We Remember – The Holocaust Survivors’ Anthem

In the lead up to the UN Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January 2018 a series of recordings of The Partisan Song, Zog Nit Keynmol, sung and recited by ORT and other schools will be available to educators.

One of the first is a creative and inspiring creative video of students at the ORT Tekhiya School in Moscow reciting the verses in Yiddish, Hebrew, English and Russian:

Read The Full J-Wire article:

Source: www.jwire.com.au/we-remember-the-holocaust-survivors-anthem/

The video:

World ORT

Children at the ORT Tekhiya School in Moscow (Центр Образования 1311 Тхия) recite the words of Zog Nit Keynmol, the famous anthem of the Jewish partisans. As part of World ORT‘s attempts to introduce the song to new generations, students at ORT schools around the world are this year exploring it as poetry. Here, students recite verses in Yiddish, Hebrew, English and Russian. #WeRemember
To learn more about Zog nit Keynmol, visit World ORT’s Music and the Holocaust website (http://holocaustmusic.ort.org/). If you want to know more about the initiative to popularise the Partisan Song, visit Eli Rabinowitz’s blog: http://elirab.me/zog-nit-keynmol/.

Screen Shots

ORT Moscow Technology School Sings

The Holocaust Survivors’ Anthem

In the lead up to the UN Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January, I will be sharing a series of recordings of The Partisan Song, Zog Nit Keynmol, sung by ORT and other schools.

These are students from the ORT Moscow 1540 School

ORT Moscow Technology School, Gymnasium # 1540, Moscow

ORT Moscow Technology School, Gymnasium # 1540, Moscow

Source: prospectus.ort.org/countries/europe-and-former-soviet-union/russia/moscow/ort-moscow-technology-school-gymnasium-1540-moscow/

The Partisan Song in Russian
Не считай, что ты достиг конца пути
Не считай, что ты достиг конца пути,
Если тучами затянута заря,
Долгожданный час не сможет не прийти,
Шаг за шагом мы идем к нему не зря.
Из страны зеленых пальм в страну снегов
Принесли мы нашу боль и нашу скорбь,
Но решимостью и твердостью шагов
Обернулась нами пролитая кровь.
Солнце встанет, смоет светом ночи тьму.
В прах бессильный наших обратит врагов,
Но если встать не будет суждено ему,
Эта песня новых призовет бойцов.
Общей кровью песни писаны слова —
Не беспечной птичьей трелью рождены,
Их слагали мы с оружием в руках
Средь развалин нескончаемой войны.
Так не считай, что ты достиг конца пути,
Если тучами затянута заря,
Долгожданный час не сможет не прийти,
Шаг за шагом мы идем к нему не зря.
ORT compilation Video

ORT Participants in 2017


Arutz Sheva:

‘Holocaust survivor anthem’ to be performed at UN by 3 Israelis

The traditional Holocaust Anthem is the Yiddish song Zog nit kan mol – Never say this is the end, also known as “The Partisan’s Song,,” written in 1943 by Vilna poet Hirsh Glik to a melody composed by the Soviet-Jew Dimitri Pokrass. The song’s powerful lyrics and rhythm raised the morale of fighters against the Nazis. World ORT is aiding in a campaign to introduce it to schoolchildren so that the next generation remembers it as well.

Source: www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/240359

There is only one “Holocaust Survivors’ Anthem”, namely Zog Nit Keynmol, written by Hirsh Glik in the Vilna ghetto in 1943. This has been sung for the past 75 years as the hymn of the partisans, of those incarcerated in the camps and ghettos, and Holocaust survivors since the end of WWII. Read more about it at: http://elirab.me/zog-nit-keynmol/ and watch the inspiring videos of students around the world singing the anthem. Translated into 23 languages. Photo below taken at Yad Vashem’s Partisan’s Memorial

For more information, visit:

Source: elirab.me/zog-nit-keynmol/

Zog Nit Keynmol

Zog Nit Keynmol on Vinyl

In the lead up to the UN Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January, I would like to share several quite different recordings of The Partisan Song, Zog Nit Keynmol.
These also appear on the website: http://elirab.me/zog-nit-keynmol/


Here are the ones in my record (vinyl) collection.They are worth a listening to.
Please email me at eli@elirab.com if you have any others to share.



This LP is from David Solly Sandler’s record collection:


More about David:

More about Zog Nit Keynmol



Saulėtekis School, Vilnius

The Saulėtekis School has presented a number of plays on Litvak culture and the Holocaust. The school has a strong Holocaust education component. In addition, student choirs often perform songs in Yiddish and Hebrew, most recently at the Holocaust commemoration at Ponar at the end of September where they performed the Vilnius ghetto anthem, Zog Nit Keynmol.

This was recorded at the school

Tolerance Education Centre – Vilnius “Saulėtekis” Secondary School

Tolerancijos ugdymo centras – Vilniaus “Saulėtekio” vidurinė mokykla

As the 23rd of September commemorates the victims of the Lithuanian Genocide victims, Lithuanian general education schools, Tolerance training centres and all educational institutions are invited to participate in the “Memory path” civic initiative. The initiative seeks to visit the mass graves of the Jews, walking through the path to which innocent people were driven to death…….

Source: www.sauletekio.lt/ugdymas/tuc/

2017-09-22 “Memory path”


Please encourage your students to recite or sing the Partisan Song on the UN Holocaust Remembrance Day on or around 27 January 2018.

Don’t Give Up Hope

Don’t Give Up Hope

 Activities for your school, choir or community group for Holocaust Memorial Day – 27 January 2018 A short video explaining the project The Power of Words: learn about the meaning, context and sign…

Source: elirab.me/hope/
