
Perth to Kalgoorlie by Transwa Prospector Train

Kalgoorlie – Railway Station, The Rydges Hotel & Paddys

Day 2

Boulder –  with Toni and Willie Kassman

The Super Pit Lookout

2 UP School

Kalgoorlie at Night

Day 3

The WA Museum of the Goldfields

Hannan Street

The York Hotel

Day 4 

The Kalgoorlie Library & Community Centre


Back home to Perth

Our Kalgoorlie Visit

Jill and my three day trip to Kalgoorlie by train

The Prospector Train

Day 1 – Sat 29 May 2021
Kalgoorlie – Wikipedia

Kalgoorlie – Wikipedia

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalgoorlie

Arrival and walk about town

Day 2:

The Mining Museum

Around town

Kalgoorlie Hotel – thank you Afranio

Day 3 – Monday
Morning with Toni Kassman

Thank you Gaye and Wendy in the office

The Jewish Cemetery


The Super Pit and Boulder

Super Pit gold mine – Wikipedia

Super Pit gold mine – Wikipedia

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Pit_gold_mine

At the Palace Hotel with Toni

About town
