ZNK – New videos

Here are new videos of students singing Zog Nit Keynmol that reached me in the last ten days.

  1. Melbourne Yom Hashoah Holocaust Commemoration in April:

The background and context

The ‘Partisans’ Song’ – Zog Nit Keynmol–written by Hirsch Glik, 22,  in the Vilna Ghetto in 1943   is one of the most powerful songs of resistance and defiance ever written.

While Hitler boasted that his Reich would endure for a thousand years, it is the Jewish people who resisted the forces of hatred and have endured, not the murderous Third Reich,  which lasted twelve years.

Today, 75 years on, long after the demise of Hitler’s murderous regime, the partisans’ song is now sung worldwide to mark the Jewish spirit of resistance.

(Michael Cohen, Melbourne)

Melbourne Yom Hashoah – Zog Nit Keynmol

Melbourne Yom Hashoah – Zog Nit Keynmol

Commemoration April 2018 Using video footage from The Partisans’ Song Project

Source: youtu.be/SvNoyReKxO0


Zog nit keyn mol, az du geyst dem letstn veg,
khotsh himlen blayene farshteln bloye teg.
kumen vet nokh undzer oysgebenkte sho,
s’vet a poyk ton undzer trot: mir zaynen do!

Fun grinem palmenland biz vaysn land fun shney,
mir kumen on mit undzer payn, mit undzer vey,
un vu gefaln iz a shprits fun undzer blut,
shprotsn vet dort undzer gvure, undzer mut!S
s’vet di morgnzun bagildn undz dem haynt,
un der nekhtn vet farshvindn mit dem faynt,
nor oyb farzamen vet di zun in der kayor –
vi a parol zol geyn dos lid fun dor tsu dor.

Dos lid geshribn iz mit blut, un nit mit blay,
s’iz nit keyn lidl fun a foygl oyf der fray,
dos hot a folk tsvishn falndike vent
dos lid gezungen mit naganes in di hent.

To zog nit keyn mol, az du geyst dem letstn veg,
khotsh himlen blayene farshteln bloye teg.
kumen vet nokh undzer oysgebenkte sho –
es vet a poyk ton undzer trot: mir zaynen do!


2 & 3

Schools are now recording the song on their travels:

JDS 8th Graders from Seattle WA sang the Partisans’ Song while visiting Yad Vashem and Masada in Israel:

JDS Seattle School Video – Zog Nit Keynmol

Seattle School Video – Zog Nit Keynmol

Yad Vashem May 18

Source: youtu.be/O8ZOBgVrxNs

JDS Seattle School Video – Zog nit KeynMol

JDS 8th Grade at Masada 14 May 2018

Masada, Israel

Source: youtu.be/NZRH7aq-N3I


Beis Aharon School and Orphanage 
Zog Nit Keynmol – Pinsk

Zog Nit Keynmol – Pinsk

Beis Aharon School Pinsk, Belarus 13 May 2018

Source: youtu.be/yN3QGZkmGjY

Moshe Fhima Intro

Moshe Fhima Intro

Beis Aharon School Pinsk Belarus 13 May 2018

Source: youtu.be/vi86WhEv3tA

Learn More about how to get involved
An Inspirational School Project

An Inspirational School Project

A Project For Your School We are seeking students who will recite or sing the Partisans’ Song in their home tongue, or in a language they have learnt. Please make a video, which can be as cre…

Source: elirab.me/znk/


Nalibaki – Wikipedia

Nalibaki – Wikipedia

Nalibaki (Belarusian: Налібакі, Russian: Налибоки, Polish: Naliboki) is an agrotown in Minsk Region, in western Belarus.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nalibaki

Video – Jewish Historical References in Naliboki

Jewish Historical References in Naliboki

Tamara Vershitskaya 16 May 2018

Source: youtu.be/TU2ZVBzldtE

Video – Jewish Memorial in Naliboki

Jewish Memorial in Naliboki

Tamara Vershitskaya, Alexander Pilinkievich, chairman of the local village council, and Ivan – builder 16 May 2018

Source: youtu.be/Nf3QBLP-YYA

Video – Plans for Naliboki

Plans for Naliboki

Tamara Vershitskaya and Ivan 16 May 2018

Source: youtu.be/aFb4YnB9j4Q

A Private Mikvah


Video – The Private Mikvah

The Private Mikvah

Tamara Vershitskaya talks about the mikvah in Naliboki Belarus 16 May 2018

Source: youtu.be/lndsEPiKshM

Naliboki massacre – Wikipedia

Naliboki massacre – Wikipedia

The Naliboki massacre (Polish: Zbrodnia w Nalibokach) was the mass killing of 129 Poles,[2] including women and children, by Soviet partisans[3] on 8 May 1943 in the small town of Naliboki[4] in German-occupied Poland (the town is now in Belarus).[5] Before the 1939 German-Soviet invasion of Poland, Naliboki was part of Stołpce County, Nowogródek Voivodeship, in eastern Poland.[1]

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naliboki_massacre

In The News

The Maccabean Newspaper – 20 April 2018

Photos by Sas Saddick

See some videos of the commemoration here:

Yom Hashoah Commemoration Perth 2018

Yom Hashoah Commemoration Perth 2018

  Yom Hashoah Perth Commemoration Sara Kogan-Lazarus sings Tsi Darf Es Azoy Zayn Sara Kogan-Lazarus sings Tsi Darf Es Azoy Zayn Yom Hashoah Commemoration Perth, Australia 15 April 2018 Yiddish Sour…

Source: elirab.me/yh18/


A punk version of Zog Nit Keynmol by Yidcore
