Muizenberg High School

My Partisan Song Project presentation at Muizenberg High School

Muizenberg High School principal Leonie Jacobsen and I first met on Thursday night, 8 February, at a delightful Yiddish music concert, featuring singer Caely-Jo Levi at the Kalk Bay Theatre. Leonie was introduced to me by my cousin, Julian Reitstein, a teacher at her school.

With Yiddish singer, Caely-Jo Levi

With Julian Reitstein, Leonie Jacobsen and Lesley Abelsohn after the show.

Julian told Leonie about my previous night’s presentation at the Cape Town Holocaust and Genocide Centre; the online collaboration class hosted by Herzlia High School with six schools in the FSU; and the inspiring concert at Highlands House retirement home on the same day. Without hesitation, Leonie invited me to address her students before I left Cape Town.

With Richard Freedman, director of the CT Holocaust Centre

The online class at Herzlia High School

The concert at Highlands House

At 9 am the following Monday, 12 February, I addressed 300 upper high school students at Muizenberg HS. Leonie organised everything in just one working day. What amazing organisation skills!

Here are photos from the morning.

Guests included Alice King, the US Consul (Education), who has offered to help facilitate the translation of the Partisan Song into Xhosa, so that next time I visit, the students can sing it in one of South Africa’s 11 official languages!


Muizenberg High School – Progredior since 1898

Muizenberg High School – Progredior since 1898

Progredior since 1898


Some of the honours’ boards and photos

The Muizenberg Kehilalink



IAJGS Conference Warsaw 2018

We are very pleased to inform you that the following proposal has been accepted for presentation at the 38th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy in Warsaw, Poland from August 5 -10, 2018.

2018 Conference Schedule
Abtract #1
The Partisan Song Project and Genealogy – Inspiring and Connecting a New Generation

“Zog Nit Keynmol” is the anthem of Holocaust survivors. It is a legacy that is in danger of soon dying out. The Partisan Song Project is an initiative to connect it to the next generation through meaning, context, and family histories.

This multi-media presentation follows the path of the project from its genesis in January 2017:

the initial request from a school for information;

my research methodology and content;

my “out of the box” teaching style to 1000 students;

planning and running a separate online class with five schools in the FSU and hosted by a sixth;

introducing family history to the program;

working with more schools;

spreading the message via social media, Holocaust centres and survivors;

going global with the support of World ORT; HET UK, TEC Lithuania, Yad Vashem; and

the case study of Oscar Borecki, a Bielski Partisan from Novogrudok and commemorating his legacy in Australia.


Warsaw Handout 1
Abstract #2

Back From the Polish and Litvak Diaspora: Virtual Journeys That Connect Us To Our Roots.

Back From the Polish and Litvak Diaspora: Virtual Journeys That Connect Us To Our Roots.

My first heritage visit to Poland and the Baltics was in 2011. I have returned six times since, accumulating a wealth of information, photos, stories and contacts.

In this multimedia presentation find out why and how we gather and share this data with others in mind; and why we include both past and contemporary Jewish Life.

I will help you grasp the importance of the web using the following tools, drawing on some examples:

JewishGen KehilaLinks – my 80 KehilaLinks (35 Lithuania, 7 Poland, 6 Belarus, others in Latvia, Germany, Russia, Estonia, China, Africa and Australia);

WordPress – 600 posts and pages that make up my tangential travel and Jewish Life website;

online classrooms which can simultaneously connect nine schools at once;

Google, including Google Search, YouTube, Translate, Maps, Earth, Hangouts, Chrome and Drive;

social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn; and

additional resources such as Wikipedia


Warsaw Handout 2


Warsaw KehilaLink

I am pleased to advise I have taken on the important project of creating
and running the Warsaw KehilaLink.

It is quite surprising that there has been no KehilaLink for Warsaw,
once the largest Jewish city in Europe and the second largest in the
world after New York.

JewishGen KehilaLinks (formerly “ShtetLinks”) is a project
facilitating web pages commemorating the places where Jews have lived.

Kehila  [Hebrew] n. (pl. kehilot): is used to refer to a Jewish
community, anywhere in the world.

KehilaLinks are hosted by JewishGen, the world’s largest Jewish
genealogical organisation. It has a user base of over 500,000 registered
users worldwide.

I invite you to send in your stories, memories, photos and family

The link to the site under construction:



Jewish Community of Warsaw



IAJGS Orlando 2017

IAJGS Orlando

Orlando Jewish Info – Your Jewish Guide to Orlando Orlando Jewish Info – Your Jewish Guide to Orlando Orlando Jewish Info Guide Source: Getting there The Swan …


The Partisan Song – Live Online Class

What’s News?

Thursday 8 February

At 9:25 am South African, Ukrainian, Lithuanian and Moldovian  time; and

10:25 Russian time

ORT schools from the Former Soviet Union and Herzlia School Cape Town will take part in an online class to honour Zog Nit Keynmol -The Partisan Song.

To view live or the recording, visit

and look for Steve for the link:
