Sir Ronald Harwood: Obit by Abel Levitt

Plunge, Lithuania

Sept 2020: planted by Eugenijus Bunka at Litvakland, Plateliai

Sir Ronald Harwood 


The Ronald Harwood International Art Competition

The Tolerance Centre

More artwork to follow….

Abel Levitt on the passing of Sir Ronald Harwood from natural causes at his home in Sussex on 8 September 2020, at age 85.


I would like to write specifically about Ronald’s connection to Plungyan in Lithuania and his visit there with his wife Natasha in 2005.

I grew up with Ronnie Horwitz. We started school at the Kings Road Primary School in 1941, in the same class of sub A. We completed our schooling at Sea Point Boys’ High in 1951. Throughout our school lives we were in the same class, at Kings Road, at Sea Point Junior and at Sea Point Boys’ High. We lived close to one another, Ronnie in Victoria Road Bantry Bay, and, I, 150 yards away in Brompton Avenue. We were in the Cubs and Scouts together at the 10th Green and Sea Point, We played tennis together, watched cricket at Newlands together, competed with one another at the Eisteddfods. 

At school, Ronnie took the lead in the school plays. He was outstanding. After we had finished writing our matric exams, Ronnie left for London, to study Dramatic Art, dropped out of the Royal Academy due to financial difficulties, and the rest, as they say, is history. A career of writing and leadership. We maintained a loose relationship, the occasional phone call when I was in London, but we did spend a day together after watching his acclaimed play “Taking Sides”.

It was whilst reading his novel “HOME” that I learned for the first time that Ronald’s father Isaac Horwitz had emigrated from Lithuania. In half a lifetime, our fathers’ ancestry was not a subject of discussion. Glenda and my journey to Lithuania had already began, when I read Ronnie’s book “Home” and discovered that both of our fathers were from Plungyan. I called Ronnie. “What about you and Natasha joining us in a trip to our shtetl Plungyan” I asked. The reply was immediate. And the date 25th May agreed upon, with our guide Regina to be our leader.

The meeting at the airport was emotional. Ronnie had recently been awarded the Oscar for writing the screenplay of what was to become a Holocaust Classic “The Pianist”. And here he was, with his dear wife Natasha, in Lithuania.

Our journey to Plungyan was via Kovno where we visited Eugenijus Bunka, the son of the “Last Jew in Plungyan”, and our friend and partner in our Plungyan ventures. Eugenijus was in hospital, recovering from an operation. He would not be with us on the upcoming welcome to the Oscar winner.

 Upon our arrival in the town our first stop was at the apartment of Yacovas Bunka. During the few years of Lithuanian independence from the Soviet occupation, Yacovas Bunka had welcomed some hundreds of Plungyaner Jews. Few would have been of the international stature of the writer, playwright, literary giant and Oscar winner as Ronald Harwood. There was an immediate warm relationship although Bunka spoke no English and Ronald did not understand Yiddish.

The following morning we proceeded to the mass graves, where 1800 Plungyan Jews had been murdered by the Germans and their Lithuanian Collaborators in July 1941. The mass graves in Plungyan are special .The acclaimed sculptor Bunka, together with his Lithuanian sculptor friends had carved the sculptures which stand as sentinels overlooking the mass graves. These mass graves in the Kausenai Forest have been described by some as the most impressive in the whole of Eastern Europe. Ronald did not have family who had remained in Lithuania, but he walked around, silent, as he absorbed the sanctity of the moment. He was profoundly moved. The photo of Ronald sitting quietly on a bench describes the emotion of the visit.

Our next visit was to the Saules Gymnasium. The headmaster Jouzas Milacius welcomed his important guests, the Harwood’s, in one of the multiple European languages that he spoke, but not a word of English. Jouzas is a true friend of ours, a man who was directly helpful when we proposed the establishment of a Tolerance Education Centre in his school.  The pupils were assembled in the hall, waiting for the guests to arrive. They were well prepared. Every class had seen the film, “The Pianist”, and had lessons about the Warsaw ghetto uprising. And here they were, seated and waiting to hear from Ronald. The students were riveted by Ronald’s charm and dynamic personality.

The questions were intelligent. These children had as a teacher Danute Serapiniene, a committed and sincere lady who since 1995 had been teaching children about the Holocaust and about the Jews who lived in their town Plunge.

In the evening there was an event at the local Ogynski Palace where Ronald addressed the intellectuals of the town, relating his experiences of working in Poland with the director of the film Roman Polansky. Again the audience interacted with his engaging and charismatic personality and interacted with many questions about the film.

The following morning was a scheduled meeting with the mayor of Plunge, all arranged by the school? We sat in the mayor’s office, listening to the usual welcome and niceties.

And then Ronald Harwood spoke. I remember his words very clearly. “Mr. Mayor, I know that you have difficulties with budgets. I appeal to you, whatever you do don’t reduce the budgets for culture. To do so will be to the detriment of your society.”

As we walked down the stairs at the conclusion of the meeting, Glenda looked at me, and I looked back at her. We were both thinking of the very same thing. That was to create an art competition, called “The Ronald Harwood Holocaust Art competition“. Ronald’s words to the mayor of Plunge had inspired us and since that time the Ronald Harwood Art Competition has grown from a local event, to a regional event and to a national event. The word “Art” has become “Arts” as all forms of art are part of the competition today. Painting, drawing, sculpture, drama, music and writing.

We were present at the 10th anniversary of the Ronald Harwood Arts Competition, held in the Plunge Town Hall. There was an exhibition of prize-winning art works from previous years and entries from throughout Lithuania. The International School in Vilnius arrived with two full busloads of children of all ages who took part in a musical play, in Lithuanian, English and Yiddish with

Vilna and the Holocaust as the theme.

On Friday night at our hotel in the nearby resort of Plateliai we had a traditional Friday night dinner with candle lighting and Kiddush. Our guests included teachers from the district.

Before leaving Plungyan we had a special visit to make. Living in the centre of the town was Kazys Vitkevicius and his wife. As a 14year old in 1941 Kazys had helped his mother to save Jewish girls. He did this by digging pits in which he hid the girls covered by branches, and bringing them food. Both his mother and Kazys were honoured by Yad Vashem and became Righteous among the Nations. Ronald and Natasha were visibly moved at the experience of meeting this special man.

And so back to Vilnius where Ronald addressed the students at the Sholem Aleichem Jewish Day School. Again, the subject was the movie The Pianist and once more the children at the school were enthralled by the charm and competence of the writer of the script of the film

The Harwoods returned to their home in London after an experience which Ronald told me was something beyond his expectations.

 For us, that experience of being with my lifelong friend in the land of the birth of our fathers, to witness the appreciation of the young people of the artistry of Ronald Harwood inspired us to talk about Tolerance Education and to display the winning art works from the Ronald Harwood competition in countries around the world, including South Africa and Lithuania.

Abel Levitt 

Eli with Glenda & Abel Levitt in Ra’anana, Israel – July 2017


Sea Point High School 

Sea Point High School – Wikipedia

Sea Point High School, formerly Sea Point Boys High School, is a co-educational public high school in Main Road, Sea Point, Cape Town, South Africa. The school was established on 21 April 1884. In 1925, the senior grades were separated from the junior grades. In 1989, the school merged with Ellerslie Girls’ High School after becoming co-educational.

Sea Point Boys connected to Plunyan

  • Sir Ronald Harwood (Horwitz)
  • Sir Antony Sher
  • Abel Levitt
  • Eli Rabinowitz (KehilaLink manager)


The Last Jew in Plunge

Last Jew




Gintautas Rimeikis and Yolanta Mazhukne


Yolanta Mazhukne, Gintautas Rimeikis and Danutė Serapinienė 

With Gintautas Rimeikis, Yolanta Mazhukne and Danutė Serapinienė 


Plunge Saule Gymnazyum Tolerance Centre

Plungyan KehilaLInk


Plunge, Lithuania


Plunge Saule Gymnazyum
With Gintautas Rimeikis, Yolanta Mazhukne and Danutė Serapinienė 

Tolerance Centre
The Ronald Harwood International Art Competition

Ronald Harwood 


Sea Point High School 

Sea Point High School – Wikipedia

Sea Point High School, formerly Sea Point Boys High School, is a co-educational public high school in Main Road, Sea Point, Cape Town, South Africa. The school was established on 21 April 1884. In 1925, the senior grades were separated from the junior grades. In 1989, the school merged with Ellerslie Girls’ High School after becoming co-educational.

Sea Point Boys connected to Plunyan

  • Sir Ronald Harwood (Horwitz)
  • Sir Antony Sher
  • Abel Levitt
  • Eli Rabinowitz (KehilaLink manager)


The Last Jew in Plunge

Last Jew



Gintautas Rimeikis and Yolanta Mazhukne


Yolanta Mazhukne, Gintautas Rimeikis and Danutė Serapinienė 



This is my second visit to Birzai or Birzh, Lithuania, as it was called. My first was in June 2015

Birzai – My Photos from June 2015



May 2018

I met with Merunas Jukonis, the youth coordinator in the town. He and his dad, Vidmantas, have been very active in working in the field of Tolerance education, Holocaust commemoration and related projects. See report below: 


Report by Abel and Glenda Levitt, November 2015

While in Lithuania last week we spent a fascinating 4 days in Birzai, known to the Jews who lived there as Birzh.

On 8th August 1941 the 2400 Jews of the town were marched to the forest where they were all murdered, Men, Women and Children.

There exists in Birzai an ancient Karaite and Jewish cemetery. For years it remained neglected and uncared for.

And then a few years ago, the local teacher of History and Tolerance, Vidmantas Jukonis, together with his son Merunas, also a teacher of History, started a project of cleaning up the cemetery  ,  removing the overgrown grass and weeds, and cutting the trees.  They were joined by the local Reformed Lutheran Church where they are members ,and then by a Lutheran community in Germany who came to Birzai in the summer, camped outside the walls of the cemetery, and helped with the work. Later they made contact with SEFER, the well-known organization in Moscow specializing in Jewish Heritage,  Sefer conducted a big 3 year academic international project

The participants were:

1) Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization “SEFER” .Moscow                                 

2) Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences .Moscow                                     

3) Centre for the Studies of the Culture and History of East European Jews . Vilnius                                   

4)Birzai Regional Museum “Sela” Birzai                                 

 5) Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Authority . Jerusalem

Professionals and Volunteers joined in the project and expertly cleaned the gravestones, identified the names, and mapped out the gravestones that were still there. The leader of the final group was Motl Gordon, a St. Petersburg Jew, who became religious a few years agofluent in Yiddish.  This final group was funded by the Birzai municipality (half) and by local sponsors, including the family of Sheftel Melamed, the last Jew in Birzai, who passed away on 31st August 2015. The Birzai district municipality also helped with materials, logistics and more.

The Birzai “Ausra” secondary school’s Tolerance Education Centre,  headed by Vidmantas Jukonis  provided volunteers , citizens of Birzai, who remembered Jews, arranged meetings for those people, and drove groups of students to meet them.

In Birzai on Friday afternoon an event was held to celebrate the completion of the project, and to launch the book that had been written about the project and its findings.

The book, 374 pages , in Russian, was published by SEFER  with the help of the  GENESIS Philanthropy Group and the UJA FEDERATION OF NEW YORK.


There is little in English in the book. But from the table of contents (in English) it appears that there is much of interest. The book is written in the form of essays written by scholars involved in the project and tables recording the 1627 stones that were found in the cemetery, mostof them with names.

Glenda and I were given a copy. When I asked if we could buy some more, for family and friends with an interest in Birzai (Birzh) Motl Gordon told usthat they had distributed the few copies that they had brought for the event, but that he would enquire from Sefer in Moscowwhat the cost would be to buy.

It is hoped that a translation into English will be available via a PDF document on-line. Attached are photos of the front cover (1), the back cover (2), a photo on the inside front cover (5) and a photo on the inside back cover (6). This book is of great historic importance.

A rough check of the list of tombstones shows that the last two tombstones to be erected and that remain are those of Barukh Michaelson (he was the famous town photographer) who died on 13th July 1939, and Herce (Hirsch) Evin,  who died in 1940.  Michaelson’s tombstone was found buried during the work on the cemetery and restored.  It should be noted that after the Soviet occupation in June 1940 Jewish religious life came to a halt and it is probable that no further Jewish funerals and consecration of tombstones took place.  There was however a tombstone dated 1945. And the newer tombstones from the ’30’s were probably stolen and used in building as was the case throughout Lithuania.


Bennie Rabinowitz and The Birzh Torah



The Birzai KehilaLink



My Photos, May 2018

A short walk around town.  Old buildings in the former Jewish area.  

Merunas’s Lutheran Church
Soviet War Memorial
Merunas’s High school 

Lunch Time and enjoying kvass



Kvass – Wikipedia

Kvass is a traditional Slavic and Baltic beverage commonly made from rye bread ,[1] known in many Eastern European countries and especially in Ukraine and Russia as black bread. The colour of the bread used contributes to the colour of the resulting drink. It is classified as a non-alcoholic drink by Russian standards, as the alcohol content from fermentation is typically low (0.5–1.0%).[2][3] It may be flavoured with fruits such as strawberries and raisins, or with herbs such as mint.[4]


Sinkholes in Birzai


Biržai Regional Park 

Biržai Regional Park – Wikipedia

Biržai Regional Park covers 14,659 hectares (36,220 acres) in northern Lithuania near its border with Latvia. It was established in 1992 to preserve a distinctive karst landscape. About 20% of its area is covered by forest.


More About Biržai 

Biržai – Wikipedia

Biržai ( pronunciation (help·info), known also by several alternative names) is a city in northern Lithuania. Biržai is famous for its reconstructed Biržai Castle manor, and the whole region is renowned for its many traditional-recipe beer breweries.


Commemoration in Lithuania

Five minute presentation at the conference organized by the Lithuanian Embassy in Tel Aviv at the Peres Centre in Jaffa, Tel Aviv

by Abel & Glenda Levitt

When we received an invitation to this conference and read that the first session was titled “What has been done in Lithuania regarding the commemoration of victims of the Holocaust?” I called the Lithuanian embassy to ask if we could have 5 or 6 minutes to describe our role, Glenda and Abel Levitt, in this important mission, Commemoration.

Since our first visit to Lithuania in 1998, to visit Plunge, the shtetl where my father had been born, from where he emigrated to South Africa in 1913, and where his mother, four brothers and sisters and their children were murdered in July 1941, we have visited many times, trying to go every year, sometimes more often.

In Plunge we met Yacovas Bunka, the then 75 year old sculptor who took us to the Kausenai forest to visit the mass graves where on two bloody days 1,800 Jews, men women and children were shot and thrown into the graves, and covered by mounds of earth.

We saw for the first time the memorial, erected in Soviet times. As we left the site with the giant wooden sculptures made by Bunka and his artist friends, the old man took my hand and asked if we could raise the money needed to cover the graves with stone, as he feared the encroaching foliage of the forest would overrun the mass graves.

This we did and our family around the world responded to our request. We also wanted to acknowledge the work of brave Lithuanians, farmers and priests, and ordinary people, who had saved their Jewish citizens. These heroes had been awarded the Life Saving Cross by Lithuania’s presidents. To these noble people we created the Alley of the Savers.

We had met via the internet an Israeli woman, Emma Karabelnik, born in Vilnius to parents who had lived in Plunge but who had managed to escape east to Russia days before the Germans arrived. Emma inspired by seeing the covered mass graves decided to make a contribution and so interviewed families and researched victims’ names to add to Bunka’s list of 700. Emma was interested in having these names somehow displayed. Shortly after our meeting Emma, we were in Plunge, a day before the old synagogue was to be demolished. We called Bunka’s son Eugenijus, and suggested to him that the bricks from the synagogue be saved and be used for building some sort of memorial, ideally at the mass grave.

And thus was born the Memorial Wall project, with 1,200 names of the 1,800 victims. The monument was unveiled in July 2011; 70 years after the murderous act had been perpetrated. Emmanuel Zingeris was present that day, as was Ronaldas Racinskas who is here today.

Speaker after speaker spoke of the need to build more memorials with names at the mass graves in Lithuania. Attending were government officials and ambassadors, and the representative of Yad Vashem. In my address, I too spoke of the importance of names, not only numbers, but names on memorials that would be the tombstones of the murdered Jews.

In May of 2011, two months before the unveiling we had visited Kedainiai and met the director of the museum, Rymantas Zirgulis.

We showed him a photo of the wall being built, his reaction was immediate, “how can I do something like this in my town ? ” he asked showing us the existing memorial.

And so it was that he built a monument at the mass graves, an impressive steel structure with the names cut out.
You have heard from Ronaldas about Tolerance Centres in Lithuania. We have been personally involved in the one at the Saules Gymnasium in Plunge.

Here we have established an annual Holocaust art competition, inviting schools from around Lithuania to participate. We would like to show you a few examples of the innovative artwork that the talented Lithuanian students have produced in the Ronald Harwood Art Competition.

By Albertas, Plunge

A Stain on History
By Bernadetta Plunge

Team project Birzai High School

Drawing by Karolina age 14


A Wall of Tears
By Christina Plunge

Glenda and I had been taken to the northern city of Birzai by Ronaldas’ deputy Ingrida Vilkiene, our first visit to the town where Glenda’s grandmother had been born. There we met the impressive couple Vidmantas Jukonis and his son Merunas who had been responsible for cleaning up the huge 500 year old Karaite and Jewish cemetery.

We were taken to the mass graves where on 8th August 1941, 2,300 Jews and 90 communist sympathizers were murdered in the forest of Pakamponys. By chance, 10 days later, in talking to a friend Bennie Rabinowitz in Cape Town South Africa, we mentioned our visit to Birzai. “Birzh” he called out, “the shtetl from where my grandfather emigrated to South Africa at the end of the 19th century”.

And so began the “Birzai/Birzh” project.

Here is the architect’s first plan for the monument with names that will be built at the mass graves and unveiled in August next year together with an acknowledgement of the Savers of Jews in Birzai.

This will be the 3rd such monument of names at the killing grounds in Lithuania. Not nearly enough you will all agree. The mass graves at Panerai where 100,000 people were murdered, 70,000 of them Jews, need a monument with names, not numbers. Lithuanian officials have said so. It is up to gatherings like this to push for tombstones to our people, with names, even if only some of the names are available, tombstones in the form of memorials such as we have shown you here today.

Abel and Glenda Levitt Kfar Sava , Israel

For the Plunge, Birzai & Kedainiai KehilaLinks, visit:


Birzai Report by Abel Levitt

Photograph (1)

Photograph (2)

Report by Abel Levitt, who with his wife Glenda, has just returned from Lithuania.

While in Lithuania last week we spent a fascinating 4 days in Birzai, known
to the Jews who lived there as Birzh.

On 8th August 1941 the 2400 Jews of the town were marched to the forest
where they were all murdered, Men, Women and Children.

There exists in Birzai an ancient Karaite and Jewish cemetery. For years it
remained neglected and uncared for.

And then a few years ago, the local teacher of History and Tolerance,
Vidmantas Jukonis, together with his son Merunas, also a teacher of History,
started a project of cleaning up the cemetery  ,  removing the overgrown
grass and weeds, and cutting the trees.  They were joined by the local
Reformed Lutheran Church where they are members ,and then by a Lutheran
community in Germany who came to Birzai in the summer, camped outside the walls of the cemetery, and helped with the work. Later they made contact with a group of Yiddish
speakers in Russia who joined in the project and expertly cleaned the gravestones, identified the names, and mapped out the gravestones that were still there.

The leader of this group was Motl Gordon, a St. Petersburg Jew, who became
religious a few years ago.

In Birzai on Friday afternoon an event was held to celebrate the completion
of the project, and to launch the book that had been written about the
project and its findings.

The book, 374 pages , in Russian, was published by SEFER  with the help of
the  GENESIS Philanthropy Group and the UJA FEDERATION OF NEW YORK.

Photograph (5)


There is little in English in the book. But from the table of contents (in
English) it appears that there is much of interest. The book is written in
the form of essays written by scholars involved in the project and tables recording the 1627 stones that were found in the cemetery, mostof them with names.

Glenda and I were given a copy. When I asked if we could buy some more, for family and friends with an interest in Birzai (Birzh) Motl Gordon told usthat they had distributed the few copies that they had brought for the event, but that he would enquire from Sefer in Moscowwhat the cost would be to buy.

It is hoped that a translation into English will be available via a PDF document on-line.

Attached are photos of the front cover (1), the back cover (2), a photo on
the inside front cover (5) and a photo on the inside back cover (6).

This book is of great historic importance.

A rough check of the list of tombstones shows that the last two tombstones
to be erected and that remain are those of Barukh Michaelson (he was the
famous town photographer) who died on 13th July 1939, and Herce (Hirsch) Evin,  who died in 1940.  Michaelson’s tombstone was found buried during the work on the cemetery and restored.  It should be noted that after the Soviet occupation in

June 1940 Jewish religious life came to a halt and it is probable that no further Jewish funerals and consecration of tombstones took place.  And the newer tombstones from the ’30’s were probably stolen and used in building as was the case throughout Lithuania.

Correction: There is also a stone with the date of death 1945


Photograph (6)

