewish Life  Connecting to our Litvak shtetls The Great Park Synagogue RCHCC, Johannesburg 5 February 2017 at 7:30pm and The Nelson Mandela Auditorium at the Gardens Shul, C…


Let’s Catch Up At IAJGS In Seattle


Hi from Perth, Australia.

I start my long 24 hour trek early tomorrow from Perth to Seattle.

I will be in Seattle until Tuesday evening.

I am giving a presentation at a South African Tea Party this Saturday afternoon. This will be of interest to those wanting to connect with their shtetl.
This talk is being held within walking distance from the Sheraton.

For more details, see:

I plan to spend most of Monday and Tuesday meeting up with the many people I have communicated with via the 70 JewishGen KehilaLinks I write and manage.

These Jewish websites cover many countries and regions – Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Germany, Belarus, Russia, South Africa, Australia and China.

The list is here:

If you would like to catch up with me to discuss these, your shtetl, heritage travel or just to say hello, email me at I am likely to be near the lobby.

See you soon!

Best regards

Eli Rabinowitz
Perth, Australia
