Two Batties @ Havdalah

Saturday night – 24 November 2018 – 17 Kislev 5779

Mazeltov to Jamie Druyan & Mya Adams on the occasion of their Batmitzvahs, held at Motza’ei Shabbat, at CHABAD WA Perth in Noranda, Australia

Rabbi Shalom White – some very inspiring words
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Rabbi Shalom White – Havdalah
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Suzanne Kosowitz – on guitar 
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How to Make Havdalah

How to Make Havdalah

What is Havdalah? … When to Havdalah…The Ingredients… Recite the Introductory Verses … Blessing on the Wine…Smell the Spices … Look at the Light … Say the Havdalah Blessing … Wine & Wax…Farewell to the Queen


Havdalah Text

Havdallah Text

As we take leave of Shabbat after a night and day of divine rest, we once again pronounce the holiness of the day over a cup of wine during the Havdalah (“Separation”) ceremony.


Thanks to Gary Louis for additional photos

Solomo Aleichemo ORT School Vilnius

Students sing Zog Nit Keynmol for me:

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Pre-Internet Viral: Songs of the Vilna Ghetto – Lithuanian Jewish Community

by Geoff Vasil


The Bar & Batmitzvah Ceremonies:

The Choral Synagogue:

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The Community Centre:

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Report by Geoff Vasil with my images

Annual ORT Sholem Aleichem Gymnasium Bar/Bat Mitzvah Ceremony – Lithuanian Jewish Community


Vilniaus Šolomo Aleichemo ORT gimnazija

„Paskutinė mano valia skirta įpėdiniams: tarpusavyje gyventi draugiškai, nekaupti savyje priešiškumo, palaikyti vieniems kitus sunkiu laiku, prisiminti šeimą, užjausti vargšą… Vaikai, didžuokitės mano taip sunkiai užsitarnautu žydišku vardu.“


World Ort Videos:

ORT Videos

We feature videos made especially for this project by schools belonging to the World ORT network.  See below. To find out more about World ORT, the world’s largest Jewish education and vocati…

Source: Http://


